So many things happen for a reason and we have to go with it even i it means losing a special person god has a reason for it, I know my mom is in a better place and shes watching all of us from above. I cant express how grateful I'm for my fans for keeping me and my family in their prayers.
I'm at my moms house i promise her I'd also take care of the kids even though Daniel works double shifts to support the kids, me,Eleanor,Felicite, Lottie and Tommy are here to help Dan. I come try visit every morning with Eleanor she comes and makes lunch or anything and helps Daisy and Phoebe get ready or school and Lottie comes and takes Ernie and Doris for the day, Felicite comes at nights and thats what we do.
"Dan I'm going to take the kids for the weekend is that find?" I ask
"go ahead Lou, they need to get out of the house more often..."
I nodded my head, "will do I'll call you later"
I headed out to the car where the kids are waiting,We started our drive that would be couple minuets or an hour depend on traffic.
Alyssa POV
I look at my scrap book that had pictures when i first meet dad's family and a picture of me and my grandma.From the first day i meet her i adore her she was like another mom to me and now shes gone i will never forget the day she pass away the last words she said to me and Brandon "Brandon and Alyssa I'm Proud Louis adopted you guys and where my first grandchildren I feel like I've knew you all my life and I know its only been two years since you been adopted and i wish i could be there for many more years...I'm just so lucky to call you my grandchildren" I felt a tear running down my cheek and landed on the picture i was looking at, before i can wipe the tear away my door open.
Brandon came in but once he saw what i was doing his eyes became watery .
"W-what a-are y-you d-doing..." his voice cracking.
I wipe away the tears in my eyes "I was just looking my scrap book and found the picture we first meet Johannah i miss her so much" I started to cry again.
Brandon came to my side and sat on my bed and hug me rubbing his hands on my back and whisper in my ear 'I miss her too' we were having the brother and sister moment when someone open my room door and in came my mom i guess she knew because she came and join our group hug we stayed like this for a couple minuets.
We broke apart as the front door open meaning dad is home we freshen up and went downstairs where Daisy,Phoebe,Ernie and Doris were at i went and gave them all hug. dad must of sense something the way he look at us he must of saw my puffy eyes and how red are they.
"why dont you guys o and watch tv?" i mention towards to Daisy and Phoebe.
they walk off to the living room Ernie waned me to carry him and i did we played for a while and when Eli and Ella were awake they played with each other.
I walk into the kitchen where mom and dad are talking and me being me decided to listen i hide behind a fake plant mom had near the kitchen door. Dad seem stress out he had his hands on his head.
"I trying to convince Dan in to buying a home here in London or near but he wans Lottie and Felicite approval"
"Lou what if the girls dont want o leave? what about school their friends?" Mom said.
"El I know but Lottie was thinking about home school for the girls so when they are ready to back to public school, they need a break and Lottie was thinking about putting them in a sport we want to try for a while and see how it goes"
Mom nodded "Okay if that what going to happen I'm in,Now how about Nando's for dinner?"
Dad smiled "sounds good to me"
I left and ran back to the living room and jump on couch and pretended i was here the whole tire time.
"Kids were going out to eat lets get ready.Ernie,Doris come here" Dad said
I went to my room and look in my closet to change out of my Pajamas i heard a knock before i could say 'who' Daisy and Phoebe walk in with there suit bags.
"Can we change in here" Phoebe said.
I nodded even thought we spare rooms i didnt want to be rude.
I went to my bathroom and got dress into a burgundy sweater and black skinny jeans and some black UGG's my hair was in a side braid i but minimum of makeup eyeliner and mascara. I walk out of my bathroom Daisy and Phoebe weren't dress yet they had clothes laid out.
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"Need help?" i ask.
They nodded I saw a pink v-back sweater i grab it and toss it to Daisy and her regular skinny jeans and her white converse and a light pink grayish choker.For phoebe the same sweater but in yellow and regular skinny jeans with her white converse and the same choker Daisy had . I like when they twin they so cute! okay hair i curled both their hair light making them look like beach waves.
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