(Chapter 5) Heaven Help Us

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~Gerard's POV~

A metallic ching-chang noise welcomed me back into consciousness. My eyes flew open at the instantaneous feeling of danger nearby, then searched the room I was in alertly. It was either the almost cutting restraints on all of my limbs or the stern footfall coming toward me with an importance that tipped off my instinct, but I was the furthest from safe as I'd probably ever been. 

The aforementioned footsteps belonged to a man clad in some sort of militant uniform, thoroughly equipped with seemingly various instruments for my own torture in his tool belt. With those brief few minutes of being conscious, I knew full well that I wasn't in jail. Even when you're convicted of murder, harm to the accused is still illegal. The very room I was in didn't ring familiar as a jailhouse. The walls were a uniform of steel without the interruption of a window, the floor was jagged cement,  and the door was like that of a bank vaults. Escape, even as a vampire, seemed impossible. In fact, it was like it was designed for a vampire.

"Thought we would be stupid enough to not figure out you're a bloodsucker, eh?" He smirked sadistically. I was unable to reply to the unwelcoming man since there was a gag in my mouth. I simply shot him a scowl and let him go on. "Just allow you to run rampant in a jail full of normal convicts? I would think not, even they deserve more remorse than some monster like you." He began to pace back and forth, his boots stomping provokingly with every step on the concrete. The room understandably had a massive echo, and vicious stomping wouldn't be the worst thing bouncing off those walls. 

I told myself to remain calm and show no sign of fear. This guy, and whoever else I may be subjected to during my time of imprisonment, obviously got off on fear and signs of pain. Composure would be the best viable option for longevity. The end game would definitely be my death, so if I could do anything to possibly postpone that, I would say I'd properly fought my corner and could die peacefully. Well, as peacefully as I could be. 

"Now you and your kind are even viler, you've been killing for probably hundreds of years by now. You are nothing more than a leech. We really did think we picked all of you off by now, but I suppose you threw a monkey wrench in that little assumption." His choice of words really did piss me off the most. Now it's one thing to hate on my whole species, but to be condescending about it? That was so uncalled for. 

"Yeah, when we finally found proof of your existence, we just started absolutely decimating vampire populations. It was one of the best choices to make, seeing as your kind does nothing to contribute to society. You just take, so what better thing to do than weed you out? I will hand it to you, that was often better said than done. Best not to mention the... uh human casualties we may or may not have had on accident... but that's beside the point," He rambled with a cough. Hypocrite, I rolled my eyes. 

"Oh don't get an attitude with me, Bucko," He snapped, almost by instinct moving his hand to his belt, the other pointing an old boney finger at me. This guy looks like he's been around since the vampire crusades himself, holy fuck. "Just remember who's bolted to a chair and who has lethal weapons on them in this situation, got it?" His teeth gritted slightly at my lack of response. "Oh I see, you're playing all tough shit with me, aren't you? Well, we'll see who's tough in a second." It was almost comical how much enjoyment he was getting out of having his villainous moment. 

His gloved hand slipped down to retrieve an item from his belt, fumbling for a second which I thought was funny, before pulling it free. He held the silver object in one hand, semi-blocking the emitting beam of light from the fluorescent fixture just behind him. The little holy cross seemed much more anticlimactic than he thought, but I couldn't say anything. 

A wicked smile cracked upon his lips as he slowly but surely brought the cross to my left cheek. A depraved laugh cackled from him as the cross singed my skin. It sizzled as he pressed it harder, causing me to clamp my eyes shut. 

Whoever gave him that job, because it was apparent this was his career, really got the right man for it. He had probably done that very thing to an uncountable amount of vampires, and it seemed to be his life's passion. Through the pain, I was able to laugh internally at the thought of him at a family or high school reunion explaining his career path. 

"Hmph, you really are a difficult one, aren't you?" He released the pressure on my cheek, eventually putting the cross back in his belt loop. "Now I would usually save this part for later, but since you're not being very cooperative, I have no other choice. You did this to yourself, Parasite." 

With that, he brought out another cross-shaped item. This time, at the end of the cross, it came to a point, and instead of it being made of silver, it was made of jagged wood. This got my eyes wide instantly. I thought he would at least wait a while to kill me, but this quick? 

The fear my widened eyes conveyed seemed to do something for him, that dissatisfied look beforehand did a one-eighty just as quick as terror struck me. His right arm raised up high in preparation to stab down. I closed my eyes in anticipation to die, but the pain of my demise never came. I opened my eyes back up to see what was taking so long, but right as I did, he swiftly brought it down onto my upper arm. He then made similar punctures down the arm until he reached the restraint holding the writhing limb in place. "Much better," He grinned darkly as I began to scream through the gag. 

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