Chap. 18

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She stomped out and slammed the door, making me jump a little at her actions.

Shawn would never like a girl like her. She is to perky, to much make up. And all she does is bend her body in a weird way so her but and boobs stick out more.

I shouldn't be rude, but I'm being rude.

I was taken out of my thoughts when there was a knock at my door. Well, it's not my door, but you know what I mean.

"Come in!" I said loud enough for them to hear.

The door opened, and I saw Shawn. He had a sweet smile on his face and he was holding flowers in his hand.

Roses 🌹

"Hey Gracie, I bought you some flowers" he said as he handed them to me.

I took them and smiled, "thanks shawn, that's sweet of you." I said.

Shawn's P.O.V.

Gracie if beautiful, and her smile makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. If that makes sense, she just gives me butterflies every time I see her.

She is the definition of perfect.

"We can go see Ella Kate now... She isn't awake but, visiting hours start now." I say braking the silence.

"I thought she was be tested...?" She said confused.

"Her test are done, let me go get you your wheel chair." I said.

"Wheel chair?" She asked and stayed at the same time.

"Look at you legs..." I said sadly. I can't believe she doesn't know about her legs.

Her left on is broken, and her right leg is bruised up and she has stitches on her (right) knee.

She looked down at her legs in shock.

"Oh..." She mumbled. And I could see the tears roll down her cheek.

I don't even know how she crashed, she is a outstanding driver.

"Ok, well I'm gonna get your wheel chair..."

I walked out of the room and down the hall.

"Hey Shawny!" I heard some one yell.

When I turned around, I saw that girl I met earlier. All we did was take a picture.

"Hey?" I said confused, It almost sounded like a question.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she pushed her chest out some more.

Fuck no

"Getting something.." I said,then walked a little faster.

She is weird, she tried to touch my junk during the picture. It was weird, I'm not having sex with her.

She is trying to get in my pants, and she isn't even past the belt.


That was so fucking short, I'm sorry.


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