End 33

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                                                                                                *Riiiiiing* *Riiiiiing*
        "Hey, {Y/N}! Do you mind meeting me for a movie tonight?"
        "Not at all, I be there!"
        With that I hung up with Jessica. We usually hang out every week or so to have a 'Girls day'. I took a day off from passing out last night and decided to go shopping today. I pass by multiple stores before running into a teenager whining to her parents about getting the new and latest Iphone. 'Man, society has people brainwashed into wanting all the newer things..'
        I find a nice dress and purchase it before going home and putting it on for tonight. I get my scissors and cut off the tag and check myself out in the mirror. When it becomes time to meet her, I head over there expecting to have a nice girls day. Instead, I see her making out with Zach. I feel a pang of betrayal from her. I see them go into the theater and get a text from her not long after saying that she is canceling our plans. I call up some other friends as for a rescue party from my distressed state.

        When I wake up the next day I remember the game cartridge on the floor from the other day. I go downstairs to find it and put it in my console. It takes a while to load up, but it eventually gets to the screen to press start. When I press start, my computer starts freaking out. I run upstairs and see it on a blue screen. It has cleverbot pulled up on this blue screen of death with one sentence typed in.

        "One more sentence."

        One more? What does that mean? I shut off my computer and head back downstairs. I play the game how it is normally played. I remember playing this years ago and remember the 'Ben' statue. As I get to that part I whisper to myself, "I've been expecting you."

​"I've been expecting you too."

        I quickly whip my head around to see a guy standing right behind me. Blonde hair, pale skin, wearing all green. He has a resemblance to Link, and looks almost exactly like Ben from the game. I slowly get up and move away from him. He cocks his head to the side and gives me a weird look as if I am crazy.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I ask him.

"What do you mean, love?" He says as he walks closer to me.

""Wh-Who are you!?" I almost yell at him, searching for something to hit him with. I always lock my doors so I don't know how he got in here.

"Do you seriously not remember?" He asks.

"Remember what!??" I ask him.

"You were supposed to remember after you remembered all of the words..." He says more to himself.

"What do you MEAN!???" I yell at him.

"JEFF!" He yells.

"Don't yell, I'm right here." 'Jeff' says back to the boy in green.

"Why doesn't she remember me?" Green guy asks.

"I don't know but let's just kidnap her like before and go back to our lives." Jeff says.

"WHAT!?" I yell at them both.

"SHUT UP WITH THE YELLING! God, you were annoying before and you're annoying now." He tells me. I give him a look and he just sighs.

        Who are these weird people and how did they get in my house!!? I don't remember something? What's going on!!!!??? As if reading my thoughts, the Ben dude starts walking toward me looking sad. I tried to back up more, but I had already hit a wall. He stops just mere centimeters in front of me. I thought he was going to hug me, before he picked me up and threw me over his shoulders. I started to scream, but quickly shut up when I saw Jeff put his knife up to my lips. Jeff then walked over to my door to lock it as I was being thrown backwards into the.... tv?? Is he nuts!??! I'm totally going to---

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