Moon 21

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      I am sitting on the bed staring at the frozen clock in my hands. I shake it, hoping that it was only an error with poor timing. The clock reads 1:59 am still. I am terrified. This was the only thing I have thought of doing and it has failed miserably. BEN would be back soon and would have an entire 60 seconds to kill me. That's more than enough time for him especially now that I am completely vulnerable. I jump off the bed and grab the game just in case. I remember that now I can go outside because the normal BEN let me through. I run outside and away from the woods, towards a village. Once I am there, I step on familiar pavement. It's a town I was in before. I go up to a guy and his kid chatting about how the sky looks different tonight. I look up to see what they are talking about and see that they are right. The sky looks like its a mix of blue, grey, black, and... red. The moon is growing closer to us by the second too. This seems all too familiar.. Wasn't this part of the game play in Majora's mask? Am I in Majora's mask? I hear people getting louder and more scared that time has stopped. I listen to their cries of how all their watches are broken and the huge clock tower is not moving an inch. I keep walking through the crowd until I reach the clock tower's base and look around behind me at the scared villagers. It seems like nobody has noticed me though. That's weird. I look completely different from them and they don't seem to care at all.
        Then I hear something while thinking about the now running people. I turn to see what was behind me and I see him. His blonde hair flowing from side to side as he runs to my direction. This is the part where he saves the day and the game comes to an end, right? Link runs past me, not recognizing me, and starts walking, looking up at the moon. I don't see what Zelda see's in him. He pulls out his sword and continues to look at the moon and then turns his head to the clock. He does this for a while before he gets thrown back into the tower by a huge gust of wind. His shirt gets caught on the second hand and he is stuck, dangling from the tower. I don't know if I should be horrified or laugh right now. I mean, it's a terrible situation, but come on.. Look at him!
        People in the crowd watch Link and start screaming. They all start running in different directions. I am pushed against the crowd and just like being in an ocean and having the waves throw you back, the crowd is doing the same thing to me. I am being thrown to the ground and people are trampling me. Feet are stepping on all parts of me, crushing me. I feel suffocated. I can barely move. I try to scream for them to stop, but nobody would listen even if they could hear me. I close my eyes to try to ignore the pain. I squeeze them tighter and tighter until the pain stops. I open them slowly to see their faces contort with pure fear. I get up hurriedly to see what was going on. The moon is dangerously close to us now, Link is still stuck on the second hand, and worst of all...
Everybody is frozen.
        Nobody could move.. But me. I see their eyes jump back from others, to me, to Link, to the moon, and then back at me. They are probably wondering why I can move and they can't. They might try to blame me for this too. I know that if the moon gets closer anymore, BEN would win. If Link doesn't win the game now, I'm afraid we are done for... I am done for.. The game will give us a game over and it will restart. Only this time when it restarts... I wont be in the game.. I try to walk around everyone to get to a clear spot to see what exactly is causing this chaos. Once I get to the water fountain in the middle, a shadow falls upon us all. It was like someone placed a big black blanket over the town. Everything was pitch black. Muffled screams were heard from the scared townspeople around me. Then all of a sudden the clock tower's light turns on. Everyone directed their attention to that while the moon started to come closer and closer.
        The second hand started moving. Time was finally moving! We all watched in horror though, as Link started to slide off the second hand as it went to the 6, signifying that 30 seconds has went by. He fell off, landing hard on the ground face first, a pool of blood surrounding him and the game over box coming up. I fear for the worst and get just that. The game over box just glitches and the words change around. Instead of saying 'GAME OVER', it now said, 'BUT THIS ISN'T THE GAME WE ARE PLAYING, NOW IS IT?'
        This brings me back to the words BEN had said to me earlier. That even though he took me into a game, it won't be that game we were playing. I was his game.
I am his game, and I will not let him win.
        The clock stops again, this time at the very last second before it turns 2:00 am. 1:59:59. This is totally cheating. He said for 24 hours, not this!
        I hear laughing. Sick, sadistic laughing from around me. It's his. I turn to try to find him, but all I see is pitch black. I move until I see some light coming from a nearby street-alleyway place. A torch is the only thing lit in this nothingness of a world. I get under the light and look around to see a statue of Link just smiling creepily at me. I take the torch and walk to the statue. It actually looks like BEN, not Link.. I go to touch it and it cracks. Not only does it crack, but the ground shakes and starts to break open as well. I quickly run back to the main area where everyone else was at to find that everyone is gone. The laugh returns as BEN appears out of nowhere. He walks closer to me and I didn't notice. He gets right behind me and I turn around to meet his crazy eyes with mine.
"You can't throw me into a game we are already in, {Y/N}." BEN says evilly.
        That's right! How could I be so stupid!? We are in Majora's mask! I can't throw BEN in here again! When I did, did it make him more powerful or something? WHY {Y/N} WHY!?
        I back away from him, but fall back into the water behind me. He starts coughing slightly and I look down. The game that I had in my back pocket is now in the water. I pick it up and he notices it and tries to jump at me to get it. I hold it back down into the water and he starts coughing again. I look at the ground and it starts to fill up with water. I realize that if I keep the game in the water, the water goes into the game and floods this world. BEN HATES water, so if I do this, I might save many people from his insane side. Maybe.. It's worth a shot..
I have to drown BEN.
        I know that my small frame can't hold him down into the water, for he is way too strong and powerful compared to me. I keep the game held down in the water with the water level rising up to my chest.
"Are you crazy? You will kill us both!" BEN yells at me with such anger.
        The water level rises above my head and to his chin. He gasps for his last breath of air and gets submerged in water.

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