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Scott POV-

He stared at the poster on the wall. "Prom?" The cyan haired boy muttered under his breath. "That's so lame. Who goes to prom?"

"People who want a chance to ask out their crush without being nearly as awkward as they'd normally be?" Someone suggested from beside him.

It was the girl with blonde hair that Scott had seen Pixl talking to on the day Joel got into a fight.

"Do I know you?" Scott asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Nope. I think we might be neighbours though- I moved in about six months back. My name's False. False Symmetry." She grinned.

Scott frowned. "New neighbours... oh, you're one of the people who moved into Pearl's house?" He asked. Pearl was one of his old friends who had lived near him and had moved away a few months ago. Scott knew that somebody had moved into her house but he hadn't particularly cared to find out who.

"I'm guessing that's the name of the person who used to live in my house, so yeah, probably." False said with a smile. "Also, prom isn't too bad. If you have anyone in mind, try asking them."

"Hm." Scott glanced back at the poster. "I'll consider asking someone then, strange girl I met five minutes ago who also lives a few doors down from me." He quickly took a picture of the poster. I'll have a better look later.

"I do give quite good advice." The girl said proudly. "Well, it was nice meeting you..." she trailed off.

"Scott. Scott Major."

"Nice meeting you, Scott Major! I have History with Pixl now- I think I've seen you talking to him before?- so see you around, Mr Major!" False said cheerily, walking away.

"See you around I guess...?" She was nice. Slightly odd, but nice nonetheless. Scott glanced back at the poster for prom.

Three weeks... Hm...


"Hey Scott!" Joel said brightly as the cyan haired boy sat next to him.

"Hello." Scott said with a yawn, glancing up at the board as their History teacher started talking about the downfall of the Grimlands and the Lost Empire- something about an explosion in a reactor? He wasn't too sure.

"Have you seen the posters for prom?" Joel asked excitedly.

"Yep. All anybody's talking about." Scott shrugged.

"I think it's cool. If I can get someone to go with me, that is." Joel said with a small smile.

"Have you considered asking Lizzie?" The cyan haired boy suggested. "That way I don't have to listen to your rants about how pretty and funny and smart she is."

"Well, I'm presuming she'll go with me anyway because she's my girlfriend." Joel said the last part of his sentence in a muttered rush, so quickly that Scott had barely been able to hear him.

"She's- what? When did that happen?" Scott said with a grin, glancing at the brunette, who was smiling.

"Last week when I asked her to talk to me in private. After I was done practicing that line, remember?" Joel asked.

"Ohhhh, I remember now. Did she like you back? Or did she say yes because she felt bad?" He asked jokingly.

"She stared at me and asked if she was dreaming, actually." Joel retorted with a playful shove, still beaming.

"Aww, well that's sweet." Scott said, glancing at the brunette.

"You got anyone you'd like to ask to prom?" Joel said, eyebrows raised as he shot the cyan haired boy a significant look.

"Nope, absolutely not, why would you say that, why, who've you been talking to?" Scott said in a rush, slightly flustered.

"I was just joking but now I'm intrigued." Joel said, smiling knowingly. "I have a guess, but enlighten me anyway."

"Who's your guess?" Scott asked with a huff. "Because it's nobody. Nobody is the correct answer, okay, Joel?"

"Okay, geez, sorry." The brunette rolled his eyes. "What happened to your face?"

"Excuse me?" Scott stared at Joel.

"Hey, you didn't want to talk about prom so I'm asking you about the bruise on your face." Joel said with a shrug.

"I- fair enough." Scott said with an uncertain shrug. "I, um- I tripped." He said awkwardly.

"Oh. I see." Joel squinted at him before glancing back at the front of the class with a stricken expression.

Scott followed his gaze.

The teacher was watching them, and he cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, my lesson isn't interrupting your conversation, is it? Carry on, I'll wait for whatever was so important that you had to disrupt my class, Mr Major and Mr Everson."

Joel gulped and Scott quickly mumbled a 'sorry', his face going bright red. He buried his head in his hands as the teacher turned away, continuing to talk about how the Lost Empire had very little information known about it.


He sat down at the lunch table, waving to Lizzie, who was walking over, and sitting down next to Jimmy, who looked deep in thought.

Scott grinned, tapping Jimmy on the shoulder. "Boo."

Jimmy jumped, eyes wide. "WHAT THE HELL- oh, it's you."

"Don't sound so disappointed." Scott teased, smiling.

"I'm not, you just scared me!" Jimmy protested.

"I know I did. You're very easy to scare, cod boy." Scott said smugly.

"Oh shut up, blueberry boy." Jimmy retorted, pulling his tongue at Scott.

"That is not the insult you think it is." Scott commented, glancing at Gem, who had started a very spirited debate with Joel about which was better- cliffs or mesa.

Jimmy rolled his eyes, frowning again moments later. "So, uh, have you heard about prom?"

"It's the only thing anybody's talking about." Scott said with a roll of his eyes. "How could I not? Joel wouldn't shut up about it in history."

"Yeah, that sounds like Joel." Jimmy said with a laugh. "Have you- are you gonna go? Or ask...anyone?"

"I wasn't going to, but this odd little blonde girl convinced me to ask someone out if I had anyone in mind, so I guess I'll see how I'm feeling." Scott shrugged. "Why?"

"No reason. No reason."

False Symmetry isn't gonna be relevant to the plot btw- I just wanted to introduce her + give a reason as to why Pearl wasn't in the story

Also yes I gave Joel a random last name, he is now Joel Everson

Also, Jizzie is canon in this book now! Yay :D

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