All Of Me - LiLo

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Prompt; Louis sometimes feels insecure about his boyfriend loving him; Liam couldnt be more happier convincing Louis he does love him

Pairings; Louis Tomlinson & Liam Payne

Ages; Liam 22, Louis, 22


What would I do without your smart mouth?

Louis can't tell you how it happened; how he fell head over heels in love with Liam James Payne.

Liam, the boy he grew up with, the one who used to steal his leggo blocks in kindergarten, and spit in his hair at Junior Primary School.

By the time they were in Year 7, Louis knew he was gay, and his 'bully', who was in fact Liam, the man he loves today, was also the first person he came out too.

It may have been an accident, but Louis had a smart mouth back then - he still does; although he didn't realize it would get him to this point.

Liam threw a spit ball at the back of Louis' head, grinning madly as the sassy child turned around in his seat to flip Liam off.

"Fuck off, ya twat." Louis had cursed, which was no surprise to Liam - Louis always had a dirty little mouth.

"Louis Tomlinson," The teacher glared, "Your mother ought to wash your mouth out with a bar of soap!"

"But he bloody spat on me!" Louis had snapped back, "Dirty prick got spitty paper in my hair!"

"You need to go to the Withdrawal room right now!" She stomped, grabbing her note pad and jotting in the unfilled paperwork.

"Sucker!" Liam had blurted as he began to laugh.

"Shut up!" Louis stood from his seat and grabbed Liam's ruler, whacking Liam in the arm with it.

"Oi! Ya asshole!" Liam snapped.

"Withdrawal for you too, Liam!" The teacher growled.

Before both boys knew it, they were entering the empty classroom with their yellow papers, detailing the reason they were summoned to the withdrawal room.

Louis huffed at the fact no teacher was currently in the room, "We wouldn't be in here if you just quit ya idiocy." Louis sat at a spare desk at the back, crossing his arms.

"I cant help it if my hotness demands to have some fun." Liam shrugged and sat down.

"Hot? Pfft, you wish!" Louis snickered.

"You got googly eyes for me, I'm that hot I turn straight guys gay." Liam grinned.

"Nice try, I was born gay-" Louis covered his mouth as his cheeks warmed up; had he really blurted such a thing in such an indecent moment.

"Oh?" Liam rose a brow, "You are gay?"

Louis frowned, but sent Liam a sour look, "Go ahead and make fun of me, I get it at home so I'm already used to the torment; Hit me with ya best shot."

"My friend is gay." Liam simply said, sitting in the seat beside Louis, smiling, "Ain't nothin' wrong with liking boy's."

From that day forward, Liam hadn't been such a jerk, actually, Liam was a lot more friendly after that.

And soon enough those two started dating after Liam admitted he may have liked boys too.

Louis sighed, hearing his bedroom door open, and watched as Liam walked in with a huge grin, a plastic bag in his right hand and a tray of Chocolate Frappé's.

"Miss me?" Liam asked, kicking the door shut behind him.

Louis snorted, "I was gettin used to your absence; it was quite peaceful." Louis joked with a smile, sitting up so his boyfriend could join him on the bed.

"I got your favorite." Liam smiled.

"Cheese pizza?" Louis rose a brow.

"Fried Rice and Sweet and Sour Pork?" Liam said confused.

Louis grinned, "Just testing you."

Liam laughed, leaning over and placing his lips upon Louis', giving him a sweet, yet small kiss.

Louis sighed as their lips parted, pursing his lips to the side.

As much as Louis couldn't remember when he fell in love with Liam, he questioned more of when Liam did.

How could Liam come from hating Louis and tormenting him, to kissing and cuddling within a few years?

Louis couldn't answer that.

What's going on in that beautiful mind?

Liam searched within Louis' eyes, knowing something wasn't quite right.

"What is it?"

Louis stared at Liam in confusion, "What's what?"

"Don't play riddles with me, Lou. I know that look. What are you overthinking?" Liam pulled Louis close, rubbing his hips soothingly.

"Do you love me?" Louis bit his bottom lip, staring at Liam shyly.

"To the moon and back. Why?" Liam hummed, smiling at Louis.

"You used to spit ball me in class." Louis shrugged.

"I used to spit ball my father." Liam grinned.

Louis frowned, "Why?"

"It got your attention; You were cute when you were mad." Liam shrugged.

Louis slapped Liam's chest, rolling his eyes at the boy he loved.

All of me, loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections.

Liam chuckled, "You mean the world to me Lou, please don't ever doubt that." Liam spoke softly, gently rubbing Louis' cheek with his thumb.

"Sorry." Louis sighed, "I get a bit, self conscious."

"You are so beautiful, baby." Liam kissed his nose, "The most beautiful boy aside from Taylor Lautner." Liam grinned.

Louis groaned, "Don't compare me to SharkBoy, I'll bite your dick off."

"Oh Lou, I even love your dirty talk." Liam grinned, "Now kiss me and let me show you that beautiful boy I love, starting from those beautiful blue eyes, sweet cheeks, adorable tummy, perfect bum - which is quite a handful," Liam winked, pinching Louis' left arse cheek, before pulling the boy onto his lap and holding him close, "All the way down your luscious legs and cute little toes."

Louis blushed madly, pouting, "You make me feel so weak."

"You make me happy. " Liam smiled.

Louis smiled, pressing his lips to Liam's.

"You're my end and my beginning, even when I lose I'm winning." Liam whispered against his lips, qouting John Legend's All Of Me song.

Louis smiled, "You amazing idiot."

"Thank you." Liam grinned.

"I love you." Louis buried his face in Liam's neck.

"And I undeniably love you, babe." Liam held him close, closing his eyes.

Author's Note; Did I succeed at a fluffy one shot?

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