I've been expecting you.

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Chapter 2

I'm standing in snow, looking around. It's as empty here as I am. Looking at the snow under my feet, I cautiously take a step forward and hear the crunch sound of the pure white snow. I lift my head up to see little snowflakes dancing around my body in a circular motion. I turn around and it seems to be encapsulating me, unable to move from its growing force. Snow from the ground rises up, joining its brothers and sisters in the dance of death. The snow turns black, whirling around faster and faster. It's trapping me in, unable to escape its tornado-like fury.

And it stops. All falling to the ground like the children's song of ring around the rosy.. We all fall down. This is the dream I have almost every single night.

Except this time it changed.

The snow doesn't just fall to the ground, it sinks into it. I fall down the coffin sized hole and look up. To my horror, the snow falls down the hole, burying me inside and choking me. What is worse? Drowning in water or snow? The snow melts slowly, only allowing me to breath in very little oxygen and mostly water, suffocating and drowning at the same time. I struggle, but cannot move because of the tightly compacted frozen snow around me.

After kicking endlessly, I finally am able to move my right foot easily, hitting something hard.


My dream ends and I am trapped in total, complete darkness. I try to kick my foot again to move.


My eyes shoot open and stare at the familiar figure in front of me, holding his head with his hands. I yelp as he looks at me. Out of reflex, I shut my eyes tightly and kick in the air again, only to kick him in the head.


"Jeff, calm down." A person with a white mask with painted black lips says to the other guy.

"SHE KICKED ME THREE F***ING TIMES!" Jeff yells at the other teen.

I should probably apologize for that, but the look he is giving me makes me want to do it again.

The guy with the mask introduces himself as Masky. Huh, wonder why..

"Slender will be here soon to talk to you. Now, I don't know how he will react with you being here.. I'm sure Jeff will try to lie but make sure to just tell the truth, okay?" Masky explains to me.

I nod, not sure how to react to this kind of situation.

"Try to lie? Of course I wont! But if little miss priss here has a different story than me.." Jeff holds up his knife and looks intensely at it, "I'll just have to go sharpen this."

He starts to smile in the most cruelest way possible. His unblinking eyes piercing mine. I start to panic.. My job only taught me how to deal with unwanted guys hitting on you- not a guy with a knife wanting to hit you. I stupidly say what my job requires me to say when this happens.

"I do not appreciate your actions, sir."

Wait, what? Why did I say that!?

Both of them look at me, completely dumbfounded. I quickly retract my statement.

"I mean.. I will tell the truth, all the truth, and nothing but the truth." Oh my God, am I the police? Quickly, say something else!

"Please don't stab me." Great going {Y/N}, not even the families in Family Feud would tell me good answer..

Jeff laughs way too loud at this and stares at me. He walks over to the couch where I am now sitting and leans over my head, way to close for comfort.

"Why do they all say that?" He says with a devilish grin.

"Because knife." I say while looking at his right hand gripping at the knife tightly.

He looks over to what I am looking at and smiles even more with a wide grin. He places in at my throat and then traces my jaw line. My mind flashes back to the serial killer that says "soooo pretty.." to his victims..

Jeff smiles even more, as if reading my thoughts of fear and backs up. The door swings open with a tall, slender man standing at the doorway. Jeff almost jumps away from me, not to get caught. He shoots me a glare as if to say, "We will finish this later." I look back over the the guy in the doorway. He is wearing a neat black suit, fitting him perfectly. 'Hmm, I wonder if he has a personal tailor?' I think as my eyes wander to his face. Wait... Face? He has no lips, nose, or eyes, almost as if he is wearing a mask too. Wait again! No eyes... no eyes... I try to remember what I read somewhere yesterday... No eyes...

"But can see is the phrase you are looking for, child." The slender man says to me as he walks over in my direction.

More teens appear behind him, all doing the same thing. They come through the door and stop as soon as they see me. I look at all of them, one by one. The first teen behind the slender figure was a guy with a hood. Behind him was a guy with a navy blue mask with some kind of black substance oozing from the black holes in which the eyes were supposed to be. A guy with orange goggles and a mouth guard comes next in front of what seems to be the last male with green clothes and a green hat with blonde hair. Out of all of them, he caught my attention, only to be brought back to the slender man standing directly in front of me.

"Who are you?" I say even though I could probably guess his name by his physique.. and Masky probably said it too.

"I am Slender Man, my child." Of course.. " But call me Slender." He leans in closer to me so I can have a better look at him.. Not like I have anything to look at with no face and all..

"I have been expecting you, {Y/N}."

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