(Chapter 10) I Hope You're Ready For a Firefight

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The depraved man boomed a chilling cackle, lowering his weapon from striking position. "'S about time, L/n..." He shook his balding head, the corners of his mouth unwavering from their crooked upturned smile. 

He tugged on his gloves and straightened his tie, spiffing himself up. God knows what vile things those black leather gloved have seen, how much blood has sullied them. "I would have figured you would have shown your face here a lot quicker or were you just too dull to piece it together sooner?" He mused. The tone of his scratchy voice made you want to walk over and slap some sense into his condescending ass, but the weapons adorning his belt glued your feet in place; Exactly what he wanted. 

"Well, regardless of how late you are, I still think it's adorable that you would practically walk into a suicide mission to save your little boyfriend here," He stroked the barely conscious Gerard's porcelain cheek, delivering a gut-wrenching slap in addition to the patronizing fake-affection. "I'm not complaining, the whole killing off of Gerard here to slip the case under the rug and then taking you out on your own would have been so much more boring than what we have here. I tried to tell the rest of the agency that you would escape, but they insisted that the fake hospital setup would trick you long enough to set up Way's death and to end you as well. I don't know about you, but I would be listening to the guy that's been dealing with bloodsuckers for forty years," He boasted, proud of his achievement of killing off my kind for that long. 

"I applaud the fake beeping heart monitor, it added a nice touch," I mocked, venom lacing every word uttered. 

"I'm flattered, Y/n. But flattery isn't going to save anyone," He said devilishly, whipping around and striking the stake into Gerard's chest.

 I gasped, he was right; We were too late and we always were going to be. No matter what we did, whatever plan we came up with, it would always be all for not. It was stupid to think we had even half a chance against a fucking government agency anyway. I should have just waited in the hospital like a sitting duck for my inevitable demise subsequently after Gerard just as planned. But no, I just had to play the hero in my tragic tale. Even worse, I would have my best friend's blood on my hands from dragging him into my mess. 

Before I could bolt over to avenge my lover, the rhythmic stomping of guards approached, encircling Frank and me. Hands forced into silver cuffs, they started to pull us away down the hall away from the vault. I looked over to see Frank's head hung in defeat, it shaking in disbelief as he observed the concrete flooring. 

As if the murder of Gerard didn't nudge me close enough, seeing my partner in crime as woeful as he was, was finally my tipping point. As we rounded the fourth or fifth corner, seemingly every bottled-up emotion inside of me ripped threw my body and emerged in fiery enraged strength. The two guards pushing me down the hall collapsed off me, the silver cuffs splintering into two and joining the unconscious men. 

By the time I had retrieved the keys to uncuff Frank from one of their belts, a warning message aired over the intercom about us roaming freely in the building. "We better get the fuck out of here," Frank said, obviously freaking out. 

"I have to go back for him, I have a feeling," I replied, eyes practically pleading. 

"Y/n he's dead we have to go! You saw the man kill him with your own two eyes," He convinced, but to no avail. I had already made up my mind. I was going back for him, even if it was just for his body. 

"Okay fine, meet me back outside, I'll get us outta here then," He gave in finally. He drew his gun quickly from his pocket, landing a bullet straight into the forehead of the guard running up behind me that I'd yet to notice. His blood painted the crisp white walls, body flumping as Frank blew the emitting smoke off of the barrel of his gun. "Be safe," He smiled as he sped off down the hall, in search of an exit. 

A similar smile broke out on my lips, my mind refilled with determination as I barreled down the twisting hallways back to the room. Guard's bodies began to litter the corridors as I delivered bullets to every adversary that crossed my path. Nothing was going to stop me after all the shit we went through, I was going to bring home his body dead or alive. 

I arrived back at the room only for the same foul rotting corpse of a man to be accompanying the still strapped-down Gerard. "Back so soo-" Cutting his second evil villain speech off, I rained an army of bullets into his skull. With a cough ridden with blood, the floor banged with his collapsed body. Still dissatisfied I spat on him and kicked him across the room far away from the metal chair I was facing. 

Looking down on the pitiful boy in from of me, I removed his restraints, being extra careful not to accidentally bump into the stake still sticking into him like he was a pin-cushion. After removing the last cuff on his foot, I returned my attention to the aforementioned stake, surveying how deep it was implanted. Upon further inspection, surprisingly it wasn't that deep. Meaning, that it wouldn't be fatal, and when removing it, eventually, the wound would heal on its own. I smiled giddily to myself, I guess my intuition was right. 

"This is going to hurt a bit," I said, not intending him to respond seeing his eyes were still closed. 

When I uttered those few words, his eyes creaked open slightly. He didn't say anything, but I think he wanted me to know that he heard me still. Gritting my teeth, I pulled out the stake like ripping off a bandaid. He seemed to take it well, not showing any signs of being in any more pain than before. 

As if he read my mind like in the good-ole-days, he tackled my next concern which was transporting us both home. He turned into bat form so that I could just scoop him up and carry him out of the sodom he was confined to and into the light of the bland hall. 

Time seemed to fly by and before I knew it, I was speeding out one of the side exits, dodging bullets as I zig-zagged behind Frank leading the way toward one of the watch towers. Even though I said before that an action movie-esque breakout wasn't feasible, the two of us had our little moment as we jumped from the watch tower and plummeted into the waterway that the pipe that we entered through drained into. 

By the time a troop of the surviving guards got to the top of the tower, we were already out of sight, floating blissfully down the rapid stream under the shelter of the dense trees and foliage. Yes, we were all soaked, but that was a loss the three of us accepted. After riding the natural waterslide a considerable ways away, we pulled ourselves onto the pebbly bank and began the hike back to some civilization. 

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