Chapter 36

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Eleanor POV

Louis and the older kids are going on tour I'll be joining them on tour also on Wednesday.

Today was so slow knowing its a Monday with out the older kids I don't have that much help it will get boring when the twins we'll take there naps and I'm alone.

The house is always clean so I invited Sophia I haven't really talk to her 'hey Sophia👋, want to go out for lunch with me and the twins?' I typed.

'Yeah sure..same place?' She ask 'yup see you in 10 minutes' I replied.

I got dress in some jeans and my PINK sweater, I got the twins ready and head off to the small cafe we always go to.


"Okay, call me if you need help to pack" I nodded and waved bye

Me and Sophia are going on tour also and she going home to pack she offered to help me pack.

"Okay little guys were going home so you can't take your nap and then your bath" I talk to Eli and Ella while I was strapping them in to there car seats I'm they can't understand me but eh.

Since we were close to Starbucks I was carving for some coffee... Instead of getting off and take the twins out I just went threw the drive threw.

"Hi welcome to Starbucks! what would you like?"

"Hello, I'd like an grande Iced Caramel Macchiato please"

"Okay,that will be $4.00 at the window"

I drove out to the window payed for my coffee and drove home before I had to pack are things.

Alyssa POV

Touring with the lads and my dad is fun... Sometimes...they can be annoying scratch that there always annoying.

"Lux calm down!" Lottie and I were in our hotel room with Lux and let me tell you that little girl is hipper we gave her some coffee big mistake😂

"She has to be in bed by 8 before Lou comes back" Lottie told me I gave a look 'i know ' face. "Let's take a picture... come lux" Lottie loves taking to much selfies I swear...

We took about 100 picture ps in till we got the right one..every girls problems. (that's me😂 anyways it's the picture Lottie posted on Instagram of her Lou and lux)

"Okay lux lets go take a bath okay before your mum comes back okay" Lottie took lux to the bathroom while I change I too some sweats and a tank top.

I was board like always.. So I decided to text Alex

'Hey babe are you in your hotel room?' See Alex join us for about two weeks only he staying with Brandon.

'Yeah meet me downstairs were going to get Taco Bell tell Lottie too'

'K' I replied I just but my Uggs on and my hair was in a messy bun just need my Hollister jacket well Alex Jacket we like the same size just they fit big on me.

"Lottie were going o Taco Bell with Alex and Brandon com on" i shouted.

"What about lux?" She asked putting on her shoes "well it's only 6:50? she has to be in bed at least by 9 or so we'll be back by that time" she nodded and got lux ready.

//Taco bell//

We walked in good thing no fans where here "okay well will go and order" Alex and Brandon left I started Snapchating us. "We're not going to the awards show right" Lottie said "yup it's there first time with out zany..." I wasn't still happy with the Louis and zany fight.

In an interview they said they all "made up" um sure they did cuz naughty boy still talking shit about us like does he have no life? And stop hating on us.?

"Food ready!" Alex handed me my tacos well all got tacos and a chicken burrito lux just had chicken on the side.

"So we're not aloud to go to the award show?" Alex ask "we could, but it's the lads first time with out Zayn... And they need to get use to It" he nodded and went back to eating bus taco.

8:30 PM

I never knew it took us an hour or two just to finish tacos and ice cream we eat slow that's why.

"Hurry up Alyssa were going to be in trouble of lux is not asleep" Lottie was panicking as we entered the hotel "okay bye babe text you later" I gave Alex a small kiss on the lips and ran to the elevator with Lottie.

"Hurry up get the room key!" Lottie was shouting at me "I'm trying!.... FOUND IT!" I push open the door to see Lou already here....

"Hey Lou..." I said all innocent she fake smiled at me and Lottie "where were you?" quite ..... "Taco Bell she already ate" Lottie said good thing lux feel asleep on are way back.

"Oh okay just give her to me and I'll but her to bed" lottie handed her a sleeping lux and she walk out.

"Few..." I said landing on my bed I texted Alex good night and my dad.

Just as I took my shoes off and hit my bed I feel asleep.

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