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Scott POV-

He looked in the mirror, glancing over his hair as his mother shouted him again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Scott shouted in response, running out of the bathroom and down the stairs and then grabbing his bag. He dodged around his mother with a muttered goodbye, ignoring her shocked gasp and starting the walk to school.


Everywhere he went in school, someone he knew (or the people in any one of his classes, anyway) would point at him or whisper something in surprise.

It became very obvious what everyone was staring at (although he already knew, obviously) when he met up with Joel, Lizzie and Jimmy at Joel's locker.

"Hey guys." Scott said brightly, glancing between the three with amusement.

Lizzie trailed off halfway through a sentence- her mouth was still moving, but no sound was coming out. Jimmy stared, his face contorting into annoyed and utterly dumbfounded expression as he started muttering something about how he couldn't call Scott blondie anymore. Joel's reaction was the most expected.

"WHY IS YOUR HAIR BLUE?!" Joel yelped, attracting the attention of everyone else in the hallway as his voice went rather high pitched. The brunette cleared his throat, looking rather embarrassed as Lizzie giggled.

"It's cyan, actually." Scott corrected him. "And I just... fancied a change." Try this for basic and boring, Xornoth. He thought defiantly. "Plus, Jimmy can't call me blondie anymore." The cyan haired boy added smugly.

"Damnit, I can't." Jimmy muttered, glaring. "But that means you can't call me cod boy, either!" He said hastily.

"No promises, Jimmy." Scott said with a laugh, grinning as the dark blonde mentioned the nickname Scott had started calling him about a week ago.

Jimmy muttered something crossly under his breath that vaguely sounded 'no promises, I'll show you no promises', which didn't even make sense in his opinion. He smiled slightly as Jimmy glanced towards him.

Now that he thought about it, the dark blonde's brown eyes were very pretty-

Absolutely not. That's Lizzie's brother, Scott! He scolded himself. Don't you dare start thinking things like that.

"So... Art?" He said questioningly to Joel, who rolled his eyes.

"Wrong! It's Phys Ed." The brunette corrected him, grinning.

"You mean P.E?" Scott said wryly, pulling a face at how Joel referred to the subject.

"Yeah, yeah, that- it's dodgeball." Fantastic. My favourite. He thought with an internal eye roll.

"I think Jimmy's joining you." Lizzie said brightly.

"Oh, really?" Scott asked, slightly more interested as he turned to look at the pink haired girl.

"Yep. Lizzie dragged me to the shops last night to get a P.E kit." Jimmy scoffed. "Why do we need a set uniform for P.E? It's literally just a t-shirt and shorts- we can get the same stuff for like half the price, but because it's a specific uniform it's more expensive."

"Have to agree there." Joel said, slamming his locker door shut. "Now come on, let's go-"


Scott was waiting for Joel to finish getting changed, having already changed himself, when Jimmy walked out of the changing room.

He felt his face get slightly hotter. "Oh, uh, he-hey Jimmy!" Jesus Christ, Scott, he's just wearing a t-shirt and shorts! Yes, he looks cute in them- but he's Lizzie's brother! Stop having thoughts like that!

"Hey blondi- oh wait, I can't even call you that now." Jimmy muttered, frowning. "So, quickly before we start...how do you play dodgeball?"

"Honestly? No idea. I kind of just... stand to the side. I get shouted at for it, but I'm hopeless when it comes to sports." Scott admitted awkwardly.

"I'm sure you're not terrible." Jimmy tried, both eyebrows raised.

"Geez, thanks." Scott said sarcastically. "Seriously though, thanks."

"No problem." Jimmy looked as if he wanted to say something else, but he stopped, and they both looked over as Joel came rushing out of the changing room.

"I'm done! And I'm ready to beat the both of you in dodgeball." Joel added smugly.

"What do you mean?" Jimmy asked.

"I asked Mr Aldrich, and we're on different teams- I'm with FWhip and Joey, and a few others, and you guys are with Xornoth, Pixl and some other guys." Scott groaned internally as his brother's name was mentioned. Just great. Pixl isn't too bad, I guess. Don't really know much about him, though.

"Is Xornoth the guy who was a jerk to Lizzie for no reason?" Jimmy demanded.

"Yup. Bet you aren't too happy about that one, huh, Scott?" Joel asked sympathetically.

"Why would Scott not be happy? Because Xornoth was mean to Lizzie?" The dark blonde boy guessed.

Oh, right, haven't mentioned that to Jimmy yet. "Nope. Because he's, uh... my twin brother." He said the last part in a mumble in the hopes that Lizzie's brother wouldn't hear, but Jimmy obviously did, pulling a face.

"Wow. Who knew twins could be polar opposites?" Jimmy said, eyebrows raised.

Scott pulled a face.

For the next ten minutes or so, the three sat and waited, having been the first three ready, Joel making lame jokes, Scott making fun of Jimmy and Jimmy trying to find out everything he could about dodgeball.

Then the game started. As per usual, Scott stood to the side awkwardly, watching as the rest of his classmates played dodgeball. He didn't have a clue what was going on- he barely knew how to throw a ball, never mind how to play the game.

He was watching Jimmy attempt to catch a ball, only for Lizzie's brother to jump sideways with a startled yelp as it flew towards the dark blonde's face, when he heard a shout from Joel.


The cyan haired boy turned sideways just in time to see one of the dodgeballs flying towards his face, and then there was darkness.

Chapter summary: Scott is gay for Jimmy and then gets hit in the face by a dodgeball

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