Chap. 13

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What am I doing?

I can't kiss Shawn!

I have been saying I want to; but I can't.

"Shawn, I can't kiss you.." I mumbled as I pushed him away.

"Why?" He asked annoyed.

"Cause.. I don't know I just can't."

I'm so confused with my self right now.

I looked into his brown eyes; they were disappointed.

And that's when I realised, I do want to kiss him.

More like need to.

I Leaned in really fast and kissed him

Then pulled away.

It was silent.

Pretty awkward.

But I still got to kiss Shawn.

Shawn's lips felt the same.

Not that I thought they would feel different; what ever you know what I mean.

We stared at each other in disbelief.

"You just, kissed me. You said you couldn't; but you did." He said looking down, not making eyes contact.

"I-I know. I j-just changed my-my mind, that's a-all." I said stuttering.

Why the fuck am I stuttering.

You were fine a minute ago Gracie!

What is going on in my head.


I turned around to see Ella Kate.

Her hair was a reck and she looked really tired.

"Yes Princess?"

"You kissed Dad!" She said with a giggle.

My eyes went wide.

A nervous laugh escaped my lips as she stared at me.

"Yep, me and Mom kissed." Shawn said as he put his arm around me.

"Well Shawn, me and Ella should get going. It's late and I bet she is tired." I said fast, but I know he heard me.

Ella Kate ran to Shawn and whispered something in his ear. He just nodded and Ella ran to me.

I was about to open the door, until I felt Shawn's lips on my cheek.

I turned around and there his stood with a smirk on his face.

I could feel my face turning bright red from embarrassment.

"Umm... Well bye Shawn!" I said as I opened the door and ran.

"Ella, did you tell him to do that?" I asked out of breath from running.

She just nodded and giggled.

What am I going to do with her?

•_•Shawn P.O.V.•_•

Gracie is amazing.

The most beautiful, sweet, caring, loving girl I know.

And I would want to have a child with anyone else.

I mean, it's different being a father.

My brain only thinks about the future.

What are the fans gonna think when they find out?

I need to stop thinking and just be happy I got to see Ella and Gracie.

•_•Gracie's P.O.V.•_•

As I tucked Ella in, all I could think about was Shawn.

While I walked to my room,

I thought about Shawn.

As I laid in bed,

All I could think about was Shawn.

How am i gonna get this boy off my mind?

I can't.

Cause I love him


Ok so there's chapter 13!

Ok, enough of my book..

Can you guys check out my friend reilly's book?

It's called last night.

It's her first book and it would be amazing if you guys checked it out.

reilly_note02 <<<<<

Read it!

If her book gets 10 reads or more,i will update.

Boo bye loves!

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