Chapter 12

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Alyssa P.O.V

Today is Monday first day of school😒 yesterday went really good Eleanor love my present! Anyways I got up and went to take a shower. After I finish I went to my closet and change to some blue short shorts and my O2L shirt ya I went Digifest (I really did😍) And my black vans next I did my hair in a high ponytail.

I went downstairs to see Liam drinking coffee "can I get some" I ask "no your to young" he said "but I had some before?" "Ok but I made eggs and some pancakes" Liam said I went and grab a plate for me I got some eggs and one pancake I don't like to eat that much I sat down next to Liam on the table and eat.

Brandon came down and ate Louis also came, "come on guys we have to go school almost starts" Lou said getting his keys I went to the living to get my bag it was black with pink flowers Eleanor got for me. It had a purple and light blue notebook that Liam bought me and Brandon.

Brandon had a light green backpack and he's stuff? We got in the car Liam and Louis were going to take us I look at my phone 8:20am uh. School started at 8:30am "ok guys have a grate day!"Lou said "thanks" Brandon said "see you after school bye guys" Liam Saudi driving away.

I guess me and Brandon are kinda early? We walk to the office a old looking lady came "you must be new,what's your names" she ask "am Brandon and Alyssa Tomlinson" Brandon said she type something on the computer "ok let me get your schedules" she said walking to a room.

She came back and handed us a paper "there you go have a nice day" she said me and Brandon walk out I look at my class.

1st- Math

2nd- P.E

3rd- History


4th- Spanish

5th- Free Period

6th- English

I look at Brandon we had 2 class together History,and English.

*Brandon schedule*

1st- P.E

2nd- Spanish

3rd- History


4th- Math

5th- Soccer Practice

6th- English

I said bye to Brandon as he walk to the gym I walk to math class uh I hate math!! "Hi" someone said i look to see a girl she look like me but she had light blue hair she was kinda fat but she look nice "hi am new here" I said "I know am Kim" "and am Alyssa" turns out we have the same class math,P.E and History.

We walk to class turns out she likes one direction and Youtubers we might get along so well "so this is Mrs.Williams math class"she walk to the back of the room I follow her and sat next to her "who are they" I ask pointing to a group of girls one of them was staring at me I feel like I know her? "Oh that's the popular group one" "oh what's there names" I ask "Victoria is the main leader, then Kendall,,Rebecca and Alexa she said "I don't like them" Kim said to me.

Class was about to start when Victoria and her 'Friends' were walking over to us "hey am Victoria" Victoria said her friends wave at me then I look at Kendall it's her it's actually her "Alyssa?" Kendall said I nodded "Oh.My.God Alyssa I miss you so much" Kendall said hugging me I hug back "I miss you too Kendall..." I said "Wait you know the slut?" Kim said I look at here how could she sat that!! "Um she's not a slut she's my best friend Bitch" Kim look surprise so did Kendall and her friends... So was I.

I never knew I had this side of me before "hey Alyssa why don't you seat next to me" Kendall said i look at Kim and she look at me I know Kendall way more "sure" I said I got up and follow them to the corner "ok so that's Victoria,Rebecca and Alexa" she pointed to them I look at Victoria she has red hair and she looks pretty she's skinny, Rebecca had black hair she look like a bit of a girly/tomboy but pretty, Alexa too she had dark brown hair and like a girly/Tomboy look also "hi" I said looking at them "hey" they all said.

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