Chapter 6

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Brandon P.O.V

When we got home some of us were asleep mostly the girls I woke up Alyssa that took forever she likes to sleep a lot and never wake up "can someone carry me" she ask "No" I said getting out of the car " I will carry you" Harry said "ok" she said sticking out her arms she can walk her self i got all my stuff and Eleanor got Alyssa bags.

We walk inside to see everybody on the big couch Harry had Alyssa on his Lap, I drop are bags next to are rooms I came back down and sat next to Eleanor and Louis "what dose your shirt say" Harry ask Alyssa "it's Magcon" she said happily "omg you know Magcon too" Eleanor ask "YES!!" She scream she loves Magcon,there alright I mean there vines are funny at some point "what and who are Magcon" Liam ask confuse and the rest of the boys nodded "Oh no" I said "why you said oh no?" Harry said "when you say Magcon,Alyssa fan girls over them and won't stop talking for about an hour" I said "No I do not it's not plus it's not my fault that there hot" Alyssa said "soo what are they do they sing or something" Zayn ask "no they make funny vine videos and YouTube videos oh and they travel to meet fans and some of them can sing" Alyssa said all happy " can we see there vines, you can connect your phone to the tv and we can see them from there" Niall said.

Alyssa got up and went next to the tv and connected her iPhone, in about 2 seconds Alyssa phone screen pop up she went to her apps and found the vine app and click it. The first video was Nash and his little sister he ask her what dose a turtle sounds like and she made these noise, "so what's there names" Louis ask "there's Nash,Cameron,Carter,Aaron,Shawn,Taylor,Jack G,Matthew,and Jack J and theres nine" she said "oh and Nash has a brother who is kinda in Magcon,his name is Hayes" she said in love ya she likes Hayes,Cameron,Shawn,Nash she loves them all but her favorite is Cameron Dallas.

We were still watching there vines Eleanor,Perrie,Sophia and Alyssa were in fan mode "can we do something else" I ask "NO!!" The girls scream "ok,I was just asking" I said I turn to the boys who we're watching the vines "So what we're doing tomorrow" I said "we'll tomorrow is Easter and are families are coming over for a BBQ so you would meet them" Liam said getting up "oh ok" I said getting up "It's time for bed it's 9:30pm and we need to get up early" Liam said grabbing Sophia's Hand and going upstairs "Ya me too" I said getting up. I got to my room and got my bags that were outside I put them in my closet and charged my iPhone I got to my bed and feel asleep.

Alyssa P.O.V

I was still watching vines with Eleanor and Perrie but I was getting tired "hey am going to bed" I said unplugging my iPhone from the tv "goodnight" I said "goodnight" Eleanor and Perrie said I walk to my door to see my bags on the floor next to my door I grab all of them and put them in my walk in closet. I change in some blue basketball shorts with a black tank top i,put my hair in a messy bun but my bangs were out I got in bed and played awhile on my phone I wasn't that tired so I turn on the tv and watch tv I saw getaway the movie that Selena Gomez in I like that movie.

Louis P.O.V

Me and the boys were talking except Liam and Sophia who went to bed it was me Niall,Zayn,Perrie,and Eleanor "so how do you like Brandon and Alyssa" I ask Eleanor and Perrie "they seem nice like with Alyssa I feel like will get close" Eleanor said "Ya she also had a hair cut that look like Eleanor's" Perrie said "Yup but am glad you guys are getting along so Brandon use to had a girlfriend" I told them "really what happen" Perrie ask "he said her name is Kendall and they broke up because she move to LA,ca" I said "Aww,poor kid" Eleanor said "ya we should go to bed it's getting late" I said turning off the tv.

We all walk upstairs I grab Eleanor hand and went to my room I walk past Alyssa room to here the tv on I open the door to see asleep I let go of Eleanor's hand and turn off the tv and the light I close her Door and went to my room with Eleanor I change in some pjs and so did Eleanor we both feel asleep once we were on the bed.

Alyssa P.O.V

I open my eyes to see its morning I got out and check the time 10:00am wow I sleep a lot I walk to my closet and got some black leggings I put on a black tank top with a Hollister hoodie that is red I put that on,I went to the bathroom and put my hair in a messy high ponytail I went to my closet and got some black vans on I grab my iPhone and went downstairs.

I got downstairs and went to the kitchen where mostly everybody was there but not Brandon I was going to ask we're Brandon was but he came threw the door "good morning" I said "good morning" they said they were just sitting in the table "so what we're doing" I ask "we're going to the store, so eat something were leaving in 5 minutes" Liam said wo daddy direction "ok" me and Brandon said I got some cereal and sat down Brandon got the same thing and sat down too.

We finish eating I put are bowls in the dishwasher, I went in the living room were everybody was "ok let's go we need to come back @ 4:00pm" Liam said we walk out the door and in the car in the back was me,Eleanor,and Sophia in front was Perrie on zayns lap then Brandon,Harry and Niall Liam was driving and in the passenger set was Louis.

Everybody was on there phone I took pictures with Eleanor and Sophia I then change my lock screen wallpaper to one photo we took when we came to a stop I look out the window to see we're at Costco "ok let's go" Liam said getting out the door with us following out we got inside Liam got a cart and so did Harry and Niall "ok why so do we need 3 carts" I said confuse "we need Easter things and BBQ stuff and then we get stuff we need for our selfs" Liam said we walk all walk in different directions me and Louis and Eleanor Brandon went with Niall Sophia and Liam left there way and Harry went with Zayn and Perrie.

I wonder if there families would be nice to me and Brandon but I think they all have sisters and Niall has one brother uh I don't know might as while wait for later I thought we walks to we're they sale the cakes and cookies "ok Alyssa you get the cookies and we would get the cake ok" Louis said "ok" I said walking the others way were the cookies where.


I think this chapter is long!! Thanks for reading please vote and comment and I hope I can update soon.


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