(Chapter 9) I Don't Believe in God, You Don't Believe in Luck

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"Aha!" Frank exclaimed as he rummaged through the dresser drawer, seemingly finding what he intended. He tossed the metal object onto the bed in front of where I was standing, followed by a box of bullets. "Just in case you get in a sticky situation," He said loading a gun of his own before slipping it into one of his hidden interior jacket pockets. I nodded in appreciation, doing the same. 

"I didn't think you were the type to keep 'em in your house, I thought you just left yours at work," I commented as Frank usually liked to refrain from firearms except when on the clock. 

"Well, when your best friend gets kidnapped by a serial killer then you can kinda start to get paranoid." Fair point, I thought as we both filed out of his bedroom into the living room. 

"We ought to get this show on the road then, can't stall anymore." I looked at the floor adjusting the sleeve of my coat awkwardly. 

He sharply inhaled, "Ayuh, I think your right. We got everything we need, and you know where we're goin' right?" He confirmed as we began to shuffle towards the door. 

The light purple dusk had just begun to fall into night again as we passed through the entryway of his house. Our plan was to arrive near 11 PM, which seemed pretty achievable. We had to allow for the proceeding hours after our first phase to rest up because we were especially going to need the energy for the main act. 

I hadn't told Frank, but we obviously couldn't use his same car to drive to D.C. So, I had to come up with a more, unfortunately demeaning, yet more effective form of transportation to get us there swiftly. I hunched over and patted my back, "Hop on, we gotta get going." 

"Y/n do I have to?" He whined, kicking the grass under his feet. 

"Oh, boo-hoo. Stop being a bitch and get on, Bella," I chuckled.

"Fine, if you say so, Edward." 

Frank finally complied with the vampire-piggyback situation and hugged onto my torso, bracing himself for when I took off. 

Catching him off guard anyway, after a few moments I sprinted off down the road. I zipped down the road fast as lightning, dodging trees and stumps as agile as a racehorse. The wind whipped through our hair at such intensity that you would have thought you'd be bald by the time you got to where you were going. In those first couple seconds following my initial bolt off, I could feel Frank's clutch go limp and I had to hold his unconscious self up until he came back to his senses. All to say, the journey there was thrilling but had its bumps in the road. 

Eventually, the thick woodlands began to thin and the glow of the moon illuminated the way into the yard of the concealed concrete compound that the two of us knew as the H.I.G headquarters. Even if you got the opportunity to lay eyes on the building (mind you it was so out of the way); There was no signage noting what you were looking at anyway. "We're here," I said letting him down from the piggyback. 

"Uh finally, that was horrible," He shook his head. 

"You better get used to it mortal because you're gonna have to do it again on the way home."

"Patronizing my mortality? How rude of you..." He rolled his eyes, leaning against a tree as I was. 

From where we were standing at the edge of the timberline, the building itself was towards the upper left of the plot of land cleared, a driveway tumbling down from it and leading through the monstrous fencing surrounding the compound. Lights flooded the area, deterring all shadows and what could hide in them. 

Even though you may think this seemingly impenetrable fortress could keep out anything, every system has at least a few cracks. This one was the water runoff pipe that would lead from the outside of the fence, straight behind the building. Yes, it would be a dingy, claustrophobic crawl, but it was better than risking getting shot out of the sky in bat form trying to find a way to get Frank through. "Now you definitely need to knock off your bitching because this tunnel has a massive echo, and I'm sure you don't want a bullet through your head from complaining," I whispered, making sure he got it. 

"I sure hope when we rescue this guy he can shut up your bossiness. I think it's about time you get laid or something," He crossed his arms, looking at the entrance to the pipe. 

"Well, I'm not gonna get laid if he's dead, move it," I retorted, causing him to climb into the pipe. 

The crawl through was about a quarter of a mile in total. A quarter of a mile of crawling slicked with mud and the occasional rock that might snag your fingernail or cut your hand. On the other side, before climbing up one of the grates, we listened for a good few minutes to make sure no guards were too close. After the coast was clear, I lifted the grate off and we hoisted our mud-encrusted selves up. 

As soon as we were onto the ground and straightened out, we both stared wide-eyed at each other at the approaching hum of casual guard conversation. "-I know he's like evil and all, but you gotta admit man, the vampire is hot as fuck. I mean, I would have trouble hurting him because he's so goddamn gorgeous," One said to the other, talking with his hands. 

"Good thing they got the world's crustiest man to deal with him then.  I think we all can start to wonder if that guy is immortal himself because he looks like he just crawled out of a grave," Guard #2 began to laugh, the first one joining in as well. Their posture faltered from stern to joking school boys. 

Frank and I pounced on the opportunity, us retrieving our guns from our pockets and swiftly batting the two guards over the head, knocking them out cold. Their bodies tumbled to the ground with muffled thuds. We smirked at each other at our victory, pulling the bodies behind the industrial-sized HVAC units nearby to hide them. We had to count our victories when they came seeing as any wrong move could result in the abrupt end to our scheme. 

We stripped the soldiers of their uniforms, slipping into them ourselves. The outfits were unshapely on both of us. They were better than our other mud-sodden clothes at least, and nothing a belt couldn't at least help hoist up. 

With the ability to walk around freely, we both located an entrance and swiped the handy security cards we found in the pockets of our new clothes. We kept straight faces as we solemnly strode through the halls of the building, our boot-clad footsteps cutting through the strict silence. 

Eventually, we happened upon a wall placard with small directional signs. We scanned the words on the signs, not knowing specifically what we were looking for yet. Midway through our scan, it jumped out. 'DETAINEE HOLDING WING' Followed by an arrow pointing to our left. Bingo. 

"That must be it," Frank mumbled, nodding his head in the direction where the sign was pointing. I hummed softly in agreement, falling into step next to each other at a normal pace so as to not raise suspicion. 

Turning the corner, we noted the label on every door we came to. Each one was pretty standard hardwood doors; Except when we got to the very end of the hallway. Two heavy-duty steel doors stood parallel to each other, a giant crank as their doorknobs. Similar to either a bank vault or an overly protected walk-in refrigerator.  Frank and I chose one of the two doors and grabbed onto the crank-knob, turning it to the left until it clicked. The door then swung open into the hallway causing us both to take a step backward. 

It took a few seconds for us to process what we witnessed occurring on the other side of the threshold, but when we did, our jaws simultaneously dropped wide open. Another military-clad man loomed over a battered Gerad strapped to a metal chair. The man's hand was drawn back, a wooden stake ready to deliver the final blow to the bleeding vampire. 

A/N: Damn, I'm sorry for taking so long to publish this part. I'm going to be honest, I had a spell of burnout from writing, so it took me a few days longer to get out another chapter. Sorry again. Have a lovely day rats! -Sav

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