Chapter 26

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Louis POV

I was with Eleanor the whole time we went outside were the pool was.

"So tomorrow We can spend the whole day together " I told her she seem excited.

"Can't wait" she smiled and kiss me. we spent the rest of the night talking and looking at the stars.

Brandon POV

Alyssa seem to hit it off with Alex.😏

I think I can trust Alex with dating Alyssa he's a nice guy and not a jerk.

"Hey Brandon" I turn around to see the magcon boys.


"Happy birthday to you and Alyssa" they said.

"Thanks you guys having fun?" I ask.

"Yeah it's just we have to leave now" cameron spoke.

"Oh okay but thanks for coming" I was then drag from Niall,Harry and Liam?

"May I help you?" I ask.

"What we can hang with you" said Niall.

"I guess" we then stared joking around like dancing making wired dance moves.

Alyssa POV

"Hi" hayes said nervous.

"Hi.." I said back not really wanting to talk.

"Happy birthday and I'm sorry of what happen to us please forgive me" he begged.

"That's why you came here? To beg to forgive you?" What a jerk.

"Please I want to be friends at least."

"I- " I didn't finish because Alex was calling my name.

"Alyssa" I turn around to face Alex.

"Oh sorry,but Liam is looking for you" I nodded.

"Bye hayes see you around" I walk away

"So where's Liam" I said looking around.

"He's not looking for you"

"Then why you say" I ask confuse.

"I can tell you didn't want to hayes" he look at me.

"Oh thanks" I give a small smile to him.


Everyone went home and the funny part is we for got to cut the cake😂

So me,Brandon,Liam,Louis,Eleanor,Sophia,Harry,Niall,And Zayn are eating the huge cake the bottom part was chocolate second part is Red velvet and the third part is
marble cake. (Cake on the side)

We all got three pieces "I love marble cake!" Brandon yelled I laugh.

I believe Harry and Niall are a bit drunk.

Harry and Niall were having a cake war once aging remember Emma's birthday.

Awe Narry moment that I had to record it.

Harry got a handful of his cake he was going to throw it to me which I moved quickly and it hit Eleanor.

See its me, Eleanor then Sophia.

"HARRY!" Eleanor got some cake but miss Harry it then hut louis on the face.

Next thing I know we're covers in cake.

I had Red velvet on my red hair haha that's funny red velvet in my red hair..Haha no?

The whole cake was every where in the walls tables floors.

I then see Niall licking himself I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny" ask dad I pointed to Niall.

We then all stared laughing.

"I think it's time to sleep" Liam said.

We walk out the party room and up to our hotel rooms.

"Night!!" Harry yelled. that boy is seriously drunk.

"Remember studio tomorrow with JB" Brandon said leaving to his room.

"I know, now goodnight"

I got dress in my pajamas and laid on my bed.

I posted some photos of the party and the video of Harry and Niall moment.

Also on Twitter I had a message from Hayes saying "can we please be friends"

I really don't care any ore so I said "I guess and goodnight"

Tomorrow I get to record a song with JB and maybe Ariana Grande?

I soon feel asleep can't wait for tomorrow.

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