Facade 16

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Chapter 16

        A dreamless night ends as I wake up to sunlight sneaking in from the sides of the curtains. I rub my eyes and look ahead of me to see the door to the room I am now held in. Memories from last night come rushing back into my head, giving me a pounding headache. The light seems to get brighter by the second, making my eyes blurry and teary. 

"UGHH!" I complain to myself, "THE LIGHT!"

        I try to move to get off the side of the bed I am closest to, but I am being restrained by something- no, someone. Arms are wrapped securely around my waist, pulling me back into an embrace. I can't see who's behind me, but now that I think about it, BEN was with me last night... Did I let this happen? Haha, no that couldn't be me. I am so silly to even think that. I would never—

"Stop moving." I hear BEN's voice say from behind me. He positions his head so that his nose is just barely touching my ear. So wait.. He is here? WHY!?? WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!? Oh wait, now that I think about it, I might have told him to stay with me last night... OH MY GO—

"{Y/N}..." BEN coos sleepily while shifting around the bed into a sitting position, pulling me onto his chest with his eyes still closed. "{Y/N}......" His face contorts into what looks like hatred and then forms into a small, delicate, peaceful smile. Silence.. We stay in this position of me leaning on him while we both sit next to each other on the bed until he opens his eyes and looks at me.

"{Y/N}!!!" He almost screams while practically throwing me off of him. "What the hell?" He asks accusingly at me.

"My thoughts exactly." I say glaring at him for pushing me. He looks around the room and then brings his attention back to me. "This never happened.. Okay?" I say to him, hoping that he would never mention this to the others. I have no idea what they are are capable of. I don't even know if they like me.. Hey, but if they like BEN, being with him would make them like me, won't it? No that's too gross to think about.. Ew never mind, go away! ABORT, ABORT! Esc Esc Esc F2 F2.

"Oh but {Y/N}, it did happen." BEN says, breaking my panic attack in my head. He smirks with a wide, devilish grin, inching closer to me until I hopped off the bed and ran into the bathroom. I slam the door behind me and put my back to the wall. Out of all the guys I could be with right now, it had to be the perverted elf. Great.


        I wash my face and redo my hair so that it is not sagging down. I find a toothbrush and toothpaste on the side of the sink. Convenient.. After I finish, I slowly open the door and peek into the bedroom. No BEN here. I walk out and search for clothes to change into. Nothing. Guess I have to wear what I have one still although it stinks badly from last nights little incident. I need to change.. I leave my room in search for someone that wont kill me. This is going to be a hard search. I stop at Jeff's door and think for half a second and then keep walking. HA like I'd ever ask him for anything! He wouldn't help me find clothes. Heck, he'd probably take mine! I would never go to his door and knock on it and ask for his help..

— 15 minutes later—

*Knock knock knock*

"Hey Jeff, do you know where a girl could find some clothes to change into?" I can't believe I'm doing this..

        He opens the door and leans on the frame. He looks terrible. He always looks terrible. I should leave.

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