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Scott POV-

He stared down at his homework. "Aargh, why is Spanish so hard?"

"The better question is, why are you doing homework at lunch, blueberry boy?" Jimmy asked with a roll of his eyes.

"So that I don't have to waste all of my free time at home doing homework, Jimmy." The cyan haired boy shot back.

"You know, I really can't tell whether you guys are best friends or enemies sometimes." Katherine commented, glancing between them.

"What makes you say that?" Scott and Jimmy asked at the same time, exchanging a glance.

"Well, half the time you're joking around with each other and hanging out, and half of the time you call the other 'cod boy' or 'blueberry boy' and get annoyed when you get called that." The brunette pointed out, fixing her hair as some of it fell into her face.

"Not my fault that cod boy's so easily annoyed." Scott commented, humming to himself and glancing back at his homework as Jimmy started to furiously protest, speaking so fast that the only words Scott could make out were 'blueberry boy' and 'stupid'.

As far as he could tell, that was as far as Jimmy's vocabulary went when it came to insults- any of his weird nicknames and 'stupid', or 'idiot'.

As if right on cue, he heard Jimmy mutter 'idiot' under his breath, and Scott had to make a visible effort to stop himself from laughing, covering his mouth with one hand.

"It's not funny!" Jimmy wailed, making Scott laugh even more.

"Oh, stop it you two." Lizzie scolded, glancing away from her conversation with Gem. "Katherine has a point." She added, half to herself.

"Again, not my fault it's so easy to annoy Jimmy." Scott said with a shrug, glancing back at his homework.

Looking over his shoulder, Shelby commented, "You really should be able to do this, you know, Scott. This is just reviewing some really basic stuff."

"I know, but I'm terrible at Spanish." The cyan haired boy said with a sigh.

"I'm not horrible at Spanish. I could help." Jimmy offered, glancing at the homework from across the table.

"Please do." Scott said, glaring at the piece of paper.

"Ok. Shelby, you mind if I swap places with you?" The dark blonde asked.

Shelby shook her head, and the two quickly swapped seats.

"Now, what don't you understand?" Jimmy asked, squinting at the piece of paper.

"I- everything." The cyan haired boy admitted as Jimmy's gaze scanned the page. "I don't pay attention in most of my classes, to be honest."

"Jeez, no wonder Lizzie's always lecturing you." The dark blonde muttered. Raising his voice, he added, "Please tell me you at least remember 'vivir'."

"I remember that one- 'to live', right?" Scott guessed.

Jimmy raised his eyebrows, looking surprised. "Correct. Now, what about... 'caminar'?"

"Um... is it... a cognate? Does it sound anything like the English word?" He tried.

"Nope. Doesn't sound anything like it." Jimmy said, rolling his brown eyes. His incredibly pretty brown eyes- Scott! Stop doing that! (A/N: Scott you are such a simp /hj)

"I... is it.... Oh my god, I genuinely don't know. Please help me, cod boy." The cyan haired boy said with a sigh.

"Hmm... I'll tell you what it means and forgive you for calling me cod boy if... you give me your cookie." Jimmy declared.

"Wha- okay, fine, take it. Just help, please." Scott said with a yawn.

"Wow, don't think I've ever seen you give in so easily, Scott." FWhip commented, exchanging a glance with Gem.

"Well, I need help with my homework and I'm terrible at Spanish, and somehow Jimmy's good at it." The cyan haired boy shrugged.

Lizzie opened her mouth to say something, and then froze as she glanced at her phone. "Oh, I'm late! I am so incredibly late! I- I have to go, I'll catch up with you guys later-" The pink haired girl grabbed her bag, tripping in her eagerness to get wherever she was going.

Joel quickly helped her up and watched as she ran out of the room, down the hallway that led to the Art, Drama and Technology classrooms.

"Anyone mind telling me what that was about?" The brunette asked, glancing around the table.

Jimmy, who had quickly finished eating the cookie and was reading Scott's homework again, shot him a look. "She's auditioning for the school play."

"Oh, I see. What play is it?" Joel asked, trying and (in Scott's opinion) failing to look bored.

"Romeo and Juliet." Gem said brightly. When everyone stared at her, the ginger added, "I went to the auditions yesterday- acting's fun."

"I see, I see." Joel said, making the face he always made when he was trying to figure something out. "I might go and, uh... check that out. Real quick." He grabbed his bag. "Bye." The brunette quickly rushed out of the room in the direction Lizzie had run off to.

Jimmy and Scott exchanged a look. "What on earth was that?" The dark blonde asked, and Scott shrugged.

"I don't know. Now, weren't you meant to be helping me with my homework?" He queried, and Jimmy rolled his eyes again.

"Right, right, sorry. 'Caminar' means 'to walk'." Lizzie's brother said, nudging Scott's pen towards him.

"Oh- I could've guessed that." Scott muttered as he hastily wrote it down, half annoyed and half glad.

"If you could've guessed it, why did you ask me for help?" Jimmy asked. "Exactly." He added in response to the cyan haired boy's awkward silence. "Now- 'correr'. What does it mean?"

"Well... it starts with the same letter as 'caminar'. So it might... mean something similar?" Scott guessed warily, and Jimmy just looked disappointed.

"'Hablar' and 'huevos' start with the same letter and they don't mean the same thing." The dark blonde said pointedly.

"I don't know what either of those words mean, so that mean absolutely nothing to me." The cyan haired boy said with a small smile.

"Well, for your information, 'correr' means 'to run'." Jimmy snarked.

"They do have similar meanings." Scott shrugged, writing the translation down with a flourish.

"That's not- that's an exception to the rule, blueberry boy!" Jimmy blurted, glaring at Scott.

"Still works though."

Did I just make an entire chapter out of Jimmy helping Scott with his Spanish homework? Yes :) also those translations might be completely wrong because I don't know much Spanish and I used google translate.

Also yes, Joel is gonna try and do the whole 'a character joins the play Romeo and Juliet, and their love interest is Juliet/Romeo (in this case Juliet) while they are Romeo/Juliet (in this case Romeo)' because why not?

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