Trials 7

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Chapter 7

        I'm so cold. Dizzy and cold. I regain consciousness and feel my head spinning as my vision blurs. I can feel my nervous system regaining it's functioning, making my brain wake up. My hands are tied behind my back with a rope that is wrapped around a chair. I try to move my feet, only to feel rope wrapped around them as well. I bounce in the chair and hear chains jingling on the floor. It is attached to my right ankle leading to the wall. I try to yell for someone, only to be struggled by a gag in my mouth. I look around me at the big, dark room with only a dim torch illuminating the space near me.

"You're awake." Says a familiar voice.

        I look in the direction the voice comes from to meet my eyes with where the mans eyes should be. Slenderman towers above me, looking down with a sad expression.

"It's midnight. As I told you earlier, it's going to be a rough day for you."

        If this is rough, I do not want to know what a terrible day would be. I try to say something, but it just comes out muffled.

"Shh, shh. Please do not waste your energy on trying to speak." The tall man says as he paces the room, " Let's see. How should I explain this.."

        He turns to me and starts to explain.

" {Y/N}.. I have had my eyes on you for quite some time now, as I have told you before.. I have gotten my proxy's to look after you also. You are quite an intriguing girl, however, you are in danger just like your parents were." He says with a sad face.

"I need to run a couple of... tests. I need to know who you are, REALLY are." He clarified, " I had everyone in the house to behave the past day so you didn't try to harm yourself or run away. I needed you to trust all of them so you could stay for the tests today."

        He made everyone behave for me? So was everyone just lying to my face when they were being nice to me? Masky and Hoodie were pretending to be my friend? Jeff is actually WORSE?.... BEN... BEN was faking around me? My thoughts started to run wild at these thought and my emotions started to build up.

"Now.. You should know that these tests that I am going to put you through are more like trials. If it works the way I want them to, you should be fine."

        I SHOULD be fine? WHAT!? I give him a worried look and say something to him, but it comes out hard to hear.

"The trials should start soon and will last a day." Slenderman says to me, "I'm sorry {Y/N}, but it has to be done."

        With that he leaves. He leaves me alone with my thoughts. What are these trials going to be like? 'I MIGHT survive'? Well what the heck does that mean?

        I hear the door open again. A figure walks inside and shuts the door, walking closer to me before stopping ten feet away, letting the orange light just barely shine on his face. It was BEN. He gave me a disappointed look, and then it quickly changed into an evil smirk.

"BEN?" I say through the gag as best I could. Even though it didn't form his name right, he still recognized it as his name.

"Hey {Y/N}."

        I stare at him with questions buzzing through my mind. I don't know how to react with him anymore. He looks at my eyes and then looks away to the wall behind me with his hands crossed as he stands in front of me. I want to say something but I can't. He notices this and talks to me.

"So Slendy tells me that he told you about the whole, uh.. Being nice to you thing.. Sorry, but orders were orders."

        After he tells me that, my heart shatters. So it was true? Everything was fake?

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