Deal 28

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                                                                                                        {Y/N}'s POV


        I am staring at darkness.

"Test your powers."

        My head is pounding as I return back to my normal self. I am in an empty street at midnight. A voice is speaking to me in my head. It's wanting me to do something, but I don't trust it. I don't remember anything today. I am cold and feel a pang of guilt hitting me, but I'm not sure why. I see a little boy come around a corner of a building crying. I immediately go up to him and hug him. He starts crying harder, saying he is lost and wants his mother. I hum a small tune and it calms him, but not enough. I start to add words to the song about how he will be happy again. He immediately smiles and looks up at me. His mother comes around the corner shortly after and he runs to her. She scold him for running off and thanks me. I give them a small smile before my head starts to hurt again.


        I fall to the ground after the mother and her child leaves.

"Let me show you how it's done."

        The voice takes over my body. My legs, though wobbly and unsteady, moves one foot in front of the other, leading me to a club. I open the door unwillingly and walk in. My eyes and ears adjust to the flashing rave lights and the loud music. People bump into me and give me disgusted looks as I continue to walk ahead. I am the odd one out with my apparel. I stop short in front of the drinks. My hand reaches out and grabs a glass in which I am guessing is filled with alcohol. My hand brings it up to my mouth and I drink it all down. I am on the point of tears. I have never consumed any alcoholic beverage before and never wanted to, but that was now taken away from me. I turn my heels to the stage and walk up to it.
"If anyone wants to recommend a cool song to play, feel free to!" the DJ says from behind his little set up. I go up to him and say something in his ear. He perks up at my request and plays some song without lyrics. I walk up to the stage and stand on it, retrieving a microphone from its stand and make sure it's on. I start singing something I have never heard of before. Everyone looks up and wonders what I was doing, just like I was. I see them all freeze in their spots as I sing a song from a RWBY soundtrack. As the climax comes everyone in the room falls to the ground with despair in their eyes. With the final lines saying 'Die, Die', the lights from the ceiling fall and crushes its victims underneath. I return to normal and panic. My eyes are brimming with tears. I quickly rush out of the place and down the streets. I need to find Slenderman, he said that he would try to protect me as much as he can. I don't know where exactly where I am supposed to go, but I run, hoping to find a forest or wooded area or something to get me to the mansion.
        I trip over my own feet and fall to the cold ground. I try to pick myself up only to end up falling again.

"Clumsy are we?" A voice says. I remember that voice.. Could it be the voice that said the same thing when I hit the garbage can a couple nights ago? I pick myself up and turn around hoping to see that smiling creep for the first time.


"Disappointed?" A creature says to me, smiling in the most creepiest manner possible.

        I internally panic. I can't believe this is the guy that was in my head. This was the guy that tried to kill me. The guy that threw BEN over the edge. Wait.. BEN! Where is he? Did he leave me alone? BEN. I need you.

"Let's make this easy, shall we? I don't want you. I want your voice. If you give it to me, I will not hurt you." Zalgo says from the shadows.

"B-But if I give it to you.. I won't be able to talk or sing or.. go back to the mansion. I think Slender only keeps me because of my gift." I try to reason.

"Trust me, you will be perfectly fine without it. You don't need it as much as you think." He says with a genuine smile. " And, it will also get everyone out of this mess you caused to them. You will be free from the burden."

        The mess that I caused them? Am I that much of a bother to them that I cause more trouble than it's worth? I think back to the creepypastas and how they acted around me. Slender had to order them to behave around me, but they didn't even show any signs of wanting to kill me, well besides Jeff, but that's normal. I think to BEN again. He must have left me for a reason. I might not remember today at all, but I do know how BEN is, he leaves when he is angry. I must have done something terrible to him. Is this when I run? Is this when I accept my fate and give up? Would I finally be able to go back home and regain my original, normal life? Can I give everything up now?


"No? What do you mean by no?" Zalgo says, his face switching from a smile to a frown. "I regret to inform you that if you decline my offer, that I would have to take it from you."

        I take a step back.

"Or maybe, I could-" He tries to say before I cut him off. "I-I will give you my voice....." I say to him. His head perks up at the sound of that. "Under one condition." I say.

"You cannot kill any of the creepypastas or.. me. If any of us die by you, our contract is void." I say, being more confident.

        Zalgo looks at me with a stern thinking face and then it softens. "Deal." He finally says. "Tell me when to stop." He says cruelly.

        Laughter erupts in my ears. Somethings wrong. Painfully wrong. My chest starts to burn and I twitch. I fall to the ground gasping for air, only to be welcomed with more fire in my chest. I try to yell out in pain, but I hear only but a faint whisper. When the pain subsides I look up to see Zalgo looking up and laughing with his fists in the air. He looks down on my trembling form and picks me up by my shirt. Darkness surrounds us as my headache returns at full force.

                                                                        What have I done.

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