Sick 24

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    Me? No way, that's just obscure! I have nothing to offer Zalgo and no reason for me to be a threat. He has already tried to kill me through BEN and failed, does he think of me as a challenge? I look up at BEN who is trying to comprehend what is happening. Jeff on the other hand is seeming to actually care about my well-being. Good for him, getting a heart! Slender is talking to Jane and Sally about something I can't quite hear.

"That's settled then." Slender says to the two of them.

"What's settled?" I ask him.

"I have a theory on you and why Zalgo wants you. There wont be any tests, however, you have to be with someone 24/7. Do NOT be by yourself. Ever." He says to me sternly.

"Ever...?" I say slowly.

"Until we can know your safe." He tells me.

        He quickly walks off with those long legs of his and I turn to BEN who is now right by my side.

"Looks like I will be right next to you forever." He says with a smirk.

"Who says I was going to choose you to be with me?" I say to him with an even wider smile.

"Who said you get to choose?" He says while booping my nose. I turn my head away from him. Hello annoying BEN, nice to have you back.

"Achoo!" I sneeze into my arm.

"Still have a cold?" Jeff asks.

"Guess so." I say. "Hey BEN, wanna share?" I say with a sarcastic grin.

"Give it to me, girl." He says, walking closer to me. My smile fades as he comes closer. I quickly walk down the stairs to get to the living room. Once I get to the couch, I plop down and turn on a video game. When BEN comes in, he notices my distracting ploy to get him to play and not harass me. He shuts off the TV and sits right next to me- almost on me. I sneeze again and he backs off.

"I thought you would never turn off a game willingly!?" I say to him.

"I never turned it off, just the TV." He says with a smirk.


        After hours of watching BEN play a couple games, I start to nod off. I slowly started to lean over on BEN's shoulder, but he didn't seem to notice. Hey, if he doesn't care, then neither do I! I rest my cheek on his shoulder and let my eyes fall closed. I hear the game turn off shortly after and BEN's breath getting closer to my face as he turns his head to look at me. I hear a small chuckle and feel myself slowly moving downward to the couch. Once my head was on the seat, I felt a blanket being draped over me and a pillow put under my head. I then go off into my hopefully dreamless sleep.

        I wake up feeling much better. Slendy said my temperature is normal and I should be fine. He left the thermometer with me by accident when he was checking my temperature. He is making dinner and told me to just hang out for a while before eating. I look at the TV and see that BEN has stopped playing games here. He might be in his room. I get up to go upstairs but I stop dead in my tracks when I see Masky, Hoodie, and EJ playing dress up with Sally. I slowly creep to the door and lean on the side. I watch as the two boys hold up teacups while in their too toos. I try to suppress my laugh as they talk.

"Why Miss Sally, this tea is just delightful!" Masky says.

"Yes, I agree with Bigget over here." EJ says.

"That's not polite of you, good sir." Masky says to EJ.

"That's where you're wrong. I'm not polite or good." EJ says back to him.

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