Chap. 25

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I miss the beach😭

Why is she not in her bed, she is suppose to be in a coma. Wow, I sound mean.
I don't want her to be in a coma, but you know, what ever. You know what I mean. I felt a hand on my should and I jumped. I turned around to see shawn with a smile on his face. He laughed when he saw my worried one.

I gave him a confused look and he said, "Ella is getting some tests done. Calm down love!" He rubbed my back as I started to calm down. "How do you know?" I asked.
"I have my ways..." I rolled my eyes at his response. He asked asked the lady at the front desk, in not stupid.
"So, does that mean we can't see her?" I asked sadly. His smile turned into a frown and he nodded. I put my head on his chest as I held back tears.

"Shawn?" "Yes"

"What is el-" "why are you crying?" He said cutting me off. He wiped the tears off my face with a concerned look. "Cause I was just thinking, what if she dies. What if-" he kissed my lips before I could finish, goodness, he likes to cut me off.
I have been kissing him for a solid (amazing) 30 seconds when a voice interrupted us, "excuse me, but we don't shoot porn here!" I looked to see the bitch her self, Trish. Gosh, why can't she work at McDonald's? When she realized it was as she began to stare shawn down. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the room. "Wait!" She yelled. But I didn't stop, but shawn stopped me. "Can we walk?" he asked with a smirk on his face. We began to walk, but I wanted to run. I tried to speed up. But shawn picked me up and began to walk. I didn't say any thing, less work for me. I was blinded by a light, and Trish was standing in front of us it was a video, but the light was shining. "Hey shawn and..." She said, acting like she didn't know who I was. "Gracie!" I said with a smile on my face. I don't want people to think I'm a bitch. "Oh, what are you guys doing here?" She questioned. "To see some one!" Shawn said. "My daughter!" I said. The world already knows. So, why does it matter.

"Who is the father?" She asked, trying to sound confused. I mentally face palmed. I point to shawn and start to walk. "So you guys had sex?" She asked, followed by a gasp. Can I tear off her mouth now? "Well, that is how baby's are made! Maybe you should have the talk with your parents!" Shawn said. I laughed And we began to walk away. "Twitter will love this!" She mumbled. I could care less, Twitter will love it.

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