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Scott POV-

"Can you answer the question, Mr Major?"

Scott jolted awake, rubbing his eyes. "Huh?"

His teacher was watching him expectantly, and the muffled laughter from Xornoth to the side of him told him what had happened- he'd fallen asleep in class. Again.

"Um...." Scott squinted at the question on the board, and his heart sank. He had no idea. Maths was his worst subject on a good day. "7...?" He guessed, wincing.

"Incorrect. Pay attention in my class next time, Mr Major." The teacher snapped. "Now, as I was saying..."

He found his attention drifting to Lizzie, the student sat next to him who also happened to be one of his best friends, who shook her head with a disappointed expression.

It was at this moment that Scott's brain chose to notice that she had been pointing at a small scrap of paper she was holding, which had the number 49.315 written on it in Lizzie's tiny, neat handwriting.

"You need to stop falling asleep in class." She whispered, one eyebrow raised.

"You try getting any sleep with a brother who plays loud music till 4am." Scott muttered sleepily, resting his head on the desk at a strange angle so that he could still look at Lizzie.

"Don't know how that feels. My brother sleeps like... I was gonna say like a baby, but babies are horrible sleepers." Lizzie huffed. "That saying is almost as inaccurate as-"

"'Blind as a bat'." Scott said with a roll of his eyes. "I know, you talk about how inaccurate it is all the time."

"Hm. You do listen sometimes." She smiled. "Although you reallllyyy should be listening in class considering that exams are in a few months, Major." Lizzie grinned. "I can't help you out in those."

"Focus on your own studies, LD." He said with a playful smile, using the common abbreviation of Lizzie's actual last name, Liqua-Drai.

"I do. You're the one that needs help." She said jokingly as the bell rang. "Come on, let's get to lunch. Lizzie stood up promptly as students started to exit the classroom, grabbing her books and pen and stuffing them in her bag.

"Wait for me." Scott huffed as she turned to leave, grabbing his bag and tripping over one of the table legs in his eagerness to leave the classroom. This was applauded by peals of laughter from his twin, who was stood at the back talking to one of his friends. "Haha, so funny." He shot back, rushing after Lizzie.


"Lizzie! Scott! Over here!" It was their friend Joel, a mischievous boy with dark brown hair that had a green streak. He was stood with FWhip and Gem, the only other set of twins in the school, FWhip having short ginger/brown hair and Gem having long ginger hair.

Shelby, one of Scott's shorter friends who had shoulder length brown hair, yellow eyes and an odd obsession with mushrooms, was also there.

"Hey guys!" Lizzie said brightly, practically dragging Scott over.

"Where's Katherine?" He queried, noticing the absence of the brown haired girl who always seemed to have flowers on her somewhere.

"She was helping the biology teacher put away the stuff from our botany class." Gem explained. "She's a weird one, our Katherine."

"Tell us something we don't know." Shelby said with a roll of her eyes.

"I don't know why anyone would offer to spend extra time in a classroom." Joel said with a shrug.

"Because education is important." Lizzie said as if it was blindingly obvious.

"Oh, yeah, that! Of course, that's a great reason!" Joel amended hastily. Scott sighed internally. Oh, Joel... Joel had been madly in love with Lizzie since he and Scott had met her when they started attending this school, Imperium Academy, together.

Joel of course had never mentioned these feelings to Lizzie- Scott was the one who had to hear Joel's endless rants about how pretty and funny and smart Lizzie was. Personally, he didn't see why all of the boys his age were completely obsessed with girls. Boys were just as special as girls.

"Exactly! I'm glad you understand, Joel." Lizzie said with a smile, and Scott watched in amusement as Joel's face went bright red.

The rest of lunch was particularly uneventful- Gem talking about a new book she had started reading which she had made Scott and FWhip promise to read as well, Katherine (who took a while to arrive) talking about her flower garden, Joel bragging about a cheat he'd found on a game they all played.

The only mildly interesting thing was something Lizzie mentioned.

"Oh- by the way guys, something I forgot to tell you." She said, rolling her eyes.

"What is it?" Scott and Joel asked at the same time.

"My brother's starting here."

"Like... your twin?" Gem asked, more intrigued than before.

"Mhm. He's been homeschooled basically... all his life, and he's been begging our parents to let him to go to a normal school and they finally let him. So he's coming here." She shrugged.

"Why was he homeschooled?" Shelby asked curiously.

"My brother's a bit... well, weird is an understatement. Also, he has absolutely zero regard for his own safety- the amount of times I've had to save him from getting hit by cars is ridiculous." Lizzie added with the same affectionate yet slightly annoyed smile that she always wore when talking about her brother. "That and a few other things."

"I see, I see." Shelby said, although she still looked slightly confused.

"When's he starting?" FWhip asked, sounding a bit bored.

"Monday. And he'll probably be following us around for a while so, uh, sorry about that." Lizzie added awkwardly.

There was a chorus of 'it's fine' and 'don't worry about it' from her friends, Joel slightly more enthusiastic as usual.

The bell rang loudly again.

"Oh, we gotta go- I think I have... Art with Joel?" He glanced at his friend for confirmation. Joel nodded.

"Yup. Let's go."

As they all dispersed from the table, Scott pushed the thought of Lizzie's brother starting at Imperium Academy to the back of his mind- sure, he cared because Lizzie cared, but he didn't care that much.

It was just another student.

Yes I completely randomly made up Lizzie's last name (Liqua-Drai), sue me /j

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