Chap. 3

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I ended up not going to the concert. There was a very small chance I would get to talk to Shawn.

He probably wouldn't believe that Ella Kate is his.

While I was thinking about Shawn, I heard that sweet high pitched voice.

"Mommy, Mommy, can we go to the park?" Her big brown eyes stared at me. Sparkling like the stars, just like Shawn's eyes.

"Of course!" I say, this kiss her forehead.

I quickly pick her up, and take her back to her room.

I smiled when I walking into the big pick room with white flowers painted here and there.

"What would you like to wear Princess?" Yes, I have a habit of calling her princess. Don't judge me!

"I don't care, as long as we go to the park!" She said, followed by her adorable giggle.

I put on her blue jean shorts, with a frozen T-Shirt.

"Put on your tennis shoes!" I said as I handed them to her.

She never let me put on her shoes, it was always her. She said it made her feel like a big girl.

"Come and let me put your hair up Ella!" She ran to me and I smiled.

I put her hair up in a pony tail, then put a white bow in her hair to keep the lose hairs out of her face.

"Ready?" I asked her.

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!" She yelled, then ran towards the front door.

I laughed at her cute actions.

I picked her up and opened the front door.

I put her in her car seat, then started to drive to the park.
That was a short chap. Sorry.
Most of these chaps. Are gonna be short btw.
Ok boo bye loves!

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