Chapter 10

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Harry P.O.V

Today was Saturday it was 2:00pm we were going to go to target and the mall for Brandon and Alyssa need school stuff.I was in my room getting ready tomorrow am going yo my mums house for Mother's Day she doesn't know that it's a surprise.

I got some black skinny jeans and a gray Rolling Stone t-shirt and some converse I fix my hair and grab my phone and went downstairs. I see the boys except Alyssa.

"Hey where's Alyssa" I ask

"She's getting ready" Brandon said oh girls always take for ever!!

I sat down on the couch next to Niall they were watch 'total divas' those WWE fighters they alright it's actually fun when they fight though.

Alyssa P.O.V

I was getting ready I change to some light blue skinny jeans they look tight but there not anyways my shirt was a Cameron Dallas shirt on the back had a number 7 and said Dallas, I remember when I bought it me and Kendall got the same, I went to my bathroom and did my hair I left it wavy.

I grab my white converse and my phone and went downstairs to see the boys watching total divas? Ok then. "Hey guys am ready" I said "god you take for ever" Louis said putting his phone away. We went in Niall's I open the door to the back but there's only two seats the middle one was a cup holder and some other buttons.

"Wait theirs only two seats in the back?" I said

"We know that's why Liam taking his car" Harry said get in the passenger seat me and Brandon went in Niall's car I was on the right side Brandon was on the left side. Zayn,Louis went in Liam's car.

Niall pull out of the drive way I look around Niall's car it was black the windows were tinted, there was also a mini tv on the back set I had one and Brandon had one too.

"You have a mini tv on the back seat" I ask Niall

"Ya" he said I look at it trying to find how you turn it on I guess Brandon read my mind because he ask "can you turn them on" he ask Niall push some buttons in the front were the radio was. The mini tv on my side turn on so did Brandon I guess Niall never turn these on it look like a mini computer.

There was apps I found the YouTube app and some games wow I think it like Niall's car better!! I think Brandon too. We were still on the freeway so I open the YouTube app and search Nash Grier page I plug in my ear phones I was lucky I brought mine I pick one of his videos it was the one with his sister while it was loading I turn to see what Brandon was doing, he was on Instagram.

It look like he was looking at Kendall's Instagram Haha stalker much! He pass some pictures when he came to one that was me and Kendall who was on Brandon shoulders aww they look so happy right there. I turn away to my screen but all of a sudden the screen turn black? I took my ear phones out of my ears I look to see we're at target already.

We got out the car Niall lock his car and we stated walking inside with the other boys,I look around and smell popcorn oh my god I love popcorn so dose Brandon "can we get popcorn" me and Brandon said at the same Time haha the guys just look at us weird "come on don't just stand there lets get popcorn" Niall said.

Liam P.O.V

Niall took Brandon and Alyssa to get popcorn or what ever me and Louis and Harry went to get what they needed for school zayn went somewhere who knows where Anyways we were at the school supplies section Louis and Harry were messing around with the notebooks of us on the cover how we look different.

"Should we get one for Alyssa" Louis said laughing

"Um no she doesn't want to see us on a cover of a notebook for all day lou" I said looking at some sports notebook Brandon likes I guess,he likes football. "Um Liam, we should just get them plane notebooks" Harry said holding a purple one and a red notebook he was right "ok" I responded.

This is what we got mostly a red and black notebook for Brandon and for Alyssa a purple and a light blue notebook then some mechanical pencils they look like pens but there not I got them they whole pack that had all colors and some color pens I put all the stuff in the cart.

We left to go and find Niall and Alyssa,and Brandon we walk by the music,book,video game section Louis and Harry ran to the video games and play the wii u or something? I found Alyssa looking at a book "hey Alyssa" she turn around to see me "hey Liam" she said looking at the book aging "what's the book called" I ask looking at the cover "the fault of are stars I always wanted this book" she said handing me the book it was by John Green it look like a good book to me "do you want it" I told her she smiled "ya but I don't want to waste your money in a book that cost $10.00" she said looking at the ground "we'll I am buying you this book because you've been good this week" I said putting the book in the cart she smiled and hug me "thank you Liam".

We found the boys looking at Dr.Dre Beats "um guys we don't really need some of those"I said I walk away with Alyssa the boys behind us we went to the pay the stuff we got,it cost me $20.00 for every thing I thought it would be more but I was wrong we walk to. Niall's car and put in the bags Alyssa got her Book and started reading it we'll them someone likes to read Brandon and Alyssa were in Niall's car.

"We're should we go now" Niall ask us

"I don't know we could go and eat dinner" I said looking at the time 5:45pm they all nodded.

"Um we're too though,we could go to um Nando's" I said

"YES" Niall yelled he got in his car with Harry I laugh at them and got in my car with Louis and Zayn behind they got in and we drove off to Nando's it might take a hour to get there is the other side of London we might get there around 6:30 or more.


Hey guys so I hope you like this chapter I know the part about Niall's car sounds like a lie but I was Board and I was imagining of a car like that!! Anyways i will update maybe Saturday or next week please vote and comment.

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