Chapter 19

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Hayes POV

As the boys of one direction got off the stage the lights turn black just as we we're about to leave.

I turn my attention back to the stage when Tinashe - 2 on ft.SchoolBoy Q came on, Alyssa was singing and dancing and I guess her brother? Playing the drums and dancing.

Wow she's good! Next the boy started singing 23 half of it Alyssa and him showing there shoes or Jordan's.

"Hayes where leaving" Nash yelled cuz of all the girls screaming and crying? We walk out the arena and into the bus. Where going to six flags and Bart got to rent it out yeah but he said someone else did too.

To bad I won't get to see Alyssa. I have a crush on her and I wish I got to say good bye to her "Hayes let's go" Taylor said slapping me on the head I look to see we at six flags entrance.

We got inside and went in different directions I was with Cameron,Nash And Aaron we went to the food section I guess we're going to get something? I was right Cameron and Aaron got this kind of time of candy.

We went on some rides "let's go and find everyone else so we can ride that" Nash said pointing to the buggiest ride here we nodded and started walking.

Alyssa POV

Dad and Harry change to some different cloths, so all I did was fix my hair let it lose and but on my black obey hat like Brandon's.

"Let's go to six flags" dad yelled I feel like he has a problem "is he okay or is he always like this?" I ask Liam he just laugh and shook his head.

"We'll u ride with me on one please" I said to Liam "sure..?" He said not sure oh we'll.

**skip ride**

We finally made it to six flags [Happy dance] lol I open up snapchat and took a video of everyone walking. We are I guess going to the biggest ride that's all the way in the back.

I don't know the name cuz well I never been to this six flags before {some of them are different parks} as we got there zayn stop and picked up Emma and sat on a bench next to the entrance of the ride um no his going on "what you doing?" I ask "gonna stay here with Emma because she can't go on it" he said true "oh okay but you are Going on it,okay bye" I said running catching up with every one else.

Just as I turn around I see the Magcon boys? What are they doing here not to be rude but then their going to want to hang with me and the guys but I just want family time and with Brandon cuz he leaves tomorrow I turn around quickly before any of them notice me.

"Guys let's go on a different ride" I said they nodded we went on some little rides for Emma and some big rides for us "i'am hungry" Niall said "when aren't you hungry" I said he look at me with a face.

We went to this mini restaurant they had in the park. We order, now we just waiting for the food. "Hey Niall let's take a picture" I said he nodded he got up so did I we took one with me on his shoulders and another one with us dancing I just notice they had like a rain forts music Liam record us dancing.

I posted the on Instagram and snapchat I posted the the video on Instagram and the pictures. Just as we were messing around and laughing my phone was buzzing I look to see Hayes texted me on Kik


Hey your at six flags so i'am I meet me at the main entrance so we can hang out~Hayesxx

i didn't replay and how he knew I was here! He didn't see me.. Wait the pictures I posted.

Hayes POV

I was on Instagram just looking at pictures and stuff I went on Alyssa account she posted 2 pictures and 1 video.

The photo was her on Niall's shoulders next photo was her and Niall looking at each other in the eyes I was some what jealousy the video was them both dancing to parks music that was like rain first the caption read 'how me and Niall dancing to rain frost music' it was funny at some point.

I texted her to come and meet me at the main entrance with every one so we can hang out I want know more about her. She haven't replied but it said it's been read she read it but won't reply.

It's been 10 minutes and still nothing I mostly spend my time here just waiting for her to show up. Now were almost leaving I have like time to get on one Moore ride.

I was going to go on king kon with carter, Nash, Cameron and Taylor as we were walking I hear Alyssa voice I turn around to see her on her phone.

"Victoria Hayes texted me to hang out with him"


"No I can't hag out with him"


"Tori I also want to spend time with my family today's the only day were going to be together before we they leave tomorrow" Alyssa said

"Okay bye babe see you next week maybe say hi to every one " Alyssa said she hang up and ran back inside to a mini restaurant.

I walk back to Nash and them who where waiting for me to go on the ride.

All I can think about is Alyssa she's in my head 24/7 I have deep feelings for the one and only....

Alyssa Tomlinson


Sorry it's short and crappy✋ sorry I don't have my iPad I broke it! Ikr good job lol😓 anyways I will update when ever I can cuz I'm in school and have homework😒 ugh I hate school. Bye love you😘


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