Chapter 35

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Brandon POV

Today we are packing up our stuff we are going on tour with our dad and uncles plus Lottie might come,actually dad lands here in the UK around 1:40PM he and the lads got some time off even for Easter to sad mom couldn't be here.

"can you at least help me?!" Alyssa been nagging me about helping her with this party she hosting which contians me doing watching the twins 24/7,bake at least 12 cupcakes , and clean the living room. Is she fucking crazy how im i suppouse to watch twins,bake cupcakes and clean?? this bitch is crazy just kidding ill never call my sister a bitch.

'' Okay ill take care of Eli and you take Ella" I said Alyssa nodded and grab Ella and they went outside.

"Okay bud let see what your crazy sister wants us to do" I talk to Eli who only stare at me with his big blue eyes.

I somewhat laugh quietly first off I had to clean the living room and kitchen, good thing our rooms are never messy, after that Alyssa and I but the twins down for a nap and got ready to bake cupcakes.

//2 Hours Later//

We finally got everything ready for our Easter party just family well just dad family and some friends.

It was already 2:00PM and dad had already landed we got a call saying there on there way here, mostly all our friends and guest are here.

"The party turn out great actually I really like-" I was talking to Alyssa when I got cut off by the door opening I turn around and see mom?

"Mom??" We said at the same time. she nodded "what's are you doing here?" I ask.

"I never really left to LA because my flight got cancelled and I don't want to leave you guys alone not even the twins, and I see you have a party gouge on" we both nodded.

"Well but your bags away and come and join the party" Alyssa said

Just as mom went upstairs to her room dad walk in with Lottie right behind him what's is going on.

"Dad!" We both ran up and had. Group hug "where's the twins?" He ask "upstairs but I'm mom is back..." Dad nodded and went upstairs I hope they make up or something.

"Hey babes" lottie said giving Alyssa a hug and me.

"I'm starving, but I need to see my mum see you guys outside?" She ask "ill be there in a minute." I replied walking right behind her Alyssa stayed behind eating for her boyfriend.

Alyssa POV

I was waiting for Alex by the door I invited him to our easter party I was hosting. Just before I call him he came threw the door.

"Hey babe" he said giving me a kiss on the cheek "hey, let's go outside..." He nodded I took his hand in mind and walk outside. We found. A spot near Lottie and Brandon "hey" Alex said Lottie never meet Alex so this is the first time and she a little bit over protective of me were like sisters.

Just as I thought Lottie wouldn't approve they actually are getting along "when do you guys leave for tour" Alex knew I was going I even invited him also and her was more happy to come "Tuesday..." It got silence before on if could speak mom and dad came out holding Eli and Ella and holding hands? What's going on aging??

Just before anyone could speak the shared a little they back together? right before I said it grandma bet me to it "you guys back together!" They both nodded we all cheered we even took photos.


Some of our guest had left already only grandma and Alex are here "let's take pictures guys before I leave" Lottie yelled dragging my hand near a rose bush.

We took a lot of pictures and wired poses "send me those okay" I told her she nodded and soon got them I post mine on Instagram 'miss this salt👯😛' Lottie posted the same thing.

"Bye I'll see you on Tuesday or when ever" Lottie says waving goodbye.

Mo and dad went to but the twins asleep while I went to change to my pajamas.

Before I went down stairs I got a text message from Alex.

Alex💖:"hey babe,just got home and wanted to say goodnight😘"

Alyssa💖:"okay,night Babe😘"

Alex💖:"text you tomorrow"


I out my phone to charge and walk downstairs and said goodnight to mom and dad "night!" They yelled back.

When I soon hit my pillow I was knock out.

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