(Chapter 6) Fake Your Death

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~Y/n's POV~

Another day passed by, and still no word on when I would be discharged from the wretched hospital. I was dumbfounded by why I was in for so long, seeing as the staff was doing nothing but bringing meals and asking "How are you doing today?" and that was the end of it. To me, it seemed so unprofessional and immature. Even if you made the argument that they were observing my mental wellness, it could be easily refuted by the mere fact that I had been seen by no psychologist at all. 

Frank turned up again, and the nursing staff really got into a hissy trying to get him to leave finally. It was quite funny seeing them basically having to drag the flailing man out and personally kick him out of the building because he didn't abide by their visiting hours. That yet another thing I didn't understand; How regimented and strict they were with me. 

"Here we go again," I muttered under my breath as I sat up in bed when the nurse woke me up, doing her morning rounds. Yet another gross tray of hospital breakfast was grasped in her hand as she sat it down on my lap. I wore a fed-up face as I made eye contact with her. "How much longer am I gonna have to be in this damn place?" I asked, exasperated. 

She averted her attention to spiffing up the room a bit, refolding a blanket at the foot of the bed. "It's hard to say. We still want to keep an eye on you, doctor's orders. In fact, you'd have to talk to him to get a firm answer."

"Well, you tell him to get it figured out because there is no reason I should be here this long. This is getting absurd, I wasn't even injured at all," I retorted, crossing my arms. 

"Actually, your neck did have that scar on it, which wasn't there before," she remarked which I sighed heavily at.

"I'm fine now, I want to go home," we both found ourselves rolling our eyes at each other, then she swiftly made an exit so as to not have to deal with my pissy ass anymore. I couldn't blame her, I sure was a lot to handle when I started to get agitated. 

Not long after, Frank mosied through the door, a despondent frown strung across his face. He sauntered over to the visitor's chair, flopping down, wordless. "What's got you down in the dumps?" I asked, unmeaning to sound as bitchy as I did. 

His elbows rested on his knees, his hands cradling his head that was tilted to gaze down at the floor. His eyes flashed up to me, almost, pity? held in them. That was enough to get my eyebrows furrowed. What was up with him? "You mean you haven't heard the news?" He asked dismayed, his voice small enough that you had to really be paying attention or else you would have missed it. 

"Uh no?" I questioned, encouraging him to spit out what on earth it was that was this important. 

He breathed deep, wiping his hands on his jeans. "Well... apparently, Gerard killed himself in his cell last night," he spoke apologetically. "I'm so sorry, Y/n," He said sympathetically, trying to gauge my reaction to my murderer boyfriend's death.

It took a few seconds for the little man's words to fully process in my mind, and not for the reasons he probably assumed. In flabbergast, I answered, "That's impossible," more to myself rather than him. During those following thirty seconds, I was turning over any and all possible modes of killing a vampire Gerard would have had access to in his cell. I saw the cells a bit, especially in my earlier career years, but no matter how much I thought back, my mind ran blank. "Frank, I need to tell you something for this to make sense. You're not gonna believe me, but I can't hide this from you anymore," I said, shocking myself that I was about to tell a normie that I was, in fact, a vampire. 

"Okay, go ahead..." 

"Both Gerard and I... well, we're vampires," I said simply, allowing time for what I said to make sense in his mind. 

His mouth formed into an according 'O' shape, and his eyes widened appropriately. "So they really are real?" He asked dreamily, as his face fell into pure and unadulterated fangirlishness. I flashed him my fangs and uncovered the bite mark on my neck. "THAT'S SO COOL!" He gasped. 

"Keep it down, you idiot," I laughed, waving my hand frantically. "But do you kinda see the problem here? How would a vampire commit suicide in a jail cell? It's hard enough as a regular person, let alone an immortal one," I said my point. 

"That is tricky..." He seemed deep in thought. 

"That's why I think something is awry here. This hospital is sketchy as hell disregarding that even, I shouldn't be here this long for just a healed scar. And Gerard's suicide? That is the cherry on top. Something nefarious is going on here, do you catch my drift?" I articulated. 

"He must be being held by someone malicious then," He agreed, to which I pointed in confirmation. 

"Exactly what I was thinking. And they covered it up with a suicide so the media would lay off about the case," I hypothesized, scratching my head. 

"I guess the government doesn't like vampires, I suppose they aren't team Edward then," he scoffed. 

"Those fuckers," I shook my head in disdain. 

"Well, what in the world are we going to do about this?" He asked, his body language portraying he was fully ready to jet set on some long convoluted journey like in the movies. 

I smirked, "We're going to rescue him." 

And for the time remaining in visiting hours, Frank and I started to iron out a masterful plan. 

A/n: Sorry this chapter was kind of short. I feel like this story is pretty lackluster/unexciting, but it's gonna kinda pick up here in the next couple of chapters hopefully. I hope you're enjoying it so far though. Have a lovely day rats! -Sav

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