Last Breath 8

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Chapter 8

'... The girl jumps out of bed and her mother grabs her by the arm and throws her in the bed and forces her to lay down under the sheets.

"Mommy pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssseeeeeee!!" The girl screams as she tries to get loose.

"FINE! JUST LAY DOWN!.. Just lay down darling.. Mommy will tell you a story." The mom said in between breaths.

She sighs and then looks up at her daughters ceiling. After a moment, she looks back at the child and starts.'

'There once was a little girl who lived in an old house. That house had so many creepy rooms and creaky floor, so she didn't like it at all. When she went to bed, she would hear all of these noises in the sound of whispers. She would get so scared, but nobody was around to help her. She went outside to play every day until one day she found a tree swing. Even though she played outside all the time, she had never seen a tire tied to her tree before. She would play on it everyday, all the time. Everyday she would come outside and it would get a little higher, but she didn't mind. One day she came out and it was a whole branch higher. She really wanted to play on it, so she climbed the tree to the tall branch. As she tried to get off the branch and onto the tire swing, she slipped and fell. She fell and hit all the tiny branches and one big branch and then hit the ground. She got hurt very, very badly. Her father took her to the hospital and the doctor said the girl was very sick and wouldn't make it. The Father decided to pull the plug on his little girl's machine that was keeping her alive because he didn't want her to suffer from any more pain any longer. So he kissed his little girl..." The mother kissed her daughter, " And the doctor removed the girl from life support."

My eyes start tearing up from hearing this story. This is no story to tell a child! However, my ears were still listening for the ending.

The mother took a pillow that the girl wasn't using and hugged it.

"The girl was slowly falling under, feeling more sleepy and sleepy.." The mother put the pillow on the child. The young girl started screaming for help, but it was muffled from the pillow. The girl starts thrashing her body around to escape and breath. The mother kept holding the pillow down.

"The girl finally fell asleep, listening to he father's voice singing a lullaby as she slowly leaves the earth."

The woman starts slowly humming a lullaby to her suffocating child, still holding the pillow down.

The child dies and the mother removes the pillow. She looks at her dead child and leaves the room and goes into her room.

I now stand in the corner of a dead girls room. I just witnessed the death of a poor, innocent little girl from her mother.

Pure anger boils my blood. I suddenly am filled with rage and hatred for the mother. I walk over the the little girls bed and look at her sleeping face. 'I am so angry...' I think to myself as I see the little girl's face turn white. '... so angry that I could kill.'

I walk to the woman's bedroom door and open it quietly. She is sound asleep on her bed getting a good night's rest. I go over the the side of the bed and cover the woman's mouth and quickly she wakes up. She looks up at me with pure fear. Oddly enough... I kind of enjoyed it.

"Let me tell you a story.." I say to the woman, just as she had said to her scared child.

"There is a girl, not to far from our world, who could tell any story, sing any song, and it would affect the person it was directed to." I say to her in a story-telling manner. The woman becomes paralyzed somehow and I continue, letting her fearful eyes watch me.

"This girl uses her power- no, gift- for good, unlike others who would use it for evil. She found a mother who killed her child in a similar fashion and she became very angry." I say, seething with anger towards the murderer.

"The girl thought it was right that the innocence killed should be avenged. As the child died from the song from her mother, it would only be fair that her mother could have the same." I say looking at the mother. The woman stares back at me and a small tear escapes her left eye.

I uncover the woman's mouth and look down upon her frozen position. I tuck the blankets in place and make her comfortable. I would have shut her eyes, but I wanted her to see it. I wanted to see her see her life fading away unlike how her daughter saw only betrayal and a small white pillow. Remembering how the child didn't even know what the mother was doing and was crying for help killed me inside, I take a deep breath and sing a lullaby to the woman. Only this lullaby wasn't for children.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep,

go to sleep says Jeff the killer,

Once your dead, Once your dead,

E.J. will come for your kidney's.

Slenderman, Slenderman,

He will sell your soul to me."

When I started to sing the last phrase, she inhaled. Once I said the last word, she exhaled. With that, her life escaped through her lips on her last breath.

I have taken a life for the first time. Somehow I feel like it won't be my last.

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