Chapter 14

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Liam P.O.V

I woke up early today I forgot I have to take Alyssa and Brandon to school I change to some black basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. I walk downstairs Zayn,Louis, and Gary went back home to visit family we start tour on Friday.

I made some coffee and some waffles, eggs it was 7:30AM and Alyssa or Brandon didn't came down in walk to there room I was about to knock when Alyssa open the door she look sick "what's wrong Alyssa?" I ask her "I don't know I feel sick" she answer I touch her forehead she was burning hot "ya you are sick ok stay in bed I would bring you breakfast" I told I walk to Brandon room he was sleeping? "Brandon wake up" I yell he was late for school, I walk over to him he look so pale kinda like Alyssa "am not feeling good Liam" he told me "what wrong?" "My stomach hurts aging" he said oh ya he still has a problem with that. "Ok stay in Bed I would bring breakfast" I told him and walk out of the room.

I got a plate for Alyssa,and Brandon and put some eggs and two waffles I walk back upstairs and feed them after that I clean the house it was dirty, I was finally done when I got a call from Lou.

Liam-Li Louis-Lou


Lou:Hey Liam,how's the kids?

Li:There doing great but they didn't go to school today

Lou:Oh why not?

Li:There sick Lou and I have stuff to do

Lou:oh we'll am going to be back Thursday night, but we need to figure out if Alyssa and Brandon would be home school because we have to go on tour?

Li:Ya I know we would talk about that late I got to go I have things to do bye Louis

Lou:Bye Liam

I hang up I have to go to the bank,store,and mall "Alyssa,Brandon get ready we're leaving" I yelled I walk to my room to take a shower and get ready.

Alyssa P.O.V

Liam yelled to get ready i didn't feel good at all yesterday was fun with my friends, I walk to my closet and change to some black leggings and my soccer jersey that I had when I was 11 it's big but am ok with it. My hair was a mess I just brush my hair and that's it I walk downstairs Brandon and Liam waiting for me oops haha I guess I took long.

We walk out went on the back seat Brandon passenger and Liam driving let the fun being with Liam...Haha.

**An Hour Later**

It's been an hour and we were at a store Liam said we not going to school tomorrow and other things because they start tour so yea "Alyssa go and get juice and milk" Liam order "yes what kind of juice" I ask "Any kind ,Brandon go with her and I would wait here" Liam said I me and Brandon walk over to the juice section "what kind you want" I ask Brandon "uh...Apple juice" I nodded I do like apples anyways I really wanted a Arizona I look around when I found it I got Fruit Punch,Brandon Mango we walk back to Liam but he was on the phone "yes we'll be there thank you miss Jones" Liam hang up I look at Brandon he look at he's taking us back to the orphanage?

We got all the stuff we needed and now were I'm the car going to the orphanage... And I thought they love us? But I was wrong "now we here to talk to miss Jones she has news for us" Liam said we walk inside it look like there's been new kids "oh your here welcome please enter my office" miss jones said nicely. Yea right "Now Alyssa,Brandon i know you don't want to talk about your parents but we've found out you have a sister" she said What? We have a sister? "We have a sister" Brandon ask "yes want to meet her she's small" miss jones said and left we have a little sister? I look at Liam he look shock as we are.

Miss jones came back with a small baby in her arms? "How old is she" I ask holding my sister "she is turning 2 next week and her name is Emma" Emma had dark brown hair her eyes were light brown she was cute and am not going to let her stay here she's our sister! "How she end up here miss jones?" I ask "uh your Dad left your mom after Emma was born so your mom drop her off here because she couldn't take care of here" she said I look at my sister she was falling asleep in my arms miss jones left the room "Liam am not leaving here with miss jones!" I said "ugh fine we can take her but give her to me you sick" Liam said shit I forgot I was sick i hand him Emma.

Miss jones gave like the papers while I talk to Brandon "we have a sister " I said happy "yea,now please don't tell her about Magcon and YouTubers because you fan girl to much" he said how could he say that we'll it is true "fine" I said then Liam came Back with Emma "come on where leaving and going to a store aging" Liam said I smiled.

I had to carry Emma because we don't have a car seat. We went to target got a pink and black car seat it had butterfly's it was cute and it came with a stroller we also got a changing table, a crib that look like the car seat we were done shopping now were heading home, tonight the boys come home and the get to meet Emma we got home and fix Emma's room I even help Liam make dinner I hope the boys won't mind having Emma I don't want her to go back to miss Joan's.

I guess we just have to wait and see tonight.


Hey guys sorry for not updating I was editing and next chapter am going to skip a lot so they would be on tour and stuff and maybe talk about 4th of July. And I'm taking request for.

Niall's Girlfriend

Harry's girlfriend

Comment if you want to be one of there girlfriends and I would update when ever I can!😁 sorry if it's short

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