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Scott POV-

"Im really sorry." He blurted, glancing around the deserted hallway. Thank god school's over. This would be ten times worse if I had to do this during school hours. "And not for the reason you think. Jimmy, I don't hate you, I want to be friends with you." More than friends. "If I'm being truthful, I wanted to talk to you to ask you to go to prom, but then you said you liked someone else, and I sort of panicked and, if you can't tell, I don't handle rejection well, and I started saying things I didn't mean for no reason and you didn't deserve to hear any of that. None of it was true." Scott glanced away.

"I wasn't your friend because you're Lizzie's brother. I was your friend because you're smart, and you're funny, and you put everyone before yourself, and you have the cutest laugh and the prettiest brown eyes, and you have your silly little nicknames, and-" He broke off, staring at the dark blonde. "I could list a million more reasons why I wanted to be your friend. And why I was- and still am- completely in love with you, Jimmy Liqua-Drai."

The cyan haired boy took a deep breath. This is the hard part. "But I know that you like someone else, so I can push these feelings aside if you need me to. Heck, you don't even have to forgive me. You have every right to hate me, and I- I'm so sorry." He trailed off as he glanced at Jimmy nervously, his heart pounding in his chest.

Scott blinked as Jimmy laughed. "You are such an idiot, Scott Major." Although he said it seriously, the dark blonde was beaming and it looked like he was... crying a little bit? Is that good or bad? "I like you. But I panicked and I'm not good with asking anyone out because I have terrible social skills, so I said 'I have a crush on someone'. If you'd let me finish," Jimmy added, nudging Scott playfully, "I would have said that I had a crush on... on you." Did he just... he likes... huh? Jimmy laughed. "You look like a tomato right now, blueberry boy."

"I don't- no I- shush." Scott finished, incredibly flustered as Jimmy pulled him into a hug. "Wait, but don't you have a boyfriend?" He asked quietly.

"No. Where'd you hear that?" Jimmy asked, staring up at him incredulously.

"Well, Gem said-" he was cut off by Jimmy's angry (yet slightly adorable) yelp.

"She said what? I swear to god- I don't have a boyfriend." Jimmy paused. "I'd like one." He added in a mumble, leaning his head on Scott's shoulder, but not quite quick enough for Scott to miss Jimmy's face turning as red as his own.

Scott buried his face in Jimmy's hair, his heart pounding. That went... ten times better than I expected it to. He actually likes me. He likes me! He also noticed that he had never realised quite how fluffy and soft Jimmy's hair was.

Jimmy pulled away, glancing up at him quietly. "So... does this mean you'll go to prom with me?" He asked excitedly, his pretty brown eyes lighting up the same way they always did.

"Of course, cod b- Jimmy." Scott said with a small smile. "Why would I not?" He paused. "Do you... forgive me?"

"Of course, genius. Yes, that moment will probably stick with me forever-" Scott winced slightly. "But it's partially my fault for being socially awkward. And you did do a really nice apology." He smiled. "Do you really like my eyes that much?"

"They are one of your best features." Scott admitted with a grin. "And it's not your fault in any way."

"It kind of is- you know what, let's just agree that we're both idiots, blueberry." Jimmy said with a laugh, leaning into a hug again as Scott wrapped his arms around the shorter boy.

"That is true. Now come on, Lizzie's probably wondering where you are." Scott said with a smile, stepping back.


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