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Scott POV-

He was getting some books from his locker, about to head to Spanish, when he heard a shout from behind him.

"Hey, blondie!" It was Jimmy, who had a large grin plastered on his face.

"Please stop calling me that." Scott grumbled as Lizzie's brother walked over.

"But you are blonde! Anyway- so we have Spanish next, and Lizzie said she put my stuff in my locker, and I can't find it, but she said it's near yours, so..." Jimmy trailed off, glancing at the two lockers either side of Scott's.

"Oh. Did she tell you your locker number?" Scott asked wryly. "Because I don't fancy breaking into somebody's locker if it isn't yours."

"Um...." The dark blonde trailed off, frowning and muttering to himself. "147!" He exclaimed brightly.

"Oh, it's this one then." He gestured to the locker to the left of his own, Scott's locker being number 148.

He stood back as Jimmy took a further five minutes to remember the locker code- 8724-and yet another three or four minutes to fit all of his books in his bag- Lizzie had gone completely overboard and bought him every book that could potentially help him, it seems.

"Okay, let's get to Spanish, blondie!" Jimmy said ecstatically.

"If you keep calling me that I will just dye my hair." Scott muttered.

"Still gonna call you blondie!" Lizzie's brother said with a smug smile.

How incredibly annoying of him.


"Mr Major!" Scott glanced away from his conversation with one of his classmates, Pixl, to look at the teacher.


"What does 'vivir' mean?" He frowned. He hadn't been paying attention. Yes, the teacher was reviewing stuff they had learnt at the start of the year, but he hadn't been paying attention then either.

Scott heard someone coughing loudly from the desk three seats across from him- Jimmy. He stared at his classmate in bewilderment, then in realisation as Lizzie's brother- who was hiding behind his book- showed him a note.

"'To live'." Scott said confidently. The teacher nodded, almost surprised, and started quizzing another classmate, a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes (he thought the boy's name was Joey). Scott mouthed a silent 'thank you' at Jimmy, who Scott was almost certain mouthed back 'no problem, blondie'.

He sighed as he realised that would probably be Jimmy's nickname for him the rest of his life, accepting defeat.

Before Scott knew it, class was over and the other students had started to leave the classroom. Xornoth, who was sat at the back, shouted after Joey.

"Bye, Connor!" The blonde shot him an odd look before leaving the classroom.

"Uh- you know his name isn't Connor, right?" Scott whispered.

"I know that." Xornoth scoffed. "It's all part of my plan."

"What... plan?" Scott asked warily, waving as Jimmy left.

"You see if I keep calling him by the wrong name, at some point he'll correct me, and then I'll apologise and say something like 'I have an ex who looks like you called Connor'. He'll subconsciously realise that someone who looked like him wasn't up to my standards, and then as a result develop a psychological need for my approval." Xornoth finished proudly. "It'll make it much easier to ask him out."

Scott pulled a face. "That's weird, but good luck I guess...?"

"You would say that, little brother." Xornoth said with a roll of his eyes.

"What- we're twins!" Scott protested.

"I'm older by ten minutes." His brother said with raised eyebrows. "You're so boring."

"Just because I haven't dyed my hair bright red doesn't make me boring." He shot back.

"I mean, your hair colour matches your personality, so I wouldn't change it." Xornoth commented with a sly glance.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean blonde is pretty basic and boring- just like you." His twin glanced at his phone. "Well, I don't wanna be late to lunch- have fun!"

Scott was left standing in the middle of his Spanish classroom alone.


He sat down next to Gem, muttering a small hello to everyone else.

"What took you so long?" Lizzie asked.

"Xornoth was talking about his plan to ask someone out and for some reason he told me." Scott said with a shrug.

Jimmy frowned. "You okay, blondie? You look either tired or upset."


Basic and boring.

Just like you.

He shook his head. "I'm fine." Scott glanced at Joel. "How was Geography?"

"Boring." Joel said with a sigh. "We looked at Mezalea and the Ocean Empire, and their geographical locations and stuff- it was incredibly boring." He repeated.

"I like Geography- I think the Ocean Empire was incredibly interesting- like, how did they build on water?" Lizzie said curiously. The pink haired girl pulled a face. "It's just the boring old city of Atlantia now. At least Mezalea kept its name."

"Oh, uh, that bit was interesting. Mezalea was the boring bit." Joel amended, although, in Scott's opinion, the brunette looked as if his thoughts had been the opposite way round- the Ocean Empire/Atlantia was boring and Mezalea was interesting.

"I mean Mezalea wasn't that boring- apparently it used to be in a mesa- but the Ocean Empire sounded awesome!" Lizzie said brightly.

"The Cod Empire was cool." Jimmy mumbled around his lunch, which was just two sandwiches. Swallowing, he added, "before it got renamed to Piscia, of course."

"I don't remember much about the Cod Empire." FWhip said with a frown. "Just that they hated salmon for some reason."

"Salmon are weird, so fair enough." Jimmy said with a shrug.

"Okay, cod boy." Scott said with a grin.

Jimmy groaned, burying his face in his hands. "Is 'cod boy' my name now? Is this what I get for calling you blondie?"

Scott shot the dark blonde a mischievous smile. "It was just an 'in the moment' kind of thing, but now that you mention it, cod boy sounds like an interesting nickname..."

"Oh, for god's sake!" Jimmy exclaimed, straightening and frowning. "Fine, but as long as I can call you blondie."

"I didn't agree to that." Scott said with an off-handed shrug.

"Aargh, you're so annoying."

"That's odd coming from you, cod boy."

Yes I made up new names for the Ocean and Cod empires because I didn't think that 'empire' fit when they're now cities.

KRYO // An Empires SMP Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now