(Chapter 7) Get up, and go!

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After some rigorous preparation in the remaining time Frank visited, he was escorted out with a knowing smirk, shooting me a wink. I returned the wink, lying back uncomfortably in the bed. "What are you so happy about, L/n?" The nurse bringing in the trayed dinner said mockingly. 

"Oh nothing, just," I quickly spotted the oddly liquidy mashed potatoes on the plate, "Scrumptious mashed potatoes." 

"Mashed potatoes, eh?" He shook his head unbelievingly. "You really are whacked-out then..." He muttered to himself with an amused chuckle as he exited the room. 

Disregarding the snobbish comment, I indulged in some terrible TV, my elated mind turning over the impending plan again to make sure it was as solid as it could be. Even if there was some risk involved, there was no other solution than to escape from the hospital's captivity in order to rescue Gerard. The people detaining him definitely were aware he was abnormal to any other Joe Schmoe killer that came along the pike. Frank and  I both deduced that, with all things considered, they most likely knew how to injure or kill him for real; Meaning time was of the essence. 

We ruminated on a few ideas of modes of escape while Frank visited, some sillier than others, some not. Frank's initial idea was for him the following day to bring in two doctor's uniforms that at some point had been used for a Halloween costume, but in this scenario would grant us the ability to slip out unnoticed since we looked like we worked there. Now, if you have more than half of a brain cell (which would at times appear untrue for Frank), you would obviously realize the ridiculousness of two already well know people by hospital staff in Party City doctor's costumes fleeing gung-ho on one of the most high-traffic wards in the hospital mid-day would be. But it was an idea so we humored it for fun for a few minutes. 

The next few ideas were rather inconsequential, not making it past the initial thought. But after about an hour we got one that we believed would work, and it didn't have to involve waiting until the next day or exercising our subpar acting skills.

~A few hours later~

The protection of night overtook the visibility of day; A common shield for any iniquitous acts to transpire without the ghastly interference of the public, or better yet-- law enforcement. Nights in the hospital were usually direly quiet besides the distant scuffling of the night-shift nurse every once in a while. My ward was far from where any bustle really was, in fact, I found out I wasn't at the main hospital which was probably a ploy to keep the reporters away or something. 

The hospital definitely showed its age, being outdated in every way besides the staff and medical equipment which was required to be. They probably should have paid more attention to keeping the building itself up to date, seeing how their favorite patient was about to slip out as if I'd never been there in the first place. 

I stood up, grabbing my shoes from the plastic bag of my other clothes under the nightstand. I didn't particularly have time to change fully, so I made my way toward the window. 

It would have been badass to bust the window open and jump helter-skelter out without looking where I was descending like I was in some action movie, but that wouldn't blow over too well with that nurse just down the hall. 

But with those windows being so old, they had the capability on the bottom pane to open up just enough to let a nice breeze in, or better yet, an escapee to slither right out. 

I lifted the window to its most open position, then morphed into bat mode. I sat on the windowsill for a minute, it had been a while since I tried to fly. It had been even longer than just since I was 'rescued', because Gerard and I barely had to fly anywhere anyway. Preparing myself so I didn't just start to take off and then plummet to the lower roof below, I gave them a vigorous flap before lifting into the air. 

I figure-eighted in the air, swarming the roof of the building I just escaped from, jubilant from finally being free. Once I had my fun, I double-backed to the window, using all the bat strength I could muster to slam the window closed again. When you're in bat form, you don't have all the capabilities of when you're in vampire form, it's a trade-off. In fact, in bat form, you're basically minced meat. Yes, you still can't die, but you can be injured to the point you wish you were dead. 

I glided effortlessly down and across the street to a parking lot that held Frank's van, sitting inconspicuously for my arrival. I stuck the landing on the asphalt by the passenger door, knocking on the window as agreed so he would unlock it. 

Sliding into the passenger seat, the almost foreign occurrence of seeing Frank outside of the confines of a hospital room, and soft rock music stapling the scene, all sealed the deal that I was away and safe for the time being. A massive grin broke out on my face as I hugged my best friend over the console separating the seats. "You did it!" He exclaimed happily. 

"Yeah, now fuckin' drive," I hollered smugly, looking back at the atypical concrete prison as we swung out of the parking lot and onto the roadway. 

"Someone's excited to get outta there," he laughed, turning up the radio. 

"No shit, Fronk," I sighed, leaning back into the seat. If I spent any more time there, I would have really started to feel the effects of lack of blood intake. In the car then, I realized that was probably the last day I would have been able to escape without the debilitating pain preventing me. I sighed again in relief. It sure would be awkward going hunting while staying with Frank, but I would get over it. The important part was I escaped in one piece, without being caught. 

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