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Scott POV-

The cyan haired boy glanced up from his locker as Lizzie and Joel walked over.

"Hey guys." He scanned the hallway behind them. "Where's Jimmy?"

"Told you that'd be the first thing he asked." Joel muttered with a grin, and Lizzie sighed, muttering something to him before raising her voice.

"He's staying off from school today- he's sick." Lizzie looked Scott up and down.

"Wait, he's sick? Oh no, I was with him like all day on Friday- am I gonna get sick?" Scott cried.

"No. If you aren't sick now, you probably won't get sick." Jimmy's sister reassured him.

"Okay. You know, I've know him for like two months now- never known him to get sick." Scott said thoughtfully.

"Jimmy has a terrible immune system." Lizzie informed him, rolling her eyes.

"Really? But you never get sick, and you're twins." He pointed out.

"You and Xornoth are twins and you're total opposites." Joel said with a shrug. "Clearly twins can be somewhat different from each other."

"I... guess that makes sense?" Scott said warily. "Oh, Lizzie- how'd the audition go?"

"Great, actually!" The pink haired girl said, looking much more positive all of a sudden. "I'm hoping I get Juliet, but I could settle for another role."

"Didn't you audition as well, Joel?" Scott queried, his gaze lingering on the brunette.

"Oh. Um. Yeah." Joel sighed. "I did... absolutely terrible."

"Probably because you've read the play a maximum three times, and that was for English." Lizzie pointed out, amused. When he didn't brighten, she added, "I mean, it looked like the other person who said he wanted to audition for Romeo was sick, so you might get it just by default."

"I guess you're right. I'm gonna go get something from my locker, be right back!" Joel declared, turning and leaving.

"How did he actually do?" Scott whispered, watching the brunette walk away.

"It wasn't too bad- it was a bit like watching a toddler trying to read for the first time." Lizzie said with a fond yet amused smile. "He'll get the hang of it eventually, though. From what I've seen, once he commits to something, he doesn't give up."

"That is true." The cyan haired boy agreed, and they had a casual conversation for the next few minutes as they waited for Joel to come back.

About ten minutes went by with no sign of Joel.

"Where on earth is he?" Lizzie muttered, her expression a mix of anxious and annoyed.

"Let's go look, come on." Scott glanced towards the hallway Joel had gone down. "We can start by just going to his locker and seeing if he's there."

The two ran off towards Joel's locker, and when they got there they were greeted by the interesting sight of Joel getting thrown to the floor by Xornoth.

A small crowd had gathered around the fight- Joey and one of Xornoth's other friends, Sausage, were watching excitedly, FWhip was trying to break up the fight while Gem and Katherine stared, and Pixl was stood nearby having a conversation with a girl with plaited blonde hair.

As Joel scrambled to his feet and aimed another punch at Xornoth, Scott noticed that the brunette had what looked like the beginning of a bruise over his left eye and a cut his cheek, while Scott's twin looked like he had multiple scratches all over his face, probably because Joel had a horrible aim at the start of fights, so his punches had probably just resulted in his nails catching Xornoth's face.

To be fair, once Joel found his footing, the brunette was a pretty decent fighter.

He did note that it looked like Xornoth did have the beginnings of a bruise on his cheek, though.

Scott heard a muffled shout from Lizzie- something along the lines of 'JOEL, STOP'- and rushed forward at the same time as FWhip, who grabbed Joel's wrist and pulled him away before Xornoth could slam the brunette's head into the lockers lining the wall.

How on Earth have no teachers noticed this? As if on cue, one of the Science teachers came running out of a nearby Science classroom, shouting.

Scott ran over to help FWhip with Joel, who looked as if he wanted to continue the fight but also wanted to go to bed.

"Joel, what happened?" He hissed. "You just went to go get something from your locker!"

"I ran into the absolute idiot that is your brother, who started rambling about something or other- something about you, actually, Scott- and then he started insulting Lizzie and Jimmy, and I wasn't gonna let him insult my friends." Joel declared.

"And somehow it escalated into... that?" FWhip asked wryly, jabbing a finger in the direction of Joel's locker, which the fight had taken place next to.

"Pretty much, yeah." Joel admitted with a shrug.

Lizzie stormed over. "What on earth was that?" The pink haired girl cried. "I leave you alone for five minutes-"

"He was insulting you and Jimmy. And Scott. It was entirely deserved." Joel said defensively.

"While that may be the case, you've definitely come out of it worse- look at your face! And you'll almost certainly get a detention, if not suspended." Lizzie scolded, turning and walking over to the teacher, perhaps to explain what happened.

"Worth it." The brunette muttered wryly.

"I'll be surprised if they even let you carry on in the play." Scott added, and Joel looked much more upset.

"What? But I- he started it!" Joel said, sounding somewhat like a toddler.

"Maybe if you explain what happened, they'll relax the punishment slightly." FWhip reasoned.

"Yeah. I don't wanna be late to class, so you probably need to have a talk with the teacher. I have a Maths class to get to." Scott declared, releasing his grip on his friend's arm. "Good luck."

"What- oh no, I'll be late for my class!" Joel whined.

"That's your own fault." Scott said wryly. "There's been enough weirdness today- Jimmy being sick, you fighting with my brother- I'm going to class. Have a good day, my friend."

Imagine being social and strong enough to get into a fight, couldn't be me- /hj

Chapter Summary: Jimmy is sick so he isn't in school, Joel thinks he did bad in the audition (which he did), Joel gets stuff from his locker and then fights Xornoth and then gets lectured by Lizzie, Scott and FWhip.

TBH this chapter was mainly just about Joel, but it'll re-focus on Scott and Jimmy in the next chapter or two.

(Also, the girl with the blonde plait talking to Pixl was FalseSymmetry, I'll introduce her at some point djeikfjr-)

Also I'm making cookies with my partner as I'm writing this :D

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