(Chapter 4) You Must Think I'm Crazy

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I could hear the door knob click open followed by light footsteps. I internally groaned at the third day in a row of the same routine, it was almost like Groundhog Day. The curtains screeched on the rickety rod, opening to reveal the beautiful view of the sun ricocheting off the mechanical ducting on the floor's roof just underneath my windowsill. I was already wide awake because it was nonessential and the sleep would have been shit anyway, but the nurse didn't need to know that. "Morning Miss Y/n. How are we feeling today?" She asked in that sickly 'you poor thing' voice she seemed to have mastered. 

My face was stonecold as I replied, "Just fine," I crossed my arms as she set the breakfast tray on my lap. The tray consisted of a bland bowl of cornflakes, an apple that looked like it had been in the cupboard since Gerard was first turned, and an oddly plastic packaged bagel. Scrumptious, just delectable. 

"Thanks," I mumbled as I swirled the spoon around the bowl, lifting it up and letting the contents spill back down. 

"Eat up, you need your energy," She commented as she fiddled with a few things around the room before leaving without another word said. I was given barely any information about what was going on throughout the whole time I was in this hospital's care. Even when I would ask, everything was close-lipped and hush-hush. My theory was that their reasoning was because I was a victim of a crime rather than someone that had some accident. But still, not telling me when I would be discharged or even when my friend could visit me? That seemed unjust. 

After a hearty chunk of time picking at my food while watching TV, the door flew open. A distressed Frank dashed over to the beside. "Y/n!" He exclaimed, squeezing me tightly, knocking over some of the cornflakes but I didn't care. I squeaked in surprise, quickly returning it though. "I've been so worried about you, so worried," he said almost mindlessly as he ended the hug. 

"I've missed you, Frankie," I said through a smile at our little reunion. 

"Me too, god it's been a fight just to see you now. This damn hospital kept telling me I couldn't see ya since I wasn't a direct relative, but finally, I got here, thankfully," He was also grinning to ear-to-ear. 

"Yeah, I don't know what the fuck is up with this hospital. The news is more helpful about what's going on than they are," I rolled my eyes as he moved the tray over to the side table. 

After a chuckle, his jovial demeanor seemed to die down and overturn with seriousness.  "Are you alright?" He asked timidly.

"I'm fine, to be honest with you, I'm ready to blow this popsicle stand, but obviously I can't," I shrugged. By reading his thoughts, I knew he was shocked at how fast I answered his question. I supposed he was guessing it was going to be such a difficult conversation, seeing as he only knew what the police did. "I know that's not what you were expecting me to say, but really it's the truth," I replied to his thought of 'that isn't really the truth is it?'

"Damn it Y/n, you were just kidnapped and held for over a month against your will, and that's how you feel? You must have some iron will or something, I could never be that brave..." He trailed off. "Well, I know you probably don't want to explain everything that happened while you were in captivity, but did he hurt you or anything? I haven't gotten anything either from the news or the FBI besides that you were rescued." It was so odd to hear the usually jokey, boisterous partner in crime that was Frank be so delicate and cautious with his words.

Looking at the calm and attentive man wondering what I should say, I finally settled on the most true-to-character option. "Frank make sure that door is closed and locked will you?" I whispered, pointing toward the door leading to the hallway. 

Bemused, he did as told, sauntering back when he was sure it was closed sufficiently. "I'm gonna tell you stuff the police doesn't even know, you just need to listen for a minute," I started with a straight face. He sat still, giving me his undivided attention. "Now I wasn't kidnapped, Frank. I left with him freely, it just seemed like I didn't, you get me?" He shook his head. "This story is really complicated, especially to explain the circumstances for why I had to go with him in the first place, and also why I couldn't contact you while I was gone. I just want you to know that Gerard did nothing to hurt me while I was with him," I began to explain slowly, letting the information I was telling him to have time to make sense in his mind. I didn't want to just drop 'Both Gerard and I are vampires!' on him right away. 

"Actually it was the direct opposite, as you know we kinda had rendezvous while at the hotel. He treated me well then and even when I was 'captive' at his house. I would be lying if I said I didn't... love him," I spoke before I could think. Well, it had been said, and there was no taking it back. "Oh god! it sounds like I have Stockholm syndrome or some shit. Frank, please believe me," I pleaded, already having read his thought. 

His appearance rang indecisively and his mind read conflicted. He had to let my words sit on him for a good few minutes before returning with, "I swear if you aren't the craziest bitch I know, but yeah I'll believe you if you're sure. This sure is gonna be a funny one to tell the future grandkids," He laughed, the Frank I knew and loved taking over from the previous serious one. 

"What a great story that'll be," I played along, neglecting to mention the whole vampire thing for the time being and the fact vampires can't have children. 

We laughed and cracked some more jokes before a seemingly exasperated nurse banged on the door, "Mr. Iero visiting hours are up!" She hollered from the other side of the door. 

"Fuck," He exclaimed, kicking the leg of the bed, then realizing that was a bad way to articulate his anger because he was soon on his ass clutching his shin in pain. 


"I'm coming, geez..." He stood up and hugged me goodbye. "I'll come to visit as soon as I can, bye hun," he smiled as he unlocked the door and departed. 

"Bye, you idiot!" I called as he shot me some finger guns. 

As the rather annoyed nurse delivered my lunch tray, I couldn't help but fixate on anything other than the fact that I admitted, not only to Frank but to myself that I loved Gerard. 

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