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Scott POV-

He stared at Jimmy, who had just sat down next to him- that seemed to be the dark blonde's seat of choice now, as Lizzie's brother sat there everyday. But that was irrelevant at that moment.

"What. Happened. To your face?" Scott asked slowly, looking the boy over.

Jimmy mumbled something that sounded like, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"What do you- look at yourself!" The thing Scott was referring to was the large bruise over Jimmy's left eye and the fact that his nose was bleeding slightly.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." Jimmy said hastily, turning his head somewhat away from the table as Lizzie and Joel sat down.

"What's going on?" Lizzie asked with a frown, clearly having noticed Scott's concerned (yet slightly frustrated) expression.

"He won't tell me what happened to his face. It looks like somebody hurt him and I just want to know who." The cyan haired boy explained, glancing at Lizzie's brother, who was still looking away and talking to himself under his breath.

"What happened to his face?" Lizzie asked, carefully reaching over the table, gently grabbing her brother's chin gently and turning his head towards her. The pink haired girl let out an audible gasp, and Joel swore under his breath, staring with wide eyes.

"Who did that?" Lizzie asked anxiously as Jimmy pulled away from her.

"Yeah, who do we need to start a fight with?" Joel demanded, earning himself a stern look from Lizzie. The two stared, having a silent conversation for a moment, before looking back at Jimmy.

"It's... it doesn't matter." Jimmy said with an uncertain shrug, looking somewhat deep in thought.

"It does matter." Joel insisted fiercely, and Lizzie nodded in agreement. "Who was it?"

There was a moment of silence, before...

"Xornoth." Jimmy said quietly, glancing at the ground.

Scott stared, feeling multiple different emotions- anger, at Xornoth, annoyance, because Xornoth had purposefully hurt Jimmy- there was no way he coincidentally ran into the dark blonde-, and mostly, he was upset that Jimmy was hurt.

"One minute." He muttered through gritted teeth, getting out of his seat. As he noticed Jimmy start to protest, Scott added, "I'm not gonna fight Xornoth. I just want to talk to him. I'll be right back."


Scott glared as he spotted Xornoth, who was stood in an abandoned hallway talking to Joey, who looked slightly anxious.

"XORNOTH!" His brother looked over as Scott walked up to him, and his twin raised one eyebrow.

"What is it?" Xornoth asked after an annoyed mutter to himself.

"Why did you do that?" Scott asked, attempting to keep his voice steady.

"Do what?" The red head asked, smiling. He muttered something to Joey, who nodded quickly and left, glancing at the ground.

Scott closed his eyes briefly, swearing quietly before opening his eyes and glancing at his brother. "Why did you hurt Jimmy?"

"Oh, you mean the annoying blonde boy? Liqua-Drai's brother?" Xornoth rolled his eyes. "He was annoying me. And he was in my way. I was trying to get to my locker and he was stood in the way, staring at his phone."

"So you hurt him?" Scott scoffed. "That's so stupid- you could have just asked him to move." I swear to god, if he says one more thing-

"I hurt your stupid little boyfriend, so what?" Xornoth snarked with a laugh. "He'll be fine. If he's crying about it, that's his problem."

The cyan haired boy stared at his brother before muttering something under his breath and punching Xornoth in the face.


Lizzie POV- (didn't expect that did you)

She stared at the door with a frown. "Scott's been gone for a while." Lizzie pointed out.

"So?" Joel glanced over from where he'd taken a seat next to Jimmy, who still looked slightly shaken.

"So, the last time one of us was gone that long, it was when you got in a fight with Xornoth." Lizzie said pointedly, eyebrows raised.

"Oh- OH, WAIT- Oh no-" Joel leapt to his feet, rushing towards the door and leaving. Lizzie glanced at Jimmy, who nodded and stood up, and then she looked at the rest of the table.

FWhip got up with a frown, and Katherine and Shelby shook their heads. Gem had been busy with something this lunch, so she wasn't there.

"Let's go." FWhip muttered, walking past them. Lizzie exchanged a glance with her brother, and they both followed.


Lizzie stared as they turned the corner in time to see Scott slam his brother's head into one of the nearby lockers.

The two brothers had clearly been fighting for a while- Scott had a large cut on his face, and the beginnings of a bruise on his neck, and Xornoth had multiple cuts all across his face and looked incredibly dazed yet furious.

Joel and Joey were stood nearby, Joel trying to either break up the fight or join in (Lizzie couldn't tell) and Joey stood to the side, looking as if he wanted to help but doing nothing.

She heard a gasp from Jimmy, who was watching with an odd expression that the pink haired girl couldn't read. "What is he doing?" She heard him mumble, although he didn't sound annoyed, more like... actually, she wasn't quite sure how he sounded.

Lizzie took a step forwards, nodding at FWhip, who muttered something before jumping forwards and grabbing Xornoth's arm, pulling him back as Lizzie restrained Scott.

"What on earth were you thinking?" Lizzie hissed as she forcefully moved the cyan haired boy away.

Scott scowled, still glaring at his brother. "He deserved it."

Ok I know this book is meant to be from Scott's point of view, and it still is- I just find it easier to write fights from the point of view that isn't the point of view of the people fighting (if that makes sense?)

Also yeah Lizzie :3

Also, I know, I'm terrible at writing fight scenes, we've established this lmao

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