(Chapter 11) At Last

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After hours of trudging through dense forest terrain, we decided we could take a breather since we successfully fled at least a few states away. To be honest, we had no idea where the fuck we were, but we all knew that the dinky desolate motel we stumbled upon would suffice until we found something more permanent to reside. 

There was no way we could return to Gerard or Frank's houses, let alone New Jersey as a whole. It was too risky, even the states surrounding it would be pushing it. I knew though that neither Gerard nor I could go much longer without some blood sustenance. Frank and I both deemed that we were far enough away and in an unsuspecting area, so we entered the motel lobby. The man at the counter grumbled as he ran his eyes over us, checking us in without questioning. It was surprising since we looked like we had just walked in from battling the zombie apocalypse. I suppose that motel front desk clerks see their fair share of wacky shit, so maybe it makes more sense than one would think. 

Luggageless, we sluggishly dragged our feet down the hall and to our room, I could go the rest of my life never seeing a hotel room again and I'd be perfectly content. The uninviting creaky door inched open revealing familiar stained carpet and outdated wallpaper; wafts of decades of amassed must smell welcoming our trio into the two-bed one-bath room. "Dibs on the shower!" Frank exclaimed before mad-dashing toward the bathroom door, missing it and running into the door frame. "Ouch, my nose," He exclaimed as he crawled the rest of the way in the bathroom and slammed the door.

A relieved sigh escaped my lips as something regular such as Frank's shenanigans finally could pull us out of the thrill of the day. Something as stupid as that seemed to relax me and bring me to the realization that we could take off our coats and stay a little while. After all, we had successfully traveled states away from our crimes and made it to the 'on the lamb' stage.  

I took the bat-ified Gerard out of his hiding spot inside my jacket and rested him on the floral bedspread that had undoubtedly been defiled by an uncountable number of travelers over the years. In the blink of an eye, the man of the hour laid out perfectly in front of me. His hair was in a tangle and his clothes looked as though they were mauled by a wild animal. The same harrowing expression was present on his abnormally glossed eyes. 

I stepped closer, caressing his pale cheek with the back of my hand. "You're safe now," I smiled, saying the simple phase more to myself than to him. 

"I know, thanks to you," He coughed. "I was sure I was gonna die for the second time, and to be honest I was ready for it. But seeing you here after saving my ass has snapped me out of it. I want ot live forever with you, Y/n." His anguished voice tiredly explained. 

"Well, I would have hoped you wanted to live longer after what we just went through to save you," I chuckled, thinking back. 

"I love you," he said solely. At that moment, it was all I needed to hear though. The three modest words seemed so distant to me, seeing as I hadn't heard them in quite a long time. The phrase was sealed with one of the most electrifying kisses I'd ever experienced. 

"Ahem," Frank piped as he sashayed out of the bathroom, snapping the two of us out of our reuniting moment. 

"How rude of you to interrupt," Gerard rolled his eyes. 

"Well, I see even though you're so low on blood to heal your wounds, you two can still stick your tongues down each other's throats," Frank retorted with his arms crossed playfully. 

"Reminds me, I ought to go hunting. The problem is, how in the world are you gonna feed?" I cocked an eyebrow as I looked at the obviously battered Gerard. 

"Look, just use me. You're gonna have to turn me anyway at some point. This whole situation just complicates itself every moment I'm still human, just saying..." Frank suggested with a shrug, sitting down at the opposing bed. 

My eyes widened, "Are you sure about that?" Gerard questioned, narrowing his gaze. 

"Yeah, seriously Frank, it's an irreversible decision. You're correct, but in the end, it's what you want," I tried to explain. Even though having him become a vampire would be more convenient, I didn't want him to feel pressured into the choice. 

"I have thought it over, and it's what I want. I was going to ask you to turn me before the rescue mission, but there just wasn't enough time," He said with a convincing expression. I could tell he genuinely wanted it, so I motioned him over to the bedside. 

Once he was in Gerard's reach, Frank tilted his neck to the side so Gerard could gain better access. "Hold still," Gerard warned, positioning his fangs over Frank's lively flesh. 

"It can't be that ba-" He started before his words were abruptly cut off by a yelp. Though his cries were soon silenced as he drifted off into the sleep that would bring about immortality. Gerard sucked out just enough blood for himself, then injected Frank's veins with venom.

The turning really isn't as ritualistic as it's commonly portrayed, so it was done and over in a flash. Before I knew it, Gerard was up and headed toward the bathroom just as Frank did prior. It was almost like the two swapped because Frank then lay incapacitated on his bed, out like a light. 

Seeing as the two seemed to be getting on fine, it was time to go and take care of my own needs finally. I let Gerard know I was headed out to hunt and strolled out of the motel. I hummed a tune as I practically bounced down the road with the excitement of a successful mission. In the back of my mind, I had accepted the idea that I might die for real on the mission, but no. There I was being able to gape at the beauty of another ink black night with the ability to go back to loving arms, at last. 

A/N: Woahhhhhhh... I'm sorry for leaving y'all hanging for nearly two fucking weeks?! I was sick for literally a whole week, so blame the horrible cold I had ig. Have a lovely day rats - Sav

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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