It's already 2016 and things have change around here mostly in the Tomlinson household. One the Brianna giving birth to "Luis Tomlinson son" let's just say management is outrage. We will be flying out to L.A today and straighten this thing out.
As for me I'm just living my single life yup you heard it I'm single, me and Alex suggested to be friends yeah I felt those sparks and all but it just started to go away overt he months he will forever be my first "love" I just wanted to live my life as a teenager I don't need no boy right now just me myself and I.
"Okay bye mom" I kiss my mom on the check as for Brandon.
"Yo, I want to meet that 'Damn Daniel" guy" Brandon said showing me the video like for the hundredth time! Don't get me wrong it was funny at first but now it's starting to get annoying, on my Instagram I get comments "damn Alyssa back at it aging with black vans" well I can't complain I love my black vans.
"He alright" I said I don't care.
We are on are way to the house my dad had rented out for the weekend, he said it was a quite place near the Hollywood sign, I can't wait! "Sorry to interpret but we are at our destination" the uber drive said. I look out the tinted window this place is awesome! It's a two story house witch is good and you can see a pool. Like spring break had just started.
I was to busy day dreaming that I was the only one left in the car 'thanks guys' walking outside it was hot I rush inside not wanted to stay out in the heat for so long. "-okay and then I'll be back to have dinner" dad was talking to Brandon who stop and look at me "I have to go and talk to management about the 'baby news' and in the mean time you guys can go to fine that Daniel kid or whatever but Take Richard" dad quickly left I turn to Richard a bodyguard my dad hired at the last minuet.
"Well I'm go and get ready" I rush into a random room and shower, getting dress in some high wastes shorts and white crop top with a light peach/pink cardigan over it i slip on some white vans ironic? Any ways I left my hair down and added a bit of mascara, eyeliner and foundation. Ready
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On are way to Anaheim that's where Disneyland is and apparently 'damn Daniel' school is near Anaheim I wonder why Brandon wants to fine this dude he acting like some fans stalking one direction but the opposite... Weird
"Brandon where basically wasting our time looking for some dude wearing white vans" I said annoyed
"Just shut up" Brandon said stubbornly
I huff and cross my arms looking out the window when I notice something that boy looks oddly familiar too familiar BINGO its that Josh dude "hey I found that kid josh" I pointed to 'josh' brandon basically jump out the car running up to the kid, our Uber drive park on the side of the road which I got off. Standing in place fixing my shorts that have travel up I hear a whistle coming from That kid josh group. Okay. Fuckboys.
"Don't whistle at my sister" Brandon said groaning he hates when guys hit on me. Well I mean... Flips hair just kidding. "Hello I'm-" I cut him off "Daniel right" he smirk "Aw babe you know my name" he said winking eww.
"I have a boyfriend" yup I tried the 'I have a boyfriend' excuse even though we all know we lying.
"That doesn't work no more babe" Daniel said. I'll slap that smirk right off his face if he don't stop flirting.
He wouldn't stop staring at me so I stared back like boo can I help you?
"Hold up are they having a moment?" One of Daniels friends. I gaged god no.
"They are having a moment!"Josh said smiling.
"He's single" josh added smirking while his friends nodded.
"Well I'm not" I said with that turning around and leaving.