Finale 30

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      We finally reach the mansion of Zalgo's. It's hot here; I hate it. Slenderman devised a plan to break in and we follow it exactly, not wanting to mess it up. I entered though his security systems and opened the door for the others outside. Once they entered, we searched the house starting with the main entrance and split up. I end up roaming the hallways as the lights get dimmer and dimmer. It is nearly complete darkness as I slide my hands along the walls, keeping a map in my head if I ever needed to know the way back to my initial starting point. My hand hits a stop in the wall and onto a door. I find the knob and turn it, only to be faced with another complete dark room. I step inside and try to find a wall. This must have been a big room, so I turned back to the door to find the wall next to it. I hear the door slam shut and lock me in. I take a fighting stance for just in case I needed to fight back. I waited for a moment but nothing came to me, so instead I just sighed and started to search for something in the room. My foot hits something hard before I completely fall over the object. I had hit a chair. I reach my hand out to touch the back of a - throne? It has a tall back to it and is kind of soft. I circle around it to see if there was anything sitting on it but there was nothing anywhere.

        I give up on the chair and try to find something else. I hear a small noise coming from the right. It sounds like metal hitting glass. I try to go over to where I hear the sound from..

                                                                                                {Y/N}'s POV

        I have been stuck in this glass dome for a while. I am really hungry and bored. I have been walking around this cage for a while and eventually sat down and hugged the black bear. Just as I was about to dose off, my chain connected to my right foot tightens as it pulls me to the small step in the middle of the glass dome. My foot rests on the pillar and a woman with long black hair comes in. She commands me to stand up on the pillar.

"Stand, we are having guests over soon and you are the main attraction." She says quickly before leaving. She stops at the doorway and turns to face me to give me a sarcastic and evil grin before closing the door. I have never seen that woman before.. Was she another creepypasta or perhaps a hired helper for around the mansion? I stand on the pillar and look around me. This glass dome gives off a feeling that makes me feel like I am trapped in a snow globe. With everything going on, it wan't impossible to be flipped upside down and shaken to be turned right side up again and the fake snow fall around me.

        After waiting for about thirty minutes, Zalgo comes in while chatting to his guests. He motions them over to me and speaks.
"And the best for last." He says as they all stare at me with their cold eyes. They are all older men and women and look extremely unpleasant. Zalgo clicks a button and the fake snow around me turns into real snow and flurries around me. It feels like I am actually in a snow storm with the snow sticking to my dress and hair. I stand still, hugging the black bear in my arms for warmth as the win picks up speed and blows my long dress and hair in the wind it is creating. The snow circles around me, almost engulfing me in one of my previous dreams. Dreams. Are my dreams coming to pass? Are they a warning sign of the future? If that is correct, then .... No. I'm just connecting two unrelated things together..

        The people he is entertaining clap and start saying numbers. Are they bidding on me? Is he selling me? I am NOT a toy! He picks the person with the highest bid, which is an older male about 43 years of age and looks ... well... you get the picture. He'd be the LAST person I'd feel comfortable around. Zalgo ushers them out of the room in a hurry as his watch seems to beep. He quickly comes up to me and smirks.

"Seems as we have more company coming over." He says while clicking a button on his watch. The creepypastas pop up in digital form as they walk toward the mansion. My heart practically jumps out of my chest seeing them. I look to find BEN, but once I set my eyes on him, Zalgo shuts it off. He unchains my foot and then leaves the room, shutting off all the lights. One by one the lights flicker off, leaving me in complete darkness. And silence.
        Soon I hear something coming toward the door near me and opening it slowly. I open my mouth to say something, yell it, but I couldn't. I bang my fists against the glass, hoping it would make some kind of sound, but it seems that this glass dome is soundproof. I fall to the ground in the cold snow and cry. I am trapped in a prison and there is someone who could help me just a few feet away from me, walking away, never to know that I was here. I move my feet to get comfortable, considering I will be here for a long time until that male from earlier gets me- or what ever deal they made..

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