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Q: When will you start Part 2 of 'Kryo'?

A: I've already started the 'sequel' :D I say 'sequel' in quotation marks because it isn't a continuation of the story, it's a retelling of the story of 'Kryo' but it's from Jimmy's perspective. This is mainly because 1: this story got a lot more interaction than I expected and I didn't want to just leave you guys with 'Kryo' and 2: I don't really know what else to do with the story. If I get more inspiration, I might write an ACTUAL sequel, but for now, it's just a retelling from Jimmy's POV :) I might do some Oneshots here and there though

Q: What was your inspiration for this fic?

A: A brilliant Flower Husbands Highschool AU called 'A Poppy By Any Other Name' (go check it out). Also I've been wanting to write a Flower Husbands fic for a while so yeah :D

Q: How are you?

A: I'm good, thanks for asking :D just planning out some more chapters for books

Q: Do you have any tips for beginning writers? Also, do you ever feel exhausted after finishing a chapter?

A: My only tip would really be read. Like, a lot. That's how I expand my vocabulary, and I often tweak phrases and sentences from some books and use them here and there in my own books :) and practice writing as much as you can. also, I don't feel exhausted after finishing a chapter, no, I more feel, like... I think 'a sense of accomplishment' is the right term? Like, I'm proud of myself for finishing it. The only time I feel 'exhausted', so to speak, is when Im in the middle of writing a filler chapter  and I don't know how to meet the word count (I always set myself a goal of at least 1000 words for a chapter, and I'll rarely upload a chapter that's less than 1000 words- only if I really can't come up with anything else).

Q: How long have you been writing?

A: I've been uploading stories on Wattpad for about a year and a half, maybe almost two years, and I'd say I started writing stories outside of school when I got into Warrior Cats and I wanted to write a story for my oc Shadowbird, so... about three or four years now?

Q: Are you going to write Jimmy's POV? If so, what's it called?

A: I've already started writing it, actually, and uploaded chapter one :) it's called 'Mysterium'. Updates on 'Mysterium' might be slower than the updates on 'Kryo' though, because I'm working on two other fics ('Unlawful Good' and 'Sailors and Sea Monsters') as well as 'Mysterium'



Q: Why are you dating Xornoth?

A: "Honestly, I'm not sure. Partly because he's cute, partly because it wouldn't be good for my social life to reject one of the most popular kids in our year, and partly because he's kinda scary and I didn't really want to say no. And I wanted to clarify that my name was Joey, not Connor. Where the hell did he get 'Connor' from?"


Q: Do you see Jimmy as a little brother or a best friend?

A: "Prrrobably a little brother because he definitely acts the youngest out of us, and he's my girlfriend's brother, and I kind of feel very so slightly more protective where Jimmy is concerned, so... Although, FWhip has made a few jokes about Jimmy being my big brother- Even though I'm older than him, by the way!- just because Jimmy's taller than me, which is so incredibly unfunny of him- FWhip, not Jimmy."

Q: How did you and Lizzie meet?

A: "When we started highschool, and she noticed me because of how incredibly funny and cool and tall I am. Okay, I'm not tall, but I'm so close to being above average height!"


Q: When was your gay awakening?

A: "Probably when I met Scott, if I'm being honest. Don't tell him I said that though. It'll make his ego bigger than it already is."

Q: What is your sexuality? Or at you unlabelled?

A: "I prefer to say that I'm unlabelled. If I like somebody, I like somebody, and I don't see a reason to put a label on the way I feel. Not that there's anything wrong with people who have a label or determined sexuality, though. I have had a lot of people suggest that I could be pansexual when I've told them this, but I'm not. I'm just... unlabelled, I guess."

Q: Does Scott ever say weird stuff? Like, ask for handcuffs or something?

A: "I don't think so? Why?"


Q: When was your gay awakening?

A: "When I went to the beach with Joel and Lizzie about two years back, and I saw this super cute guy with no shirt on. Definitely then. Although I did think Tom Felton- you know the guy who played Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter?- was pretty cute. Yes, I had a Harry Potter phase."

Q: How was Xornoth as a kid?

A: "Still a brat. He's always been one. He just got worse when he got to Highschool."


Q: How did you and Joel meet?

A: "We had just started Highschool, and I heard him telling a joke to Scott, and I laughed, and he noticed and started talking to me. Then we became friends!"

And that concludes the Q and A :) feel free to ask any more questions though, I'll just answer them in the comments (probably) (also the sequel has been uploaded, it's called 'Mysterium' :) )

KRYO // An Empires SMP Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now