Odd 32

831 31 2

                Waking up has been getting harder with this headache. The back of my eyes are starting to pulsate, making me feel so sick. 'Maybe I should take a day off from work?' You get roll off the bed and onto the floor, sitting there for a while to let my body adjust to the world of the living. After a few moments you get up and pick out my clothes for the day and head straight for the bathroom door. As you open it, fog hits me. No, not fog- steam. 'Did I take THAT hot of a shower last night? Surely not...' You look in the shower to see that there is no water droplets from the previous shower. Taking this as a sign of house issues, you lock the bathroom door and get dressed, even though there is nobody in the house with you, you still like to lock the doors for extra precaution.
        After putting on jeans and a t-shirt, you go over to the sink with the fogged mirror. You get your toothbrush and put on toothpaste and start brushing. You look up at the mirror and see your half-heart drawing from last night still on the mirror. After rinsing you look back up again to realize that it isn't what you drew last night. Instead of a half-heart, it is now a whole heart.
        Staring at the new drawing, questions come pouring into your mind. Who drew that?


        At work, your co-worker brought in cupcakes to celebrate the managers birthday. We all tried to keep quiet about it so he would think that we didn't remember, but we totally did.
"What is this?" Zach points at a receipt for 4 dozen cupcakes.
"Uhhh, it's for me." Jessica says. She is the one who bought the cupcakes and was stupid enough to leave the receipt out in the open like this..
"For you? What does this say? 5 dozen cupcakes?" Zack says while giving her a sideways glance.
"Uh, yup!" She says back to him, a little too awkwardly.
"Now what in the world are you going to do with FIVE DOZEN cupcakes?" He says with emphasis on the 5 dozen part.
"Uh eat them, duh." She says like it's the most natural thing to do for a skinny blonde.
"What is the occasion?" He crosses his arms, ready to get info from her.
"A family members birthday." Nice going Jess.
"You live alone." He says in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Nu huh!" She looks to me for an excuse. You're on your own girl.
"Yes. You do." He says, his eyes not leaving hers.
"Stalking me, are we?" She says to switch the tone, "I have a cat." Good going..
"So you bought five dozen for your cat?" He squints his eyes a bit and then looks over to me. "She has an unhealthy lifestyle, I think we should question her ability to think and work here." With that, he walks off into the break room.

        Jess looks at me and wipes fake sweat off her forehead. "That was close."

"You're so dumb." I say to her in a joking tone.

"Hey, he left didn't he?" She says like she is the best distraction ever.

        I sigh and roll my eyes as I walk to the counter. The door behind me opens and Zach pokes his head out, ushering me to follow him. He leads me to his desk and pulls out a stack of papers relating to work. Today I have to renew my contract if I want to work here for another year. I take a pen out of my jeans and sign all of the places where there is a red X. I put the pen back into my pocket as the manager smiles and puts all the paper into a paperclip except for one. Now that I mention it, that last paper I signed does look a bit odd. I should start reading things before I sign them. Zach reads off what I signed and I sigh.. I should DEFINITELY read before I sign.

"I, {Y/N}, hereby give up all my rights to Zach Olchen and will tell him why Jessica Sila bought the cupcakes. I will not lie, cheat, or go around the question by any means or I, {Y/N}, will be fired on the spot, immediately terminating any contract with the affiliated company." Zach reads.

" You made this up fast. " I say to him, buying myself time.

"Not really, I saw the receipt earlier this morning and I was going to make Jess sign it, but you're here so." He says.

"Glad to know I'm second best." I say sarcastically. He smiles and lets out a small laugh before becoming serious.

"So. Tell me." He says.

"Jessica has a crush on your and wanted to know if you would go to prom with her so she's going to put the cupcakes on your car to write 'PROM?' on it. It's actually kind of sweet if you think about it. The plan is sweet, I mean. The cupcakes are always sweet. MMM cupcakes.. Can I go now?" I say. He stares at me with shocked eyes.

"I- I told you not to lie to me." He says, his voice breaking for a moment. Does he like Jess?

"Okay fine it was all lies... But that contract is faulty, so I don't have to go through with it."


"I found a loophole. First, you don't have a date, so it technically doesn't apply for today or any day for that matter. Secondly, you haven't put my new signed contract papers into the system yet, so I technically don't work here yet, so if my contract is 'terminated', it would only terminate my older ones which are already outdated. Thirdly-"

"Okay, Okay! I get it. Get outta my office, scrub." He says whilst pushing me out of his office.

"Wait no! I didn't tell you the best part!" I say, turning to meet him shove candy into my mouth to shut me up and closing the door in my face. 'I wonder if he is shaken up by the fact that I now know he likes Jess... This leverage could work...'


        At the end of the day Jess came out and told him it was for his birthday and he kept blushing, I wonder if he was hoping she was going to ask him to prom. I can arrange that. I walk toward the door and hook my arm with Jessica's and take her outside. She didn't say anything because she had a cupcake in her mouth. I told her about everything with Zach and she cracked up with laughter. Turns out she was actually wanting to do that, but she decided it would be less embarrassing to just use it for his birthday. Me and Jess made a deal that tonight I will get them together and eventually I did.
        The whole night went really well. Everybody stayed here until 2am and wanted to stay longer because Jason started making everyone cry with his impressions of people. It was a great day, but I felt a little lonely. Everyone had a date except for me, Jess, and Zach. But now, it's just me. I say bye to my friends and head out for the night. It's really late and dark out here, but I don't mind, I am still laughing from Jason. When I get home, I turn on the T.V. for background noise so I don't feel creeped out by the emptiness of the home.
        I get dressed into my pajamas and go to shut of the television, but it isn't exactly on. It's just on static and when I try to turn it off, it comes right back on. My head starts to hurt as if memories are trying to resurface. The word "Trials" came into my head and I fall to the ground.  I feel like passing out, and soon enough, I did. But before I took my last breath, I see something from the corner of my eyes. A.. Game.

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