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Scott POV-

He stared at himself in the mirror with a frown. Do I look okay? He was wearing a somewhat dark blue blazer, a white shirt and dark gray pants with a dark green tie.

Scott stepped away from the mirror, shaking his head. I'm sure Jimmy won't mind. Probably. And the poster did say formal wear, so...

He heard a small laugh from behind him as he walked out of his room. "What're you getting dressed up for? It's not like you have a date to prom." Xornoth snarked with a grin. His twin was wearing a carmine blazer, a white shirt similar to Scott's own, gray pants and an awkwardly placed black tie.

"For your information, I do have a date." Scott couldn't help responding. "Not that it's any of your business."

"Really? A date? You?" Xornoth burst into laughter as if the very idea was hilarious. "Oh, you are funny sometimes, Scott. Who is it then?"

Scott hesitated briefly before responding, "Jimmy. Lizzie's brother."

"The blonde one?" His brother said with a roll of his eyes. "Not my type, but to each their own, I suppose."

"Mhm." Scott responded quietly, biting back a retort. Your boyfriend has blonde hair. Your point? He instead pulled out his phone as he got a text from Jimmy.

Jimmy 💛

Just left the house. Looking forward
to prom, blueberry? :D

I'll be there soon- I haven't
left yet lmao. And yeah, I am :)
Received: 18:47
Read: 18:47

See you then <3
Recieved: 18:48
Read: 18:48

Jimmy 💛

See you then :)

Switching his phone off and putting it into his pocket, Scott calmly walked past Xornoth, down the stairs and out of the front door.


The first person he spotted by the school was Joel, who was lingering outside with a bored expression.

"Hey Joel." He said casually, grinning at the brunette's shocked yelp.

"Jesus- you scared me then, Scott!" Joel whined, shoving him playfully.

"Lizzie here yet?" Scott asked curiously.

"We both know that you're really asking 'is Jimmy here' and the answer is no, neither of them are here yet." Joel responded with a roll of his eyes. "Nice to see you actually caring about your outfit for once." His friend remarked, looking Scott up and down.

"Hey, I always care about my outfit. I just don't care how it looks." Scott defended himself, glancing over Joel's own outfit. The brunette was wearing a rather dashing emerald green blazer, a white shirt, gray pants and he had a pink rose in the top blazer pocket. "Wait, we were meant to bring a flower for our dates?"

"We weren't exactly meant to, I just thought it'd be nice. You know, sentimental. Lizzie thinks that kind of thing is cute, so..." Joel shrugged with a small smile. They both turned at an amused voice from behind them.

"Even on prom, you don't care enough to brush your hair, huh?" Lizzie said with a laugh. Her and Jimmy were stood nearby, and she was watching Joel with amusement. She was wearing a rather simple pink dress, and her hair was piled up on top of her head in a neat hairstyle. Jimmy was nervously fidgeting with the collar of the gray blazer he was wearing that went with his white shirt, green tie and dark gray pants.

"I did so brush my hair." Joel muttered before raising his voice. "Nice to see that you finally got here. You look very pretty, I must say. Oh, by the way, I got you a rose." He carefully took the pink rose out of the blazer pocket, handing it to Lizzie, who looked pleasantly surprised.

"Oh, well you've stolen my idea now, Joel." Jimmy joked, fidgeting with a red poppy that Scott had failed to notice him holding. "This is for you, Scott." Scott blinked, taking the poppy from Jimmy and carefully putting it in his own blazer pocket.

"Oh! Thank you." He said with a smile, hoping his face wasn't as red as it felt like it was.

"We'll give you two a minute." Joel said with a laugh, leading Lizzie inside the building.

The two stood in slightly awkward silence for a few minutes. "You are-"

"Short?" Jimmy guessed with one raised eyebrow.

"I was going to say 'looking incredibly handsome tonight', but that works as well." Scott shot back, shooting what he hoped was a joking smile at the dark blonde as his date pushed him playfully.

"Oh, shush you." Jimmy paused before mumbling something that sounded like, "You really think I'm handsome?"

"Of course I do, silly." Scott said, pausing for a moment before pulling Jimmy into a kiss.

The dark blonde blinked, his face going incredibly red before he leaned into the kiss.

He pulled away a moment later, smiling slightly. Scott was going to talk when he heard the door opening.

"Greetings, you fruity little homosexuals." It was Joel, who was leaning against the doorframe wearing MLG glasses and holding a drink in each hand. "I've been sent by Lizzie to tell you to stop making out and get inside."

"WE WEREN'T-" Jimmy broke off, his face somehow going even redder than it had when Scott had kissed him.

"Hey, I am a fruity homosexual, but I'm not little." Scott pointed out. "That would imply that I'm short. I have no objection to the other part though. And it fits Jimmy." He laughed as Jimmy shoved him with a small smile.

"Shush, you." Jimmy mumbled.

"Where did you get those glasses from?" Scott asked, gesturing to the sunglasses Joel was wearing.

"I always have them on me in case I need to emphasise my coolness." Joel said without a hint of irony. "This was one of those moments. Now get inside, you two."

Scott glanced briefly at Jimmy, who was slightly less red now. "Wanna go inside now?"

"Yeah. Yeah, let's go." Jimmy said quietly, glancing at Scott with a bright expression.

Chapter summary: the start of prom. That's all I really have to say. And it is now canon that Joel has MLG glasses on him at all times

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