Mind Flip17

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"As much as I would like to kill her, you know we can't. Slender would be pissed." Jeff tells me. I asked him if we could kill {Y/N} soon so that I wouldn't have to do it alone. Not that I'd mind doing it alone, I just don't trust myself to get the job done. Something about her just makes me feel different. I don't like it.
"Look. If she bothers you that much, send her Jack's way. You know he will take her." Jeff says with a laugh at the end. Jack is more sexual than I am. I am just flirty. I don't want her to be Jack's, just gone. My sudden change of heart came on this morning. Why am I feeling so much hate now? What's wrong with me? I can just feel my happy go lucky attitude drain from my body as I look at Jeff.
"She needs to die." I tell Jeff. His expression turns stone cold.
"You can't kill her. It's against orders. Now as much as I like to break orders..." Jeff trails off to try to distract me. I throw a punch at his face and knock him from his balance.
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" He yells at me. It's like I cant control myself. What's going on with me? I regain my self control as I apologize to Jeff repeatedly. Of course, Jeff had to have a go at me too. He punches me, harder than I did to him, and it knocks me to the ground. He wipes away the blood I left on his face and leaves my room. What is going on with me...

{Y/N}'s POV
After Jane and I got my room neat and tidy, I walk down the hall toward the stairs. I hear a thump in BEN's room and I go to the door. Jeff comes out and slams the door before I could get a look inside. Jeff's punchable face looks like it was actually punched. Blood is coming from his nose and he is wiping away the evidence. He looks at me and walks to me.
"Stay away from BEN." He says furious.
"What?" I ask, wondering what he means. Why do I have to stay away from BEN? What's wrong? I didn't notice anything different about him..
"Just stay away." He says while slamming the door to his room. 'So I'm guessing these two men are on their menstrual cycle? Eh? EH? Forget it.' I think to myself, not even laughing at my own joke. I look toward BEN's door deciding if I should knock on it and forget Jeff's advice or just leave to get a sandwich.. I chose the sandwich and head downstairs. Slendy is already finishing up some lunch for everyone. He's awesome.
"Hey {Y/N}!" Says E.J. I look up at him sitting at the table ready to eat. I take a seat next to him, wanting to just let my mind wander off of the whole BEN situation.
"Hey E.J." I say, not covering up my worries good enough because he automatically asks me what was wrong. I tell him what Jeff told me and his face freezes up. Slender slowly stops cooking and turns to me and E.J. Jack loosens up his face a little and tries to brush it off.
"Don't worry about it. Hey, if you want, just hang out with me for the day." He says. Hmm this doesn't seems right... But okay.
"Sure, I'd love to!" I say. Maybe I can get some answers out of him when we are alone.


Slendy calls everyone down for lunch. I told him to make me a sandwich when he asked what I wanted. I sat next to E.J. and looked around the table. Jeff sat next to Slendy, Slendy next to Jane, and Jane next to a young girl that I only seen once. At the end of the table was Masky, then Hoodie, E.J., Me, an empty seat, and Toby. Hmm. I wonder where BEN is?
We are all halfway through our peaceful meal before Jane and Jeff start arguing. E.J. tells me that it was normal. I guess they have this love hate relationship, huh? Jane reaches over Slendy to stab Jeff with her fork. Okay.. Maybe more hate than love.. I get lost in thought for a second and return to the real world when everyone goes silent. I look around to see what happened, but it was only because Slendy got up and went to the living room. I thought it was because of the fighting, but he returned with BEN telling him it was time to eat. Everyone started to start up talking except for Jane, Jeff, E.J, me, and BEN. Jane and Jeff just glared at each other for a while. Almost like a staring contest. Well, it's obvious who is going to win, considering that Jeff can't blink.
BEN takes the empty seat next to me and starts eating. Not looking away from his plate.

"Hey BEN! Why did it take you so long to come down here? Get trapped in another game?" I say trying to get him to laugh. Didn't work..

"You want to be put back in one?" He says after swallowing. He sounds serious, I don't want to be put in one ever again. Well actually it wouldn't be THAT bad... I look back down to my sandwich and take my last bite. I was about to swallow before a hand smacks on the back, causing me to choke on my food. I look over and glare at BEN for almost killing me. Death by sandwich..

"Sorry for acting weird lately, I really don't know what has come over me.. HEY! Let me make it up to you." He says with a smile. Ah the normal BEN.. I don't know which form I trust more.

"What do you have in mind?" I say.

"Let's play some video games in my room!" He says grabbing my wrist and forcing me up from my chair. I am pulled forward by BEN and after leaving the kitchen, I am pulled back by another hand on my other wrist.

"No you don't. She's mine for the day." E.J. says while staring down BEN. Jack grips my wrist harder and yanks me away from BEN's grasp. BEN pouts for a while and then gives us an angered look before stomping upstairs. Jack pulls me to the door leading outside and hands me a coat.

We walk for a while before stopping at a park bench and sitting down. Jack stays still for a moment and then looks in my direction. With a curious mind, I look up at him.

"You need to stay away from BEN. He might seem nice now, but he is changing.. We fear the worst right now." Jack tells me.

"What do you mean? He seems a bit off, but nothing is wrong with him." I say back, trying to defend BEN.

"I'll try to explain as best as I can, but in the meantime, don't interrupt me, got it?" Jack says to me with a stern face.

"Got it." I say. Oh gosh.. Not saying a single word while someone is talking? Who do you think I am?

"There is this 'guy' named Zalgo.. Long story short, he hates us.-"

"Cool story bro, tell it again." I say smugly.. "I'm sorry, couldn't help it.."

Jack sighs before continuing. " He attacks our minds when he finds a slight bit of weakness in us. He has already attacked mine, and since BEN is relatively new here, he is attacking his. His mind will be tested and he will slowly start to go insane. Nobody can help him but himself. He can't kill any of us, but.. He can kill you. You are not a creepypasta, so..." My mind blacks out. He wants to kill me? But why?
"You can't be alone, at least for a while. It fades away once Zalgo knows he can't control his mind like he wants to, but I'd be careful, Okay?" Jack says. I nod, not just to non-verbally tell him that I understand, but because that's the only thing I know how to do right now. How could BEN go crazier than he is already? Is it like.. twice the perv or like... twice the death? Either way, I'm not going to be alone with him anytime soon.

Or so I thought.

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