Chap. 30

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This is my last chapter. Thank you guys so much for reading my book. It means so much to me and I don't know how to thank you. I will be writing a sequel, probably soon, I'm not sure. But I love you guys so much! Thank you for everything!
~Emma Jane 💕

I'm on way to see what gender my baby is! These last two months have gone by fast, and I'm so excited.

There is a lot of traffic, so I'm probably going to be late. "Shawn I'm really hungry!" I say. He laughs and says, "you ate like ten minutes ago!" I sigh and don't answer.

"Mommy, what's it like being pregnant?" Ella Kate asks out of no where. "You're two, you don't need to know." I say. She pouts and sticks her tongue out at me.

"I will name this baby shit bag if you stick your tongue out at me!"
"Wow wow wow! Watch your language around Ella! What has gotten into you?" Shawn says.

God why am I like this? Oh Ya I'm pregnant.
I don't answer, again.
"Tell Ella your sorry or I will put you in time out!" Shawn says with a smirk on his face.

Ella stares at me, waiting for me to say sorry. I laugh and say, "I am so sorry princess Ella. I need to watch my language!"
She nods in approval and giggles.
"Shawn, I feel like crap and I need food." I say annoyed.

"Mommy, you can have my Cheerios!" She says as she hands me her bag of Cheerios. "No baby, it's fine. There's a store right up here." I say with a huge smile causing her to laugh.


We walk into the store and I walk over to the pickles. "What is it with you and pickles?" Shawn asks. "The baby likes them!" I say pointing to my stomach. Ella Kate laughs and also points to my stomach.

"Mommy can I get a toy?" She asks pointing to the toy section.
Well, she will need one to keep her distracted at the doctors. "Sure!" I say. She runs over to the toy section, and Shawn runs behind her. I laugh and go pay for the pickles.

I hand the cashier the pickles and she says, "Are you Shawn Mendes' girlfriend?" I nod and she says, " I heard you're pregnant again." I just nod again. I don't feel like talking.

"Whore" she mumbles. Now I'm gonna talk.
"Who are you to call me a whore? I didn't know having children would make me a whore. If having children makes me one, then that's bull shit. Your mom was pregnant with you, congrats, your moms a whore!"

I hand her the money and walk off with my jar of amazing pickles. Shawn pays for Ella's toy at another cash register.

We get in the car and Shawn begins to drive to the doctor.
"I'm so nervous!" I say. "Don't be!" Shawn says as he reaches over and holds my hand.
"I hope it's a boy! But if it's a girl, I will still be happy!" Ella says excitedly. I smile to my self, my family is just beginning.


We walk into the doctors office and Shawn signs me in.
After waiting for about 10 minutes, a lady called my name. She took me took a room and told me the doctor would be in soon.

I sat there nervously. I wander if it's a boy or girl.


"Ok Gracie, after running the test we know what gender your baby is!" I smile at the doctors words and wait for what he will say next.
"But we found something while we were doing the test, we don't know how we didn't see this at your last appointment."
"What is it?" I ask. Is my baby going to die?

"You're having a boy, and a girl." He pauses.

"You're having twins"


Well, my books over. For now! I'm working on the sequel don't worry! And I will tell you guys when it's up. Hope you guys enjoyed my book.
Love Ya!

~Emma Jane 💕

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