(Chapter 8) Phase One

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I sucked the last few drops of blood from my unsuspecting victim, tossing their body in a nearby dumpster for lack of a better option. I relished the renewed ability to lift heavy things, as my powers started to return from finally getting my hands on some blood. The person's strong-built body flumped against the bottom as I made my way out of the alleyway and toward Frank's van parked just up the sidewalk. 

I hopped back into the car, it turned out I just couldn't wait for the whole trip home without blood, so I made poor Frankie stop. I looked over at him nonchalantly, expecting him to have some urgency to him and to start driving, yet he didn't. Instead, the little dweeb laughed and cracked a dark smile. "You uh got a 'lil something there," He gestured to his chin and pierced lower lip area.

I pulled down the visor mirror, having a laugh myself at the amount of blood smeared on my chin. "I was hungry, damn," I rolled my eyes, accepting the fast food restaurant napkin he offered. 

"I can tell," he shifted gears and we were off again. We weren't too far from his house, it was maybe another thirty minutes, which we used to catch up a bit since it had been a while. 

~Back at Frank's house~

Equipped with two steaming cups of coffee, Frank entered his office space that I was already settled into. There was no time to waste settling into being out of the hospital; We had to start immediately researching and planning a rescue mission if we wanted to save Gerard alive. We could have been too late, but it was necessary to cast that nagging thought aside and think on the bright side. 

I swiveled around in the chair I sat stationary in, accepting the mug and setting it out of the way on the desk. "Okay, let's get started here," I powered on his computer and began to gather as much information about possible locations for where Gerard was being held. The simplest place to start was with public access news articles. Information was bound to be plentiful with the lack of any major happenings locally, so the case was most likely to be covered more often. "Essex County police department apprehended the alleged suspect in the Belle Muerte murder case on January 14th... This is important," I pointed out as I scrolled down to show Gerard's mugshot. 

"So, that means he was fingerprinted and put into the system at Essex's county jail. Meaning all his information is there?" He thought aloud. 

"Exactly. Probably even his transfer information is there, so possibly we could go look through their files, and boom! Find the location Gerard is being held," I crossed my arms smugly. 

"Genius," he high-fived me triumphantly, "How do we gain access to their computer system though?" He sipped his coffee. 

I smirked, ruffling his hair slightly before saying, "You'll see." 


I tucked my ponytailed hair underneath the black knit beanie Frank supplied me, making sure that aspect of my recognizable appearance was hidden sufficiently. I then fiddled with the zipper of my jacket, "Well in the end you got to live out your disguise dreams after all," I smiled playfully as I looked over to observe Frank. Since he had a few press appearances as well, we thought to stay on the safe side and disguise him too. 

The nerdier-looking Frank itched at the turtle neck covering his scorpion tattoo, "Oh yeah! I still don't exactly understand the plan, we're just right out here in the open, in the regular parking lot," He remarked, bewildered. 

"Patience is a virtue, in due time you'll see. Just keep watch and keep that damn mouth shut, follow my lead for the most part," I instructed, checking over everything one last time, before reaching for the door handle and exiting the car. Phase 1 of the plan was about to initiate. 

"Fine, fine. But if this fails, I'm totally blaming you," He rolled his eyes, falling into step next to me as I approached the front entrance of the station. 

We made our way through the doorway and toward the front desk of the station, both of us taking into account the surroundings and whoever may also be in the room. Since it was so late, there was only one lady posted at her computer, and a few muttering officers coming and going. After the number of people dwindled, Frank and I both approached the desk, him lingering in my shadow and letting me take the lead. The lady that was glued to her monitor craned her neck over to gaze at the two of us. "Ahem visiting hours are closed, if that's your business here," She answered with an attitude. 

"No ma'am, We're here to inquire about our friend who was brought here after his arrest about a week and a half ago." I opened unassumingly. 

"Well, only direct relativ-" Before she could finish her sentence, I tried one of the only powers I'd never touched before. I twisted her final thought into submissiveness, causing her to instead say, "Of course, who was the individual you needed to know about?" I was almost more surprised than Frank that my first go at telepathy was effective. 

"Yeah right," I leaned closer, "Gerard Way," I hushed my tone, trying not to look over my shoulder because for any lurking guards around, that would seem rather suspicious. 

"Way was transferred out of here and to the high-value detainee interrogation group in the FBI headquarters in Washington.  He was moved from here on the evening of the 15th," She spoke robotically. As she finished, hefty footsteps began to thump behind me. 

"Uh, N/n," Frank poked my arm. Turning around, an officer resting his hand over the taser on his belt stood sternly blocking my view of the door. 

"Nobody is supposed to know information on tha-" He was about to start a shpiel, but I cut him off abruptly by swiftly kicking him in the ankle with full strength, possibly breaking it. I jerked Frank by the arm, pulling him along like he was nothing more than a rag doll being dragged behind me. Before the priorly tranced woman could call for backup, we were already out the door and en route to his car. 

We both hopped in, the car skirting out of the parking lot with a plume of smoke billowing out of the tail pipe. Frank cut diligently through many back alleys and side streets to ditch any people trying to tail us. "How the fuck did you do that back there?" He asked as we were able to catch our breaths since we were settled into cruising on a back road toward his house. "I swear you fucking pulled a whole 'these aren't the droids you're looking for' on 'em," We both laughed at his shameless Star Wars reference. 

"Your disguise fits your references," I chuckled, "It's called telepathy babe. Gerard used it to manipulate my thoughts into thinking I saw Billie Joe that morning in the hotel. I used it to manipulate her thoughts into thinking she could tell us the information," I stated simply, brushing it off as if it was something regular. 

"Well that and that exit were badass, and I thought I was the cool one," He pouted. 

"Aw Fwankie you and your Star War references are so cool and badass," I teased, pinching his cheek. "You'll get your chance to look actually like James Bond when we bust Gerard out of Vampire Jail. And before you ask, yes you can wear a disguise..." 

"Fuck yeah, up top!" We high-fived, both in great spirits. This is going smoother than I thought...

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