Chap. 10

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"Hi..." I mumbled. He looked into my eyes and bit his lip, not saying a word.

Right now I wanted to smash my lips onto his, and tell him how much I still love him.

I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard Shawn's sweet voice,

"So, how are you?"
"I'm g-great how a-are you?" I replied, I don't know why I was stuttering. I always do that when I'm nervous or scared. Right now, I think I'm both.

"Why are you stuttering Gracie?" He asked concerned. The pit in my stomach made me want to throw up, I looked at Ella who was still starring at Shawn with wide eyes.

"Just a L-little nervous I-I guess..." I said, still stumbling over my words.

"Mama..." Ella said, fuck. I told her to keep quiet!

Luckily Shawn didn't hear her, he just heard a mumble. Me and Shawn both looked in Ella's direction.

"I need to go potty..." she said, a little embarrassed.

I nodded my head and picked her up.
"E-excuse us.." I said to Shawn, then took Ella to the bathroom.

As soon as we got in there, she started talking.

"Was that Daddy? Shawn? Shawn Mendes? Shawn Peter Raul Mendes??"

I smiled and nodded.

After she went to the bathroom, we went back our and sat down.

"Ok, let's talk." He said staring at me.

"O-ok.." I said frightened.

"Ok, I know we got that 'cheating' thing settled already...
Tell me who this little girl is.." He said, and waited for my response.

"Ok. You know how we had s-e-x after that party like 2 years ago?
Well, I got pregnant. And I broke up with you cause you were just starting your career and I didn't want a child to ruin it.
I feel bad about this every day. I cry at least once a day about it..
This little girl you see right here? Look at her for a minute.
Do you see it? It's all right in front of you Shawn!" I felt glad to get that out of me, it needed to be said to him for so long.

His eyes widened and he looked at Ella in disbelief.

I finally broke the silence,

"She's yours"

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