Chapter 23

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Alyssa POV

I was in my room lock up nothing to do thanks to Brandon never tell your brother your in a relationship. Never.

Thanks to my brother my dad found out about me an Hayes. I'm now somewhat grounded? But Simon called me telling me to come in the studio to record some songs.

But dad 'talk to him' so I can't go thanks dad.

Anyway after talking to some YouTubers Jenn and Andrea, I actually want to start a YouTube account. But first I need help.

I sneak out of my room to the living room, I see my phone next to a plant? Really a plant,My phone is pink obviously you can see it.

Me: Hey Andrea!

And: Hey Al

Me: so remember you told I should make a YouTube account?

And: Yeah..wait you going to do it!!

Me: Yes and I need help can you come over?

And: Suer I just need the address

Me: Thank you I'll send you the addresses.

Good thing were still in LA.

|hour later|

"Okay so let's do a #AskAlyssaAndAndrea video!" She said so we did we went on twitter telling people to ask us something's..

Somehow are #AskAlyssaAndAndrea is trending! "Are hashtag is trending" I said to Andrea,We made a little dance for fun lol.

Andrea was setting everything up while I change into better cloths, black leggings,and my one direction hoodie it was Harry's tattoos {have you guys seen it! I want one!!} my hair was flatiron. Nothing too fancy but yeah.



A: "Hey guys it Alyssa and today I have a special guest..Andrea russet!"

Andrea: "hello beautiful people" waving.

A: "so this is my first video if you haven't notice! Anyway so for today's video me and Andrea tweeted #AskAlyssaAndAndrea and it's trending worldwide thanks guys, so a lot of you ask a lot of question,so let's get started!"


After we finish are video we edit and upload it .

Andrea left since my dad would be here any time now.

"Alyssa were home" dad said "hi, um I'm going to bed goodnight and I already ate dinner,see you in the morning" I kiss them on the cheek.

I watch some movies texted Andrea and Jenn also Victoria.

I soon feel asleep.

Louis POV

I know Alyssa took her phone and did a YouTube video with Andrea Russett?

We're actually watching her video.

"She's hot" harry said.

I had mail came in, one of them caught my eye.

It was to go to court, for Emma Tomlinson.

Wait so Emma is not Brandon and Alyssa baby sister??

I was shock so was the lads, court is on Friday and today is Wednesday.

"So Emma's real parents want her back?" Niall ask Liam nodded .

"But me and Emma have a special bond, I going to miss her" harry cried I soon started crying also..

How I'm I going to tell my Brandon and Alyssa?!

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