Chapter 21: Watching eyes of the cats

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As the leaves began to turn a bright yellow, chatter grew louder in Cappy town. Perched upon one tree, looking up to the castle, was Mew Mew. After some time she was final now able to sneak around the castle to watch their targets actions. However she didn't intend to go completely alone, she'd invited her twin sister Mewwy, who was rather late. Mew Mew picked leaves out the tree dropping them to the floor, she'd been waiting for 20 minutes now. Just as Mew Mew was about to go on her own, Mewwy teleport out of the sky and landed next to her.

"What took you so long Mewwy?" Mew Mew asked her sister.

"Well I got caught up because.. I... Uhhh.."

"You don't have a reason do you, now come on!" Mew Mew yelled, grabbing her sister by the arm and pulling her along as the two flew up to the castle. Upon reaching the castle, the two began to search for a way in. After looking for a few different ways which included, breaking windows, busting down doors and other ways to get in, Mewwy asked her sister

"Hey, couldn't we just like, teleport in?"
Mew Mew stared at her in surprise, looking almost annoyed she hadn't thought of that already. The two stared at each other in silence for a minute before Mew Mew grabbed Mewwy by the shoulders and started shaking her back and forth
"WHY DIDNT YOU SAY THAT BEFORE?!" Exclaimed Mew Mew, not quite in anger but very annoyed.
"Well your in charge Mew Mew, I'm only here to do as you ask." Mewwy replied simply, with almost a sweet and awkward tone to it. Mew Mew let her ago and muttered something before grabbing Mewwy by the hand and teleporting the two of them inside the castle.

Upon teleporting inside, they found themselves in an empty corridor, it appeared they had hit a jackpot in where they teleported. Mew Mew signalled to Mewwy to stay high and close to the ceiling in order to stay hidden, while she began listening into the doors. After a while she heard a loud 'poyo' exclaimed from the other side of the corridor, she flew over to the door and sure enough she heard it again. She signalled for Mewwy to get down, as Mewwy flew down, Mew Mew began to explain how they were going to enter.

"We can't just enter normally, that will created too much noise, and if we teleport, we may appear in front of their eyes. I don't know about you but I don't want to become Kirby food. What we are going to do, is open the door as quietly as possible and peak inside, we'll then locate the nearest hiding place and fly their, we may have to use different hiding place depending on the spots size." The two nodded and we're ready to enter the room.

Mewwy, gently lowered the door handle, creating very little noise, she pushed the door open ever so gentle and peaked inside, she saw three figures who she didn't know sat inside discussing something, Mew Mew popped her head in next to Mewwy and then grabbed her arm almost making Mewwy scream, however Mew Mew covered her mouth. She then pulled her on to a half empty shelve, it was rather dusty and had a few books along the other side. Mewwy could make out the cover of the nearest book, it was extremely old and faded but she could read the title "the ancients and gods" and saw two figures on either side, one appeared pink and held a long staff while the other was the other was a baby blue and was similar proportion wise, he had a rather different staff.

Mew Mew was gazing down upon the three and listened in to the conversation..

"It doesn't make any sense, we've never had a seasonal rotation and all of a sudden we have one, someone or something must of caused this to happen Tuff!"

"Well Tiff you do seem to have a few suspicions about Fomey, perhaps ask her, she does seem to be a very powerful entity, being able to hold a ghost!"

"That's a good point, have you got anything to say Kirby?"


"What did I even expect from you... It seems that what ever has happened must of been cause by Fomey, but why.."

Tuff shrugged at this, Tiff then picked up a planner filled with notes and such, the three then left the room as Kirby ran off ahead. Once the door was shut and they were out of ear shot, Mew Mew and Mewwy flew down to the ground and left the room. "Well Mewwy I don't think that was of much use to us for current plans but perhaps for future plans, anyway why don't we go see wha-" Mew Mew began to tell Mewwy before they both heard a strange noises from the farthest door away from them.

Upon reaching the door, the two put their ears to it and heard what sounded like many whispers before it paused. "I didn't hear this before!" Mew Mew whispered,
"I wonder who or what it is.." responded Mewwy still whispering. The two gently opened the door and saw the figure of Fomey stood in the corner looking up at something they were unable to see.
"What is she doing, is she insane or hallucinating or something??" Mew Mew quietly exclaimed
"It's like she's talking to someone, maybe it's a ghost or something!" Mewwy responded keeping her voice down.

Fomey stood there for a moment in silence before she turned around ever so suddenly, Mew Mew and Mewwy had no choice but to fly up and hide on the ceiling, Fomey came out and looked around but didn't look high enough to see them, she shrugged and went back inside, shutting the door. The two flew back down and decided to not open the door again, they placed their ears against the doors and after a moment the language changed to English and they knew what was being said.

"Jeez, I haven't spoken in this language for a while, do you mind if we talk in English for now?"

"Thanks brother I really appreciate that, as I was saying,  has started destroying Celstar, I knew he hated the planet and wanted to destroy but I didn't know it would be now!"


Fomey then groaned in annoyance, "anyway, Meta is really nice! Don't you think!"

"Brother that wasn't his fault he attacked my arm like that, it's like the same thing as a blood moon except it happened randomly when he's angered too much!"

"It is such a shame only I can see you, I'm sure Hazel would love to at least be able to talk to you."

"Anyway do you know where is the silver candlestick your stuck in?"

"Do you seriously not know where it is?!"

"So you can only leave the candlestick in a spiritual form if it's around me, so you can't just appear outside it unless I'm nearby. Fair enough."

"Oh well I'll see you soon! I should get going now, bye!"

The two heard footsteps coming their way and just as the door handle turned they were outside. They were back in the tree, though this time there was a couple below them. The couple was a Vulpix and an Eevee, they were chatting away and seemed very happy. Mew Mew recognised them, one was a Vulpix named Flare and the other was an Eevee named Sylvia, however she didn't appear to be a ghost despite the fact she has been dead for years now.

"Well Mewwy, I will see you very soon my dear sister, for now I must return and share my information, even if it's no use for fighting. Bye now!" Mew Mew exclaimed to Mewwy, the two waved goodbye as Mew Mew flew away. Mewwy remembered about the book she saw and decided she would go back another day to read it. She then teleported home back to her safe space, while the Dark Stars plotted their next attack.

P.S. A bloody moon is something where on certain nights, vampires, demons, beastmen and other creatures become extra violent compared to normal.

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