Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Brandon P.O.V

I checked my phone what time it is it was 4:00pm ok now we're in big trouble "what's wrong" Alyssa said as we got to the orphanage "we're really late" i said Alyssa open the door. we tried to walk in quietly but Emily this little girl scream are name "BRANDON ALYSSA" she said happily "hi" me and Alyssa said.

We then started to walk up the stairs we were half way to the top when miss jones yelled are names "BRANDON ALYSSA COME HERE RIGHT NOW" me and Alyssa turn around to be face with miss jones.

"Hi" I said "WERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU HAD TO BE HERE AT 3:00pm" she said "i know and we're sorry" Alyssa said "THATS IT YOUR GROUNDED NO PHONES AND NO TV" she said well i don't care I barley use my phone

I looked at Alyssa ya she loves her phone she's always texting "WHAT" Alyssa yelled "YOU HEARD ME NOW GO UP STAIRS" she yelled getting mad "ok,dang" I said and we walk up stairs to are room.

Harry P.O.V

We were going to tell miss jones we didn't found anyone when we heard her yell "WERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU HAD TO BE HERE AT 3:00pm" we walked to were miss jones was ""i know and we're sorry" Some girl said I looked and saw twins? "THATS IT YOUR GROUNDED NO PHONES AND NO TV" um to harsh maybe? WHAT" the same girl said "YOU HEARD ME NOW GO UP STAIRS" miss jones yelled getting mad "ok,dang" some boy said and they walked up the Stairs.

I looked at the boys "she's to harsh on them" thy nodded there head "we should talk to them" Louis said "yea we should be for we leave" Liam said we walk up the stairs and found there door I was going to knock on the door when a small little girl beat me to it.

"Come in" I hard a girl voice the erelittle girl open the door and ran to hug some boy and then the girl I knock on the door "sorry to interrupt but can we talk to you guys" I said the boy nodded he's head "what do you need" the girl said.

I looked at the boys "were here to adopted and your the last ones" Zayn said "ok,um Emily why don't you leave" the girl said Emily nodded her head and ran out the door.

"Ok tell us about yourself" Liam said "well am Alyssa and that's Brandon" Alyssa said pointing to Brandon "oh and we're twins" Brandon said.

I looked at the boys and nodded "what do you guys like to do" I ask Brandon was the driest one to speak "we like to play soccer,basketball and football" I looked at Alyssa "I like to play soccer,sing and I love to go shopping" I nodded my head.

I looked at that boys Liam made some kinda of signal to go out side "we're just going to go outside and talk well be back" Liam said and we walk out the door.

Zayn P.O.V

I looked at the boys "i think we should adopted them" louis and Harry said "but there twins" I said "ya we need to call simon first" Liam said pulling out his phone.

We were still waiting for Liam to finish talking on the phone as I thought of that Liam hang up "so what did he say" Niall ask "he said yes we can get the two of them" "yes" Louis and Harry said while doing a happy dance.

Alyssa P.O.V

you might be thinking if am a fan of one direction i am but I am not that crazy if a fan "am surprise you didn't freak out" Brandon said "oh shut up am not like one of those crazy fans" I said "yes you are" he said back.

I was going to say something back when I heard the door open "hi" Brandon say like nothing happen "hi so um how do you like to be adopted" Liam said kinda nervous I looked at Brandon and we both nodded "YES" me and Brandon yelled.

I ran and hug Liam and the rest of them Brandon also did the same thing "well why don't you go and pack while we fill out the papers ok" Liam said we nodded are heads and they left "OMG,Brandon were getting adopted by my favorite band" I said "I thought you said your not that crazy of a fan" Brandon said "oh shut up and start packing" I said while laughing.

Liam P.O.V

We went down stairs to fill out Alyssa and brandon paper but We couldn't find maria "let's just look for miss jones in her office" Louis said I nodded my head and went to miss jones office and knock "you may come in" she said "hi miss jones we found someone we like to adopted" she smiled "who is it" she said still smiling big "um Alyssa and Brandon" Zayn said miss jones soon stop smiling.

"Is there a problem" I ask "um yes why do you want to adopted the twins" she ask kinda harsh "because we want to" I said and I give louis the papers so he can fill them out.

We give 'miss jones' the papers and left her office "Niall Harry go and get Alyssa and Brandon" I said they nodded and left.

Hey guys hope you like this chapter!! Please vote and comment I well be updating mostly everyday hopefully.

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