(Chapter 3) This is My Surrender

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~Y/n's POV~

Crossing my arms and keeping my eyes on the slick city pavement, I allowed my feet to autopilot while my mind flurried with frustration. I couldn't help but feel indignation at Gerard's actions, who wouldn't? At that moment getting out of the house was exactly what I needed to calm myself down. Pat on the back past me, good job. 

I ended up walking to the local park Gerard and I went to sometimes. Of course, there was basically nobody there except the morning birds and lingering night's crickets, but I didn't mind one bit. 

I sat on the dew-ridden wood bench, resting my hands on my knees. I zoned out as I thought about the situation at hand, and after about five more minutes, the anger seemed to subside for the time being. I think I figured that I overreacted when I chose to have an outburst, and I was the one being silly about it. I should have just remained calm and talked through the issue like the fucking adult I was rather than act like a teenager, but there was nothing I could do about that then. 

So, I decided that after some more time to truly make sure I was collected, I needed to head back and make things right. Great timing considering the sun had risen to the point that it began to irritate my paled skin. That's what you get when you forget to put on your daylight ring. I crossed my arms as I began to hastily walk back to the house, groaning at the sizzling wrath the sun bestowed upon me that fine morning. 

I arrived back at the house, paying mind to not slam the door on the way in. I wiped my shoes on the door mat, kicking them off as I proceeded into the house to find where Gerard was. The living room was left vacant, I guess he went to get that coffee I made such a fuss over, after all, I thought as I proceeded into the kitchen. My figuring was correct by the fact that the near shame-ridden vamp was leaning against the countertop, staring at the contents of his mug with regret. The floorboard under me squeaked signaling my presence. "Hey, can we ta-" I started in a sheepish tone before I whipped my head around at the sudden outburst of sound from the other room. 

The sturdy front door snapped open, smashing in agony with the drywall. Gerard practically teleported with how fast he was by my side, mouth agape and brows furrowed at the strange commotion. Just as fast as his face appeared bewildered, it morphed into a realization that was still unbeknownst to me. 

On our front stoop, a small troop of gun-wielding soldiers revealed themselves. Before I could even process that, they all split up and approached, pulling the understanding Gerard away from me. My eyes widened and without my permission, I began to scream out in horror and desperation. Foreign padded arms grabbed at my thrashing body, my gaze unmoving from Gerard who was the complete opposite of me. He was hauled from the humble house in surrender, head hung low, not even looking at me. The screams from my mouth ranged anywhere from swears to defeatless cries for the captured criminal that I called my boyfriend. The men were unfazed as they pulled me into an ambulance and Gerard into a respective cop car, throwing him in the back without care. 

The many bright lights and overwhelming noise of beeping machines and people's scrambled talking made my already panicking mind work overtime; Everything just seemed to become a blurred mess around me rather than anything sensical. I must have missed the pain of the needle that sent me to sleep through the chaos because the next thing I knew the corners of my vision darkened and I was out like a light. 


I awoke like the cliche goes, to beaming lights and the annoying persistent beeping of my heart monitor. My stiffened back creaked in objection to the slim pillows they had me propped up in bed with. I could tell I was no longer in the safety of my own clothes but in a meager hospital gown. To my knowledge, I didn't have any wounds on me when I was "rescued", well except for my bite marks from when I was turned. I felt my neck, and low and behold, a bandage was strapped to the already healed area. I rolled my eyes at the absurdity. 

My eyes averted to my bedside where a convenient rolley cart housed both a room temperature water bottle and the TV remote accompanied by the channel list. I flicked on said TV, the little display read, 6:02 PM. I had no other way to tell time, seeing as the thick curtains of my already isolating room were drawn closed, but that checked out. 

I turned it over to the local evening news and after the generic reporter gave the night's weather forecast, she turned it back over for some breaking news. "Just released here, it seems that the month-long manhunt for the suspect involved with the murders at the Hotel Bella Muerte has reached a conclusion. This morning apprehended was Gerard Way as seen in the mugshot photos on screen, at his residence in Belleville. The missing person, Y/n L/n, was also rescued from Way's home, thankfully mostly unharmed. Mr. Way will..." Her voice seemed to drown out as I stared intently at the images on the screen. Gerard looked as if he had given in to his inevitable fate, his expression downcast and dejected.

 The camera then flashed over to an onsite reporter motioning toward Gerard's house that I had just walked to and fro as a free person just a few mere hours prior. The street was crowded with a band of his nosy neighbors along with the slough of flashing blue and red lights anchoring the scene. The reporter gave the opportunity for some of the gathered folk to speak their mind about Gerard's apprehension. Many of them said the same old, "I'm just glad they caught him, another bad guy off the streets." Or something to that extent.

 I just changed the channel with a huff, not paying attention to whatever show I changed it over to. Before I really sat and mulled it over, the whole situation really did seem idiotic to me. Why did I have to go through the whole rigmarole of being admitted to a hospital if I was already dead any damn way? What are they even gonna do with Gerard in prison? Is he just gonna sit there until the world turns into a post-apocalyptic shithole? He isn't just gonna die because he's already dead. Then it struck me, that they don't know the whole story. They just think it's easy peasy pumpkin peasy, yet no, not in the slightest. 

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